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Has anyone hand painted their motor?


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My fourtrak needs repainting, and I am going to take the plunge and do it myself.


I want to roller and brush paint it, but dont know what kind of paint to use. I know that there is dedicated "coach" paint out there, or the military stuff, but I have heard of people using ordinary B&Q stuff.


Any help appreciated :birthday:



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What colour are you thinking?

A mate of mine has painted all 7 of his trucks using marine undercoat which is olive green. It absorbs water but if you put it over your existing paint then the water doesn't reach the bare metal. He just scratches the surface and doesn't vut through to the original primer.

If you want more detail PM me and I'l pass on his details to you.



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Had a mate when at school who had his Renault 5 graffiti painted (proper full on street styleeee)


Got more looks than a Ferrari.


Go on, you know you want to.


At the other end of the spectrum, my brother had a mate when at school who had a Mk 2 Escort who painted it (by hand with a brush) to make it look like the Blues Brother's car. Let me put it this way - every town has a known drunken tramp; in Brentwood we had "Don". He didn't wash, had a big bushy beard, would be blind drunk every day by 10.30 a.m. and used to walk down the High Street with his heavily stained brown trousers down by his ankles singing whilst randomly exposing himself to passers by. Don would have been embarassed to get in my brother's friend's Blues Brothers look a like Mk2 Escort.


Tread with caution.

Edited by Mungler
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Why, why, why would anybody want to had paint a motor? INSTANT devaluation and it will look ****! :yes:


Just hire a compressor and a spray gun for a weekend, buy the proper paints and get to work. For the extra few quid you will have a far better finish than any roller or brush.

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It's a fourtrack - you know - one of them cars wot you use to drive over mucky fields and such like while trying to blend in to the countryside. Nice uniform surface not required, In fact hand painting could help cover some of the more untidy areas that would show if it was sprayed. :yes:

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:yes: hi mate i once did a triumph 2000 a few years ago with a product called re-paint got it from our local auto spares shop did it in a garage with a small heater going and brushed it on i had people not believing it was hand painted they said i had sprayed it dont know if you can still get it but worth trying cheers kenny :lol:
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i used to do a bit of banger racing with a lad from here called BANGERTONY, i've also painted all sorts of millitary vehicles, an we used to hand paint them with brushes an rollers. you can get a good finish if you take your time, clean everything an use decent paint. anything over £3 a tin is decent in my book :yes: but army issue IR paint will be good. and use good brushes or rollers because the really cheap ones don't absorb any paint and you will be left with lines in the paint work. its a bit hard to get tins of army paint these days bucause it comes in stupid little crisp packet thingys.


i reckon you fourtrak will look fine mate, put a few pics up when its done

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Thanks for the help guys.


In answer to scout, it is a very dark grey at the moment (practically black) so I was probably going to go for something similar.


As has been said, I am not bothered about devaluation as I am going to keep it running until it dies so no probs there, nor am I worried about how it looks particularly (you should see it at the moment!).


Taff, Army paint was my initial go-to, to the extent that I dispatched a RE SSgt to "acquire" some for me on the promise of several packs of choccy hob nobs, but he was foiled by the stupid squishy bag things it comes in these days. :yes:


One of the 4x4 guys at work used to have an old defender 90 that he painted with Dulux Weathershield paint, and he reckons it looked the mutts doo dahs. Anyone got any experience of using this kind of thing?





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To be honest, I'm quite liking the idea of hammered finish Hammerite. Do it in black and will look really nice. Or you could go for tigerstripe cammo using dark and light greens with standard spray paint and a few bits of paper and tape.


At this point, I should point out that the only time I have repainted a car was when my Panda 4x4 rusted through under the windscreen and I went mad with plastic padding and a time of matt black spray paint.

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