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My 9 yr old grandaughter has been getting some dirty text messages from someone who uses a pay as you go so no trace

I contacted Vodaphone who blocked the number, but I was really impressed about as the operaor informed me ALL text messages are recorded for a certain amount of time (she actually read the same message out to me as was on the phone) So be warned what you text guys




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Have you reported this to the police (the original texts that is..) as malicious communications. It may well be worth having her parents check their/her computer too to check that she hasn't been on some website (and given up her number..)


I'm sure this maybe a wrong number issue but you can never be to careful in todays climate...

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My 9 yr old grandaughter has been getting some dirty text messages from someone who uses a pay as you go so no trace

I contacted Vodaphone who blocked the number, but I was really impressed about as the operaor informed me ALL text messages are recorded for a certain amount of time (she actually read the same message out to me as was on the phone) So be warned what you text guys






Do nothing and tell your daughter to turn her phone off.


Give it a week so it all blows over and then phone the number from a different phone. Record the conversation and see if your daughter recognises the voice. If you are good at it, give it a cock and bull story that you are phoning from ANC with a delivery and that's the contact number but you need a post code and a house number (don't be obvious and ask for a name and address) etc. Give it some thought. Alternatively I have the details of some investigators who can find out anything, I kid ye not.

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All emergency services can tell where a call is to within a few mtrs when using the right equipment or the call comes in to an emergency(police, fire, ambulance) call centre.


correct and they take threats very seriously.my mom had one the other week while my kids were staying over saying they were gonna blow the house up if she didnt give bank card details over.

my mom called police as my kids and other grand kids were there.they took it very serious and traced the person and boom arrested.

meliscous communications with threats to kill and a few other charges.

serious stuff.

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The couple of years back i was getting nuisance and offensive calls.

At first i did nothing about them as they were only once in the while.

Then one day it was continuous and the threats were starting not to just involve me.

So i phoned BTs nuisance calls advisers.

And spoke too two people on their .

By the time i had finished talking to the last they informed me that the last call on my phone had been noted .

And that if i should have anymore problems then i should phone the other number which they gave me.

Up to this day i have had no more calls of that kind.It might have been the coincidence that they just stop at the same time.But it seems strange that they did just suddenly stopped.




Vodafone must be having a right old giggle at mine and sweepys then. :lol::lol:

Edited by Mrs Sweepy
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Do nothing and tell your daughter to turn her phone off.


Give it a week so it all blows over and then phone the number from a different phone. Record the conversation and see if your daughter recognises the voice. If you are good at it, give it a cock and bull story that you are phoning from ANC with a delivery and that's the contact number but you need a post code and a house number (don't be obvious and ask for a name and address) etc. Give it some thought. Alternatively I have the details of some investigators who can find out anything, I kid ye not.

you dont hear a voice witha text message? :good::good::good::angry:

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