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How much to pay for rough shooting?


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Firstly I hope this is the right place to post this question?


I have been offered some rough shooting over 3 different plots, I'm talking to the owner late next week and would like some advice.


Plot 1 is 1.5 acres


Plot 2 is 3 acreas and


Plot 3 is also 3 acres but with a 400m walk to get through to it.


All plots are woodland with pigeons, rabbit etc in them.


The owner is looking to "rent" the shooting to me and I'd like to know what everyone thinks is a fair price to pay for a year?


Also if the owner asks for a crazy price yearly what would a daily / weekly fee be? based on the fact he will want to at least get something while he is looking to get someone to take out the yearly rental.


Any advice will be welcome

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I would keep looking mate, you're bound to find some free shooting in the end. From previous similar thread most on here (inc myself) don't pay for shooting as it's for the mutual benefit of both parties. :yes: Deer is an exception but it's still possible to get free shooting. :birthday: All the best :blink:

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Hi Oly


Thanks for the reply - however the plots are in Sussex and as all down here know its "well ard" to get permission here - hence why Im looking to pay.


On top of this the land does have Deer (however they arnt my bag personally) - I like smaller animals that are quick to gut/bag/take home.


Hence my question re reasonable payment to offer/expect

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Hi Magman


Thanks for the reply (I think?)


There must be bloody massive field up North! Who said it were grim up there? ha ha


the 7 1/2 acres is within 10 mins drive of me and a quality spot - anyhow Im not asking if Im desperate (Im not by the way) Im asking what would a reasonable fee be to pay - if your answer is no fee then thats fair enough.

Edited by wildfowl
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The thing i cannot get into my head is that you are paying him to rid him of his vermin which must be causing him damadge .

Ps , i shoot ovet 1000 acres not 3 mile from my house free of charge and im doing him the favour , by protecting the farm and vehicles at silly hours in the night and he no,s it .

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Hi Magman


I know where your coming from - I used to live in Oxfordshire and that was the way there to.


However in Sussex its not that simple


Beyond that this woodland doesnt pose a problem to the owner - there is no building/crop etc for him to worry over.



Easy move back to Oxfordshire :blink:



Sorry cannot help you anymore :yes:

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Hi Magman


I know where your coming from - I used to live in Oxfordshire and that was the way there to.


However in Sussex its not that simple


Beyond that this woodland doesnt pose a problem to the owner - there is no building/crop etc for him to worry over.


I would have thought you would pick up a syndicate shoot for better value than 7.5 acres? That amount needs to be productive as you will just shoot it out to oblivion.

I am working in sussex at the moment and have seen a few adverts for available syndicate shooting around your way in the gun shops.

Edited by starlight32
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I love these posts. One reasonable question followed by many replies from folk that are basically bragging how much they get to shoot for free.


I would guess the owner would want a yearly agreement. As for money, very hard to say. Depends how much you want it, how much you can afford and if game/ deer are included. Three little woods might give good pigeon shooting with whatever rabbits and squirrels are around. Plus occasional pheasant if you put out some feeders. The fact that it is close to where you live adds value to yourself. Dunno really, £50-100? I would not pay much more unless I had nowhere else to shoot.

Edited by scolopax
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I love these posts. One reasonable question followed by many replies from folk that are basically bragging how much they get to shoot for free.


Not bragging mate but hate the thought that we should be paying to shoot vermin , look after the farm , vehicle's and so on .

All of the farm,s i shoot on they see me as an extra pair or eye,s and hands , sometime,s i will pull into the farm with the intension of going for a shot only to spend a few hours helping out on the farm .

To think you should just turn up shoot what you like then disapear wouldn't go down to well so perhaps you should pay for your shooting ? i do but not with £ s :blink:

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Well done for spotting that the landowner knows you are doing it for personal leisure/recreation - if it was pest control to do him a favour you'd be sitting on his manure heap at midnight in the rain with an airifle shooting rats!


The argument that you should get it free because your doing him a favour.... well how would you react to that?


If it's a nice spot and you like it, and you can get set up with your camp stove and easy chair then pay for it, but on the proviso that only you get it. That's what an annual rent will do for you - exclusivity.


Offer 100+ a year, plus offer him a choice of any pheasant/woodies/rabbits you get. Lets him know you place some value on it and you become his customer. If you want to shoot pheasant when the times right then offer a bit more. He's looking to get some income from his assets, and you can bet he's been through a million requests/offers to do it for 'free'.


The problem with free shooting is that you can lose it in the blink of an eye.

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Firstly I hope this is the right place to post this question?


I have been offered some rough shooting over 3 different plots, I'm talking to the owner late next week and would like some advice.


Plot 1 is 1.5 acres


Plot 2 is 3 acreas and


Plot 3 is also 3 acres but with a 400m walk to get through to it.


All plots are woodland with pigeons, rabbit etc in them.


The owner is looking to "rent" the shooting to me and I'd like to know what everyone thinks is a fair price to pay for a year?


Also if the owner asks for a crazy price yearly what would a daily / weekly fee be? based on the fact he will want to at least get something while he is looking to get someone to take out the yearly rental.


Any advice will be welcome

Personally i would try to avoid paying for rough shooting and do some more footwork and try other farmers. Once you start paying for it and the farmer mentions it to other farmers it slowly all ends up with us paying to do them a service. Not good!


However, rather than pay a large sum of money I would be more inclined to work on roughly £2 a shoot with the view to offering him half only of what you get in a day. £2 a shoot, lets say you go 10 times a year, he gets £20 for doing nothing. It won't exactly line his pockets and it won't break yours.


I would be inclined to mention if he actually charges you for shooting he would need to have insurance in place etc. I would honestly walk on by this one and look for better land. 3 acres isn't a great deal by any means and certainly not worth paying for. At that size also I would be suprised if it would get cleared for rimfire. Restricting it to Air. Keep looking for more land mate, offer services to the farmer of help with fencing, at lambing time etc.


We got one of our permissions as we went up when they were lambing and actually got the farmer as he was stuck in the mud with his quad and trailer, helped him out, put the lamb in the trailer and got the sheep to join it. At that point we had literally only said 'Hi, need a hand?..' to him. Once the lamb and mother were settled he offered us a cuppa and to wash our hands for the help and then we asked him. He said yes without even thinking twice. Tis now our main shoot and we have formed a cracking relationship with them. Normally going up there for 2 days and camping in the van. Even get a hot meal out of the farmers wife somedays. :good: Sometimes you have to be in the right place at the right time...

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£5 an acre would be about £35 p/a. Depends how keen you are to get on it. Personally I think it's value is minimal due to the small size. If you really want it then £50/year does sound more substantial than £35, but you'd have to say that it was overpriced. If it's in a built up area you could get a lot of aggro from shooting the land, and if it's not then approach the farmers on the other sides and be prepared to pay a little. But don't mention money too early on or they may think you've got lots of money to offer.

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Give it a miss mate, wouldn`t pay the steam off my p*** for that size of plot, there is plenty of proper sized farms out there who will gladly allow you to shoot free of charge, your doing them a favour in return for permission, look for the problem and offer to sort it.

Good luck !!

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I would agree about joining a club, I have had some good luck with local farmers and small land owners, but a club will give you a lot of land to shoot on for a modest fee, I pay less than £200 a year for a club which gives me plenty of farms in Suffolk and Essex to shoot on. If you use it plenty, its a cheap day/afternoon or couple of hours out a visit.

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