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Dangerous Jobs for Girls


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i worked with quite a lot of ladies in the Oilfields in Colombian jungles, most where not bad workers at all some where even quite clever for girls


And that’s as dangerous as a colour blind bomb disposal worker, mind you the rebs did throw a few hand grenades at us to keep us on our toes!

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Well they did well in the Australian trawler, but they weren't no ordinary girls :good:


I mention next weeks program as in the trailer for it they had them shooting springbok/gazelle(?) out of a helicoper, it looks like a bit of fun.

I think some the posters above must think I am selling tickets to the program :yes:

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I'm all for it, it's what gender equality is all about.


A tough job is a tough job. I had my flippin fill of it in the army. Girls who would threaten to knock you out in the morning and then were in floods of tears in the afternoon once they were told to actually help you dig the firetrench or unload kit they couldnt lift from a 4 tonner.


If the job is hard to do or just plain rubbish, then tell it to the hairy shinned munters who fought for your "liberty" to do it. Urinate off, I'm not interested.


To quote my namesake and mentor: Maybe that's just her excuse for being incompetent.


So apt it's going into my sig.



Edited by Zapp Brannigan
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The "training" left a lot to be desired. The females involved were not very muzzle aware, did you catch the bit where she swung the rifle muzzle through that guys chest, even hitting him with it. I exploded at that point and told my Mrs that if I was the guy involved then she would have been packing to go home pronto. TV programmes are no excuse for poor safety.

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