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First ever Snipe!


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I dont often post pics but I have decided to do so today.


The farmer on my main patch asked me to get him a brace of pheasants, so I took this as a good enough excuse to get out and about for the first time with the E Whistler boxlock I bought from Wabbitbosher a month or so ago. The gun is a dream to shoot, one of those times you find a gun that shoots itself and all you have to do is imagine the target breaking.


It was foggy out today, which is my favourite weather for walked up shooting, so I was optimistic. As I rounded the corner into a small field of stubble, a flurry of motion caught my eye.... Snipe!


I have been shooting since I was 9, but have never even tried a shot at a snipe before. They always seem to have eluded me in the past, though I have seen them about, but this, I decided was my moment. I began my swing, up came the gun. The snipe was doing its best impression of a fighter pilot in a dogfight when my 30g of number 6 folded it and it fell like a stone. Elated simply does not describe it :yes:




This done, I continued my hunt. Half an hour later, as I approached a break in the hedge, a lovely cock pheasant erupted from cover in front of me. A fast right to left rising crosser. Up came the gun, and as I swung through him I saw the sight picture I wanted (in fact I thought to myself "that is bang on"), and dropped him onto the ploughed soil.


The second bird came some time after, whilst I was having a ciggy. Something, maybe a fox, sent a pheasant flying in my direction calling wildly. I actually thought this one was going to come up over the hedge between us like a driven bird, but he landed just short and ran into the hedge. A quick shout from me sent him rocketing into the air and off to the right, before he too was dropped.



What a fantastic day. I got my snipe, the farmer got his brace. This is what life is all about - bring on some lamping with Lidlor tomorrow night!



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