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female G20 claim


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Not forgetting the shed loads of compensation she'll no doubt recieve.


Still, we've been paying for her all these years so another few quid won't matter!!



perhaps if the copper had been able to hold his temper she would not now be in line for an out of court settlement,



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As already pointed out, his speling wernt great woz it. He even used the word THERE when he meant THEIR which was also a silly mistake for such a clever, clever man rolleyes.gif



don't make the mistake of confusing intelligence and education, I have come across many theoretical geniuses who turned out to be practical idiots? the daft sod who hit the woman and or the twerp who pushed Mr Tomlinson over in full view of the media for example? oh and I am sure Cressida **** ( aptly named) will come into the mold as well!



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Where is the genius Jonno? Thick he might be - strike the "might". Perhaps his mighty intellect might visit us and impart some wisdom. Check the skies for low flying pigs. :blush:


Still here Grasshopper. Embrassing in the ambience :good:


Feeling the glow from all the attention comrades :blink: Now what ******** can I write to get the juices flowing again. Has it gone stale again :hmm::P


Happy Monday



Edited by jonno 357
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Still here Grasshopper. Embrassing in the ambience :blink:


Feeling the glow from all the attention comrades :blush: Now what ******** can I write to get the juices flowing again. Has it gone stale again :good::hmm:


Happy Monday



Jonno, as i do not claim to be in the top 1% of intelligent people, i would like to take this opportunity to thank you for showing me how to spell 'embrassing' and to think i've been spelling it 'embracing' all these years, I feel so foolish! I'd also like to thank you for your pm, stating how many holidays you have a year, how much your flat in leeds cost and how you have lots of 'fiends that are businessman' (think you mean 'lots of friends that are businessmen ' (but of course, i could be wrong). Dream on 'grasshopper' go back to your fantasy, virtual world and your fantasy ,virtual life 'grasshopper!' have a nice 'virtual' day, cheers jon

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unfortunately she was not "lucky" like it or not she was assaulted, sad thing is the copper will likely lose his job and pension, the woman will get compo, and all because the copper overstepped the mark,and did it in full view of the media, just proves even with all that training and all that so called "situational awareness" temper still rules the head?





perhaps if the copper had been able to hold his temper she would not now be in line for an out of court settlement,




Here here the police would have no hesistation in nicking you or i if we done that to some one it was out of order regardless of her past crimes or social status

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perhaps if the copper had been able to hold his temper she would not now be in line for an out of court settlement,





did he loose his temper though?


In that situation she was out to provoke him and try and cause trouble, he verbally warned her and she pretty much went for him at which point she got the back of his hand. She then kept going so he used his batton.


had he stood back and let her keep going she was intent on winding the crowd up for action against the police had she managed that and started some proper fighting then it would have got carried away, perhaps the batton strike actually helped the situation as finally she did listen. I hope the trial by media doesn't get carried away and he doesn't end up being used as a scapegoat in the situation.

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did he loose his temper though?


In that situation she was out to provoke him and try and cause trouble, he verbally warned her and she pretty much went for him at which point she got the back of his hand. She then kept going so he used his batton.


had he stood back and let her keep going she was intent on winding the crowd up for action against the police had she managed that and started some proper fighting then it would have got carried away, perhaps the batton strike actually helped the situation as finally she did listen. I hope the trial by media doesn't get carried away and he doesn't end up being used as a scapegoat in the situation.


Yes he lost his temper that is of course unless the police have officially changed there role from "protect and serve, to "control and master"?and are instructed to do it? when did I get my vote for that one?


As regardless of the seeming verbal diatribe offered it is not the role of the police to beat people to the ground end of, if you accept that it is then we as a society have lost something precious its called humanity ? I dare say if you saw a copper baton a dog you would be up in arms and shouting for the cruelty man? wonder also what would have happened if the woman had been wearing a burka and carrying a placard proclaiming the "real holocaust" was yet to come and that Islam would behead non believers , bet it would have been move on madam? have a good day.




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well actually if the dog was going for him in the same way as that woman I would expect him to baton it.


The argument with the police use of force to me goes out of the window with people who won't do as they are told by authority. If she had any respect for the police and done as instructed we wouldn't have the growing story

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well actually if the dog was going for him in the same way as that woman I would expect him to baton it.


The argument with the police use of force to me goes out of the window with people who won't do as they are told by authority. If she had any respect for the police and done as instructed we wouldn't have the growing story



equally if the police had any respect for the citizens they serve we might not have a growing story, perhaps if camera phones and small lightweight video camera's had been about in 1983 when the role of the "copper" really changed? we would now not have a situation where a minority in uniform are nothing more than ex school bullies who have moved into a role they like IE paid thugs.


