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Shooting Hares


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Hi all, This might stir a few up but here go's, I read on a forum I don't think it was this one, were a chap had been asked to sort out a fox problem, which he succesfuly carried out, but he also came across hares and rabbits which he also shot, there was no mention in the post that he'd been told he could or couldn't shoot other pest's or game he came across. But I just thought that it wasn't on, as he was only there to sort out the fox/es

won't shoot hares there aren't enough around here to warrant controlling them,


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Shooting hares (which are classed as ground game) without the permission of the person holding the shooting rights, constitutes poaching.


Thats what I thought, so I would think twice before making a post like that :hmm:


I supose it's best to think that he would have had permission :rolleyes:

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Also, not everyone is fond of the taste (very gamey).

Furthermore, there distress scream can be quiet off-putting.

Blimey tell me about it I nearly trod on a young un a while back geez I nearly xxit myself wondered what the hell it was, looked down and there was this little

boney thing squealing like like a stuck pig, picked it up and moved it to side of field before I carried on rolling it. :rolleyes:


unfortunately haven't seen any last couple of years? real shame as they had started to build up a bit 4 on 100 acres??

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A ***** is a member of the (Irish) travelling community, a gypsy. All travellers are known as ******/diddicoys/didds, whether they originally hail from Ireland, Eastern Europe or somewhere in between.


Baldrick,...Its totally racist taring them all with the same brush....some could be totally honest upstanding caps,....


but while you have the bush out you may aswell finish the job with some feathers and then........

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Kenny, although I know your post wasn't serious, when you have had the same amount of grief that my family and I have received from travellers, you'll probably tar them all with the same brush. If they appear to be decent, it's just a charade while they look for an opportunity to **** you over. If I totalled up the financial losses incurred on our farms due to ****** over the last 2 years, it would easily top £150,000 (somebody out there has a very shiny and expensive Claas telehandler with my name on it). Luckily most of it was insured, but it gives some substance to my absolute loathing of travellers.

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Kenny, although I know your post wasn't serious, when you have had the same amount of grief that my family and I have received from travellers, you'll probably tar them all with the same brush. If they appear to be decent, it's just a charade while they look for an opportunity to **** you over. If I totalled up the financial losses incurred on our farms due to ****** over the last 2 years, it would easily top £150,000 (somebody out there has a very shiny and expensive Claas telehandler with my name on it). Luckily most of it was insured, but it gives some substance to my absolute loathing of travellers.


Baldrick its dry humour...... I'm a car dealer I see irish ****** at aution every week tryin to pay with dogs & lucky stones..... you cant trust a word they say & even if its screwed down they'll nick it..


ok you have to judge as you find people but it makes me laugh when people talk about the romantic noble image of the romany gypsy............like my old dad said


...... if you could tell he was a con man son, he wouldn't be a very f00kin good one, it the one who seam ok you have to watch

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A ***** is a member of the (Irish) travelling community, a gypsy. All travellers are known as ******/diddicoys/didds, whether they originally hail from Ireland, Eastern Europe or somewhere in between.

Also known as Knackers, and I never met a good one.

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never heard of the irish *****'s only ever heard of them known as knacker's tinker's the word ***** is a english traveller.

doesnt matter what they are called you have it till they spot it . farm i shoot on has had there fair share of them and sick of them but we can never catch them came close a couple of times thou .one day

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Near Pershore we have an old MOD airfield that has current radar research units, as well as some satellite dishes that link up to a place in Cheltenham (you know the one). It is policed by armed units. We shoot near it, and guess what, there are loads of hares. They spread out from there beautifully.


We have a severe traveller/*****/romany problem in this area, they keep buying land and making caravan parks. The local authority have used up all their legal budget trying to out them. It's a ******.



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The ****** have a very successful strategy for buying land: violence. A Leicestershire farmer made the news recently when he was forced to sell a few acres to a group of didds. They'd torched his vehicles, threatened him and made his life an abject misery until he relented and accepted their pittance of an offer.

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