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What happen too ?

Mrs Sweepy

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Those lovely barmy livings spent outside with a good bookThe bottle of red .And the birds singing their last song of the day.

I remember evenings were i used to bath and pack the kids to bed.

Then grub a cardi a bottle,then go outside And read or doze whichever can first. till about midnight.

The weekends used to be the same. But more fun as the garden was full of kids +mums and dads.

Enjoying the lovely summer evenings.

But now like last year. My garden has been empty. And i look outside now at nine pm and its dark.

This cant be right. :hmm: . It really feels like as each year passes the nights pull in faster.(well to me anywhy )


All last week as i took mits for a walk though the park its was empty. No kids no couples and no tourists.

Which for 7.30pm on the summer evening . Dont quite seem right to me.

Is it just me or do anyone else think that it seems like are summer days are getting shorter.


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Know exactly what you mean, was talking to a mate the other day about when we were younger, we used to play football on the beach in shorts and t-shirt and the evenings seemed to last forever, not anymore all we see now is kids in hoodies trying to keep warm :blink:

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Know exactly what you mean, was talking to a mate the other day about when we were younger, we used to play football on the beach in shorts and t-shirt and the evenings seemed to last forever, not anymore all we see now is kids in hoodies trying to keep warm :blink:





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i remember getting sunburn every easter when i was a kid



Last year on the one day we had sun i got sunburnt on my chest. Unfortunatly i had a top on that covered my boobs.


So guess who had to spend the rest of the summer walking around with white boobs. :lol::/


At least it meant that sweepy didnt need to leave the light on for fun time. As he could see the whiteness of then in the dark. :lol:


My god he was like one of those heat seeking missle . But without the heat. :D :blink: :lol:


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Those lovely barmy livings spent outside with a good bookThe bottle of red .And the birds singing their last song of the day.

I remember evenings were i used to bath and pack the kids to bed.

Then grub a cardi a bottle,then go outside And read or doze whichever can first. till about midnight.

The weekends used to be the same. But more fun as the garden was full of kids +mums and dads.

Enjoying the lovely summer evenings.

But now like last year. My garden has been empty. And i look outside now at nine pm and its dark.

This cant be right. :blink: . It really feels like as each year passes the nights pull in faster.(well to me anywhy )


All last week as i took mits for a walk though the park its was empty. No kids no couples and no tourists.

Which for 7.30pm on the summer evening . Dont quite seem right to me.

Is it just me or do anyone else think that it seems like are summer days are getting shorter.



Wake up suzy.. Curfew's on in Essex at that time.

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