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A mixed weekend

Stealth Stalker

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Garyb and me went out on Saturday night to see if we could nail a fox that we saw in the week but couldn't call in to range, we started off early about 19.30 so went to a bit of land we haven't checked out for a while & within 15 minutes the lightforce had packed up :sly:


So back to mine and after an hour of soldering and cursing we'd bastardized the lamp back to life and quickly drove to where we'd seen foxy in the week. Lamp on & there he was at the pegged out bait & he was off like a rocket :hmm:


So we drove round to the back end of the farm & a quick shine revealed a set of eyes lying in the plough, he was showing me about 2" of the top of his head at about 90 yards Gary was calling trying to get get him to lift his head but he was having none of it. Then all of a sudden he's up & off Gary managed to stop him broadside for a split second & just a I pulled the trigger he was gone into the night :oops: One educated fox :sly:


I was annoyed with meself for the miss & wished I'd taken him while lying down.


I was up at half 7 this morning still thinking about the miss so decide to go for a bit of a stalk in a nearby woods where the foxes live, I met the Peltman while he was walking the dog & he didn't need much persuading to join me for a dual purpose fox/muntjac stalk.


We were stalking in line about 400 yards apart with the wind in our face & a glorious dappled sun filtering through the woods, I could just about make out Pelty's buttolo call to my left when I caught sight of 2 foxes about 100yards ahead, before I'd even got the rifle up they'd dissapeared :oops:


10 minutes later & Pelty's rifle barked & the tell tale thud told me he'd found his mark, a barren vixen :birthday: Pelty informed me that he'd moved 2 muntjac earlier on & we should continue the stalk to the end of the wood, as he was tailing the fox I glanced up to see the dog 30 yards away :birthday: he was gone in a flash not to be seen again :oops:


We split up to finish the wood & towards the end I spotted a large buck muntjac 60 yards to my right, but just as soon as you see them there gone again :oops: Then just behind him was his doe, I couldn't see if she'd recently given birth or had a kid in toe so decided to retrace my steps to head off the buck, as I came round a large laurel there he was 20 yards away staring straight at me head on there was then a Mexican stand off while he sniffed the air,it seemed like an hour before he finaly presented me with a broadside shot, the Tikka .243 barked and the buck went down without a twitch :yay: to my amazement his doe appeared 10 yards behind her fallen mate, I had a good look at her & decided there was no kid & I couldn't make out any swollen teats & took a clean headshot at 20 yards.




We performed the grallochs together & then set off on the long walk back to the Landy, Pelty volunteering to take the small doe :yes:



We were back by midday & Pelty wanted to take a look at some fresh drillings that he'd seen a few pigeon on the day before, so despite the weather forecast for gales & heavy showers we braved the elements & set up in a corner off the feild just in time for 10 minutes of possible the worst weather I've ever had the pleasure of being out in :oops: But with the strong winds the showers soon passed & the pigeon were about in numbers, we were shooting in turns with every bird shot at being killed :yes: Until I mentioned the fact, then we started missing :lol:


It was short & sweet with a filthy looking cloud heading our way, so we called it a day after about an hour & half with 20 pigeon for 24 carts :)


All in I'm well happy with my weekends sport cheers for sticking with this :hmm:


Stealth Stalker

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