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Hi what shall i do ? I had a call off a farmer who got one of my cards he was interested in me coming to control the pigeons, rabbits and so on he said he gets hit hard over the winter months. He then told me there was a keeper on the land that must run a shoot and i would have to work with him. OK i said i may be able to learn a few things. He said he would be back in touch when he had spoken to the keeper and we could meet and show me were i could shoot.


My question is he still has not rang back do I call him as I don't want to miss the chance i have been looking for months. he called me last wed.

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yep i agree with everyone else id give him a ring worts case at least if hes not interested you'll know and it puts it out of your mind or top result you get to learn a few thing from a keeper who will only spread the word if your help and might get you even more land :yes:

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  • 2 weeks later...
i would call him as well. shows that you are keen and interested. just make sure you have got all your paperwork ready, as he will ask to see it. also have a copied set that you can leave with him. :good:


Hello all,


I'm intending to start the dreaded cold calling regime soon, i'm a member of NPPC but the closest field to me is 50 minutes drive away so i'm looking for something more local. Anyway, my question is, what do you mean by 'paperwork'? Proof of insurance and SGC/FAC etc?





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He will have to see your license and if you have insurance take a copy of that as well :good:


Nowadays most farmers have a computer and they will usually scan and copy your license and details on there just Incase you get stopped by the police and they call the farmer to confirm you have right to be on their land.



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He will have to see your license and if you have insurance take a copy of that as well :rolleyes:


Nowadays most farmers have a computer and they will usually scan and copy your license and details on there just Incase you get stopped by the police and they call the farmer to confirm you have right to be on their land.




You obviously have farmers who are much more organised than i do.


Not sure half of my farmers would know a scanner if it hit them in the face.

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Just say that you have not been around for the last few days, and just wanted to make sure that you had not missed his call :lol:


That's a nice touch as it doesn't give the impression of being pushy and just following up on you previous conversation.


Good luck BTW. :lol:

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And also never had to get a permission slip signed.... :good: :good:


Depending on your firearms licensing policy that may be a problem when it comes to renewal Mike. I had to provide written permission covering each calibre I shoot and indicating what I can shoot with it. Luckily one landowner could cover the lot. The land also had to be cleared for my largest calibre even though I have an open ticket.

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And also never had to get a permission slip signed.... :good: :good:


Depending on your firearms licensing policy that may be a problem when it comes to renewal Mike. I had to provide written permission covering each calibre I shoot and indicating what I can shoot with it. Luckily one landowner could cover the lot. The land also had to be cleared for my largest calibre even though I have an open ticket.





I have just renewed my FAC as from the 10th NOV in the letter from them when they sent the forms they asked if i could get a permission slip signed as it would speed things up..

But they also started that it was not mandatory....

So i asked one farmer he signed no problem when i told him why..

5 years ago all i gave them was the contact number of the farmer... :oops::D


All the form had on it that they sent me was the name and address of the farm and contact number and the fact i could shoot there...it was dead simple..

Edited by hawkeye
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Depending on your firearms licensing policy that may be a problem when it comes to renewal Mike. I had to provide written permission covering each calibre I shoot and indicating what I can shoot with it. Luckily one landowner could cover the lot. The land also had to be cleared for my largest calibre even though I have an open ticket.


you should have contacted your shooting organization young man.


unless you had put in for a bigger rifle all you had to tell them was.


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I have just renewed my FAC as from the 10th NOV in the letter from them when they sent the forms they asked if i could get a permission slip signed as it would speed things up..

But they also started that it was not mandatory....

So i asked one farmer he signed no problem when i told him why..

5 years ago all i gave them was the contact number of the farmer... :good: :good:


All the form had on it that they sent me was the name and address of the farm and contact number and the fact i could shoot there...it was dead simple..



you should have contacted your shooting organization young man.


unless you had put in for a bigger rifle all you had to tell them was.



Mike, I'm moving next door to you then. :oops: That'll devalue your house.

Agreed it's not mandatory but they've got you by the short hairs if they insist and you kick up about it.


Mark, it's BASC and they worry me sometimes. I tried the no change but they're entitled to do it under the "just cause" bit. It was up to me to prove that I have just cause to retain possession, not for them to find out. (BASC's words not mine, so I did ring them (grandmother and egg sucking springs to mind :D:good: )). I had to prove just cause for each of my firearms including what the landowner would allow me to shoot with them. What landowner either knows, understands or gives a toss? He wants the job done.


Ridiculous when you consider that Lorraine had her renewal a couple of months before and when the FEO asked her for proof he then said "you've an open ticket so there's no need for that". Same FEO, same licensing manager (the ex-RAF gajee), different hymn sheet.

Edited by DaveK
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wont argue with that mate.

have you tried sacs. :good::oops:


As you know, I've signed up to their forum.


You only wanted to make me come out, didn't you? :good::D:good:


Next step will probably be to take advantage of their forum membership discount (the combination of being born in Aberdeen and living in Yorkshire makes me doubly tight)

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Getting back to the thread !! lol


Only one guy has mentioned the Gamekeeper ??

The farmer is either a tenant farmer,in which case the keeper is responsible for the vermin control.

An owner farmer who doesn't have the shooting rights, in which case the shooting tenant has the responsibility for vermin control.

An owner farmer who runs a shoot and employs a keeper.



The key to this IS THE KEEPER!!!!


Get the keepers number or better still ,go and visit him and see what the score is .Offer to help the keeper with any jobs and don't always expect to be using a gun .


I have three guys now who are here at least once a week and in the summer even more. There help is much appreciated and they have the run of the place now . I know most of the time when they are going to be here ,so I plan jobs around those times if I need a hand . They all have big rifles now and regularly go out with the lamp for rabbits and foxes as well .



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I shoot over 30+ farms as well as 2 golf courses and a driving range and have yet to be asked for my licence or insurance by any of the people that i shoot for..

And also never had to get a permission slip signed.... :mad::good:

:good::/ had a permission slip done for 1 of me foxing permissions wots morr land tho.
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