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Yank Navy 2 - Somali piarates 0

death from below

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Well done the Americans for sorting out the hijack situation to such an effective conclusion. They must have some top notch snipers on board.....two pirates from a hundred yards in choppy seas and both apparently head shots(unconfirmed).


The yanks may have their critics but they do look after their own concerns very well. :)

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Amazing! The yanks summarily execute two Somalis who had nowhere to go because they were getting fed up with waiting and they are praised to the heavens.


Think of the uproar there would have been if the Yanks had pushed them over.



Oh im sorry mate we shud have let those poor old pirates go so they could board attack and rob the next boat that comes along :)


The ******* better think again before they pull this **** again! They need to shoot more of the *******! :D

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Oh im sorry mate we shud have let those poor old pirates go so they could board attack and rob the next boat that comes along :)


The ******* better think again before they pull this **** again! They need to shoot more of the *******! :D


They are just damn lucky i wasnt there :D

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Good drills by the Americans :) This will probably give the somali's food for thought when they think of attacking another yank ship. I doubt the same situation would have been handled like that by the uk. The wasters in our government would never have allowed such drastic action. :D


We'd of probally given them the 2 million they asked for , a council house , full benefits every week and a car to get around! :D

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I heard on the radio that the Somali pirates are now getting geared up to take revenge.


Ok, so the US got their man free and took out three pirates, but they increased the general level of risk to shipping in the area. Pretty much the only option now is for ships to avoid the area, or for a bunch or Royal Marines/SBS/SEALs to go in and sort them out for good.


Unfortunately that would mean invading a sovereign power, but I suspect the risk to shipping and the general level of lawlessness of the area would make that an acceptable option to certain people.


Of course, all this could be avoided if the Somalis would clean their house, but they don't exactly have the best track record in that respect.

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Oh, and I think Lee could well have ended it sooner if he'd turned up in his Chewbacca mask and thong combo.


I would have felt pity for the pirates at that point.


That was my intention too.. A non-violent, albeit, disgusting display of force :)

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I heard on the radio that the Somali pirates are now getting geared up to take revenge.



Unfortunately that would mean invading a sovereign power, but I suspect the risk to shipping and the general level of lawlessness of the area would make that an acceptable option to certain people.



Taking revenge, that should be interesting, and as for invading a sovereign power, not if its outside territorial waters where these acts of piracy take place. Send in some bait ships and use whatever force is necessary to rid the world of these vermin. It's what you would do with pigeons pinching the farmers crop! Fight terror with terror

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about time the stopped pussy footing around with this lot.....................should have been done the first time they stormed a ship.


Knew it would end in fun and games with the seal teams. Next it will be the lads from the SBS.


Stop arsing around and paying the ransoms.............brute force will put a stop to this type of event.

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Woosh! Straight over the top of their pretty little heads. Completely missed the point.



Hardly a bunch of innocent blokes on their way home from work though? I don't recall them sailing away with their hands in their pockets either.


No real 'point' to miss.

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