Yes I accept that provocation was used but what happened to quote "names will never hurt me" or is it simply the protesters now know that by calling a seemingly already charged up copper (who by his stance and hiding of his number was looking for trouble) a few chosen swear words that he would kick off IE "let the games begin"



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frankly operating as riot police they are going to be fired up, put anyone in the situation where they are putting themselves in serious danger then they're going to be hyped up. Its fine hanging a guy from your armchair but back on planet earth I'd defy you to stand there with a mob in front of you where your main concern is whether they are all going to start on you and keep saying to an irrational woman please go away and stop swearing and let her hit you and get right in your face. I really do think the batton had the effect of de fusing the situation because it stopped her when he'd already asked her forcefully, then defended himself then warned her again and none of it had worked. A swift batton strike did the job straight away and the situation was back under control. Doesn't look good from an onlookers point of view but then neither do most arrests on the likes of police camera action with a load of coppers bundling the suspect to the ground and landing on top of them, but in reality how many criminals (which she was as she had struck out first) come nicely when asked.


Crowds on the edge of rioting are an incredibly hard thing to police and the G20 is a prime example of how to police them, you've got the fallout from 2 incidents but you haven't had huge amounts of damage with large numbers of people on both sides injured which used to be the case. However you have got this trial by media circus going on yet again with someone who can't take any personal responsibility for her actions which really sums up all that is wrong with our society these days.

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Do we have another Jade Goody in the making here?


Police is a job and everybody in a job makes a mistake one day in there Career.


How comes we only hear the woman's story? I would like to hear from the Policeman side of things.


Dont know why people are slagging the police of here, where is the first place to ring if your in trouble is it your Mum?


The Police force cannot be perfect, they try to do there job to the best of there abilities and if you dont like it why dont you join and see what you can do.




ps Hi Everybody

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There is a duty on the authorities to serve the Law while preserving the rights that we citizens have. However there must also be a duty of the citizen to follow the law and behave in a certain way.


Both of the individuals in this case were wrong. The woman had no good reason to verbally abuse the officer and equally that officer had no right to physically abuse the woman.


Can we all agree on that?



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i agree with the above post if they fire him they should arrest her for something (not sure what desterbing the peace ??) as they were both in the wrong or u let both of them off in my opion the police were in a sticky situation on the day, they are only humans and can act to harshly/quicly :good:


im going she sore an opotunety for cash and is going for it

Edited by zeb
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Do we have another Jade Goody in the making here?


Police is a job and everybody in a job makes a mistake one day in there Career.


How comes we only hear the woman's story? I would like to hear from the Policeman side of things.


Dont know why people are slagging the police of here, where is the first place to ring if your in trouble is it your Mum?


The Police force cannot be perfect, they try to do there job to the best of there abilities and if you dont like it why dont you join and see what you can do.




ps Hi Everybody


welcome and nice to see every thing is well in your part of the world "wonderland" your dead right the police are not perfect

but hey sunshine we are not talking about the average beat bobby here, you know the one who does try to do a job serving the community, we are talking TSG a group set up from the disbanding of the SPG, and these are not ordinary bobbies , oh and it ain't slagging off its called debate do you not get that up in "wonderland"

if you want to put in a point please have the decency to be open about what and who you are, you would not want to be thought of as a troll would you?


cheers KW

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welcome and nice to see every thing is well in your part of the world "wonderland" your dead right the police are not perfect

but hey sunshine we are not talking about the average beat bobby here, you know the one who does try to do a job serving the community, we are talking TSG a group set up from the disbanding of the SPG, and these are not ordinary bobbies , oh and it ain't slagging off its called debate do you not get that up in "wonderland"

if you want to put in a point please have the decency to be open about what and who you are, you would not want to be thought of as a troll would you?


cheers KW


Hey I been reading your posts for the past week and everything you say about the police is against them.


The Policeman did one wrong move but heyho it happens everywhere in the world not just the UK.


You wasnt there was you so how do you know the policeman did wrong, from the Papers and a few seconds of mobile phone footage I'm guessing. People are always saying the police and the justice in this country is soft, well do you see why?

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I support the right to peaceful protest, however, I think you should only attain this right if you have a job, pay tax and or have never done anything more than a 2 stretch. Washing in conjunction with the use of deodorant should also be mandatory criteria to exercise the right.


Having given this more thought and having read the recent reports about some grungees getting tasered up in a squat I find that I give less of a monkeys on a day by day basis. What I actually think I mean is that if I thought these people actually contributed anything or had anything going for them then I might care - they don't and so I don't.


Also picking up where Alex left off, would I rather see a copper with long clean service get hauled over the coals or accept that one of the great unwashed got potentially an unfair dig; well life's not fair.

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