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Pass me a hankie please

Mrs Sweepy

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I woke up this morning with the sore throat

And now i have the runny nose.

I think suzy might be going down with her first winter cold. :good:

I always find if i start the winter with the cold then i always end it with one.

But if am lucky and manage to not catch one at the beginning .

Then i stay lucky all winter. :good:


So now all i need is the miracle cure and mansize hankies


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I woke up this morning with the sore throat

And now i have the runny nose.

I think suzy might be going down with her first winter cold. :good:

I always find if i start the winter with the cold then i always end it with one.

But if am lucky and manage to not catch one at the beginning .

Then i stay lucky all winter. :good:


So now all i need is the miracle cure and mansize hankies





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I woke up this morning with the sore throat

And now i have the runny nose.

I think suzy might be going down with her first winter cold. :good:

I always find if i start the winter with the cold then i always end it with one.

But if am lucky and manage to not catch one at the beginning .

Then i stay lucky all winter. :good:


So now all i need is the miracle cure and mansize hankies



You and every parent in the country, the kids bring it home from school every year at this time, just rub some vick on your chest and you,ll live :)


:good: D2D

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I always find the best way to fight a cold is to try and ignore it.


Autunm felt as though it was here yesterday and the air was certainly fresh in the sunshine this morning.


No doubt i'll get a cold at some stage. Dam things, I hate them.

i totaly agree with you mate on all ov it.
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With the PW Queens English police on duty you should know better than to write, "Famous Grouse is best, but anything will DONE" you know it should read But anything will DO.




People that live in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones

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I always find the best way to fight a cold is to try and (no no no) ignore it.


The best way to fight a cold is to try TO ignore it, if you please. The PW Queen's English police are on duty.


Axe, there is no need for you to suffer and battle on unaided. Are we, the heirs of the ages, to endure such indignities? I think not, I think not. This is a guaranteed cure:


Weak Earl Grey tea, made from leaves and not the clag and floor sweepinging they put in tea bags.


Into each cup should be placed:


Two slender slices of lemon.


A dollop of good honey.


One or two teaspoons of Scotch whiskey - Famous Grouse is best, but anything will do. Scotch only mind - no foreign gutrot muck, or the cure won't work.


Trust me, had brave Achilles been provided with a supply of the above, he could have ignored his heel with impunity.




Sorry guv', i've never 'ad electricution lessons. My ol' man 'as always told me "speak propar like what I does". :good:



Nothing like a hot toddy, but i'm not sure on the ol' Earl Grey. :good:

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Oh my word, is it only me thinking what to do about that! :innocent: :wacko:


I have some special warm throat soothing balsam :yes::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: OMFG :lol::lol:


Behave yourself! :lol::lol::lol:


Anyway, you wouldn't enjoy it. It's a well-known fact that all the ladies on this forum are just pretending, and are in fact 6ft, 20 stone welders from South Shields.





oi, why pick on us sand-dancers?!



i flew back from Crete yesterday, and i noticed as i boarded the plane that everyone seemed to be coughing and snivelling. i debated on holding my breath for the next 4.5 hours to ensure i ingested no germs. but even david blaine isn't that bloody clever. i'm trying the power of positive thought just now, so fingers crossed the power of my mind is gonna kick a$$ :whistling:

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