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The Fox And The Child - In cinemas tomorow


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They made that fox look so cute. And guess what I have just looked at the LACS website and its on there front page tossers. I thought they will be all over it.


A new movie that celebrates the beauty and the mystery of the fox??? They maybe beauty but whats the mystery?:good:

Edited by dustyfox
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They made that fox look so cute. And guess what I have just looked at the LACS website and its on there front page tossers. I thought they will be all over it.


A new movie that celebrates the beauty and the mystery of the fox??? They maybe beauty but whats the mystery?:good:

Quite true, they look very cute in the cross hairs. The mystery is why people pay to see this garbage.

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I saw this one being plugged on a luvvie TV show. I couldn't work out if it was aimed at kids or was "arthouse" for Guardian reading sandal wearers.


No nudity, no plot, no car chases, no fighting and no gun play - yes, they will be queuing round the block to get in and see it.


There's a Star Wars cartoon coming out that my kids want to see and I am booked in for.


The only kids that will actually want to see this will become Guardian reading cinema officiandos or Bill Oddie. Either way, I suspect they are already lost to the cause.


Typical though, I didn't see from the reviews any mention of screen time dedicated to the fox ******* up or raiding my bins or howling at it all night. Mind you, it will probably get an Oscar.

Edited by Mungler
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Perhaps it will be like tarka the otter at the end and instead of a spade it will be some farmer who nails the fox in front of the little girl.


Why the hell did Tarka the otter have to finish off like that, mentally scarred me watching that as a child

Edited by Dr W
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Saw a sneak preview of this one :good: I'm gonna ruin it all for ye now by telling the ending, so don't keep reading if you don't want to know...




Just as the happy lot are walking off into the sunset, to live happily ever after, you can see a faint red mist puffing out of foxy just before he drops...


Now that's what I call a happy ending :yes:

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so, will this pile of puke be a remake of the old disney animated flick, the fox and the hound :good: but i guess they cant do it with a hunting dog so they've swapped it for a sickly sweet little oddyite..... ( gggrrrhh.... the thought of a small girl in a dress with a bill oddie face/beard just sent a shiver down my spine...........)

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so, will this pile of puke be a remake of the old disney animated flick, the fox and the hound :) but i guess they cant do it with a hunting dog so they've swapped it for a sickly sweet little oddyite..... ( gggrrrhh.... the thought of a small girl in a dress with a bill oddie face/beard just sent a shiver down my spine...........)


OMG I've just watched the trailer, 'scuse me while I do an Ollie and throw up. That song !!!!!! yak.gif

Edited by bob300w
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Maybe everyone on P.W. should get some money together and we could make

a sequel to this film, we could call it............... The Fox The Child And The .243


In the sequel you find out the true nature of the fox as a royal thieving

pain in the *** who kills livestock for fun so the kid spends two

'Movie Time' hours stalking and hunting it down and the film finishes

with a five hundred yard slow motion head shot. Matrix Style!


I'm sure between us we could find a camera, some cash, a .243,

some land, a fox and maybe evil elvis's wee lass could play the girl.


I think the only thing we wont find on here is someone who can make

a five hundred yard head shot :good:

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Maybe everyone on P.W. should get some money together and we could make

a sequel to this film, we could call it............... The Fox The Child And The .243


In the sequel you find out the true nature of the fox as a royal thieving

pain in the *** who kills livestock for fun so the kid spends two

'Movie Time' hours stalking and hunting it down and the film finishes

with a five hundred yard slow motion head shot. Matrix Style!


I'm sure between us we could find a camera, some cash, a .243,

some land, a fox and maybe evil elvis's wee lass could play the girl.


I think the only thing we wont find on here is someone who can make

a five hundred yard head shot :good:

Your story line sounds far better than that trailer. :yes::yes::)

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Dear god, some of the comments from You Tube


Wow! Looks cool!


I love foxes too! They're the best! What a nice boy. <_<


I don't understand why people call them 'vermins', they have to live on this earth like the rest of us!


Say NO to fox hunting! Hm!


oxguy85 (1 week ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply This looks great. The scene with the lynx or whatever it is chasing the fox looks unbelievable, its so unusual to see a fox in that predicament.


foxpeltofforestclan (1 week ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply Finally!

A film about a fox! It looks so good and i got a cinema voucher and I am definatly gonna see it! I just wish that girl was me!



madge982 (1 week ago) Show Hide +2 Marked as spam Reply Ive always loved nature and animals, and that film is beautiful, i would love to see it, i was once nearly close to a fox, and sometimes i get foxes in my garden and nextdor's


Azorianfireflyz (1 month ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply CUUUUUUUUUTE! I love foxes

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Dear god, some of the comments from You Tube


Wow! Looks cool! :yes:


I love foxes too! They're the best! What a nice boy. :)


I don't understand why people call them 'vermins', they have to live on this earth like the rest of us!


Say NO to fox hunting! Hm! :good:


oxguy85 (1 week ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply This looks great. The scene with the lynx or whatever it is chasing the fox looks unbelievable, its so unusual to see a fox in that predicament.


foxpeltofforestclan (1 week ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply Finally!

A film about a fox! It looks so good and i got a cinema voucher and I am definatly gonna see it! I just wish that girl was me!

I LOVE FOXES! :lol: :lol: :lol:


madge982 (1 week ago) Show Hide +2 Marked as spam Reply Ive always loved nature and animals, and that film is beautiful, i would love to see it, i was once nearly close to a fox, and sometimes i get foxes in my garden and nextdor's :P


Azorianfireflyz (1 month ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply CUUUUUUUUUTE! I love foxes :sick:



You tell none of have seen what damaged a fox can do!!!!!!!!


Uneducated fox hugging t***s :sick:

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Come on, guys! We all know there ain't NO real reason why we shoot or kill a fox by any means! It's just a MACHO thing! Clay shooting is enough!


Double negative, apparently two wrongs do make a right :good: As for the clays, leave some breeding stock for next year <_<


Dammit John! You saw through it! No one took the bait! Another plus for Education!

Edited by Floating Chamber
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