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Should a person have the right to die?


The right to die  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think a terminally ill person in their right mind should have the right to die?

    • Yes, they should have that right.
    • No, no one should have the right to take their own lives.

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What if you are in a chair and paralysed. You really want to go but are not physically able to do the deed yourself? What then?


You wouldn't do it to a loved pet.....



Muppet of the highest order.

When you see a loved one robbed of the life they had and knowing that the clock is ticking and they have to endure pain and suffering on their part. They know what they are putting their family through and they wish they could give up?

You don't know the despair that they feel.



This is an end for them...no more suffering for them and their families....give them a break...please!


The question is about suicide. Everyone has the right to commit suicide there is no doubt. Free man in a free country. What recently was in the news is a question about euthanasia. And there is a definite no! :hmm: If you are unable to commit suicide yourself (paralysed etc.) you need to communicate that. In extreme cases blink an eye or something. If you can blink an eye it is possible to use a machine that will end your life when, lets say, you blink 5 times. But it is YOU who ends this life.

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The question is about suicide. Everyone has the right to commit suicide there is no doubt. Free man in a free country. What recently was in the news is a question about euthanasia. And there is a definite no! :good: If you are unable to commit suicide yourself (paralysed etc.) you need to communicate that. In extreme cases blink an eye or something. If you can blink an eye it is possible to use a machine that will end your life when, lets say, you blink 5 times. But it is YOU who ends this life.



actually if you could be bothered to get off your high horse the question was "SHOULD A PERSON HAVE THE RIGHT TO DIE"

and if you had seen the programme thats kicked this off, you would then have realised that the hoops and loops that a terminally ill bloke had to go to in order to take HIS OWN life where nothing short of a scandal,he should not have had to leave his own home to end his life peacefully and with the enormous dignity that he did.


This country ( ran by gay or jock or both? left wing control freaks) can happily ship off a kid to some godforsaken part of the world knowing full well that he has EVERY chance of being killed, yet it moralises about a person so wracked with pain or who's quality of life is so poor that they would want to die yet refuse to allow medical assistance in order to achieve the same, or worse still charge as a being a criminal anyone who would help their loved ones seek peace.


Anyone against are nothing more than two faced bunch of hypocritical cowards

who hide behind the "lets play god banner" yet "play god" every time they refill the front line, or tut tut about a devastated country who citizens are starving or shiiting themselves to death, whilst doing nothing other than switching channels so they cant see it.

cheers KW

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Spot on.


Something will give soon. The CPS were passed papers to consider a prosecution of the Rugby boy's parents for aiding and abetting but obviously thought better of it; (1) how could it be in the public interest to prosecute and (2) don't you think they (and others like them) would have suffered enough (and would continue to carry this with them forever).


It's terrible that people have to spend their last days abroad to get what they want. Some wouldn't be able to make / afford the journey or procedure.

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This country can happily ship off a kid to some godforsaken part of the world knowing full well that he has EVERY chance of being killed


That's off the topic ;-) but being soldier is not compulsory in this country. Everyone joining army should be ready to kill and die....

Soldiers might die :good: Oh my God


ran by gay or jock or both? left wing control freaks

I agree

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Since the age of five i have lived with someone very close to me who do not have the terminal illness as such.

But the illness that will still claim her life one day.

Like i said i was five when she first suffered from this illness

.(And beleive me she has)

I am now 42 . Many a time she has reached rock bottom. And many a time she has god knows how dragged herself back up again.

It not been the easy life for her . But in amongest the suffering she has seen three of her children grow up . She been their for births of her five grandchildren. And has said her self that it these things that make her keep going and make her pain more bearable.

She is now 67 And we now know her time is getting near.I know her views on this sudject . She is very settle at the moment shes contented. But i know for the fact that her biggest wish is that she would not become a burden. not that she would ever be.

I feel that she should have the right to end her life the way she sees fit. My god she has suffered enough .

Would it be so bad to just let her have the final say in hows she ends her suffering.

To be honest i cant think of a more beautiful way to go .

And to think after years of having no control over what her body has done to her in the end she was .

In the end she won that final battle.


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I felt awfull when a farmer gave me, a complete stranger, permision to shoot rabbits in the knowledge that he'd never be able to do it for himself again, as he sat there on his commode, trousers round his ankles. I hadn't seen his predicament until he called me in (we'd been speaking through an open window) but smelt it as I entered the house. I wanted to leave but he asked me to stay, he was very matter of fact about it. The bunnies needed thinning out, and he insisted I was not to confirm things with his daughter as it was not her decision He wanted someone to benefit from those bunnies. How's that for a man knowing he's dying? I've only shot there once since he died and feel awkward about approaching his daughter.


I was at sea when my grandad died but a brother told me his last words were "I have to go now, goodbye, I love you all" My neice died of cancer - she too was very matter of fact about what lay ahead. My dad instucted there should be no flowers at his funeral as they are for the living. Each knew it was their "time".



I sometimes deliver medicines to care homes and get the distinct impression that some people are kept barely alive but bedridden and vegative - while the care home cops a good wedge of the patients estate, sometimes by selling the patients home which would otherwise benefit their children or grandchildren. Maybe some people feel it inappropriate to consider financial aspects surrounding death - but most people would rather their loved ones get what is left rather than some business unkown to them. I have very little to pass on - it's important to me that my family gets what belongs to them rather than waste most of it in the name of compassion in prolonging the inevitable.



When my time comes near I don't want to burden my family with any care or financial hardship. I would like to be able to "pre-ordain" if thats the word, while still of sound body and mind: that if I cant wipe my own bottom or lose my marbles to the point that a care home could steal my families birthright, that I would be given a pill to end my life, and that the person who kindly gives me that pill would endure no criticism, judgement or legal reprisal.



I vote yes.


Great post Dave-G. Thought-provoking stuff :drool:


There's some stuff there that I hadn't thought about :D

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