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My rifle and a few (graphic) pics


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Heres my rifle


Remington 700 VSSF in .223

Has had alot of work done to it including match trigger, reworked bolt and action, recrowned barrel, tatical bolt handle.

The scope is Schmitt and Bender 3x12x50 military spec

I shoot 40 grain Vmax homeloads, which have been developed by my local gunsmith for the gun. ( i can post load details if anyone is interested) and these prove devastating on whatever the hit.


Anyway a few pics the other rifle is my .17 hmr CZ452 - this is a good little gun too and has had a bit of work done to it including re-crown and trigger work.








Bunny invading my practise range


He wont do it again



Fox from the other night he has gave us the around for the past few weeks, but we out foxed him eventually and took him out at around 140 yards with a round to the chest, note the large exit hole



Edited by l1ukeRS
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I am thrilled with mine, it shoots amazingly tight groups at 100 yards and we were having a play yesterday with it at 250 ready for some long range foxes and it proved itself to still shoot real tight groups at that range. I may even have a go at one further.

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I am thrilled with mine, it shoots amazingly tight groups at 100 yards and we were having a play yesterday with it at 250 ready for some long range foxes and it proved itself to still shoot real tight groups at that range. I may even have a go at one further.


I presume your barrel is free floating then as its pretty custom ? I saw on youtube that the regular one isn't free floating, what do you think the accuracy is like ?


Prob just end up saving up and buying a Tikka T3 Hunter or T3 Lite :lol:

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Yes it is free floating, the accuaracy is spot on, it shot .28" groups at 100 yards i will try to scan the target in, i do think the load that was developed for it is very good, it is a bit light for long range use but if you can read the wind ok the fluffy things dont like it much.

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.223 load i use is


Case - Lapua Match

Trim to - 1.750 inches

Bullet - Hornady Vmax 40 grain (2241)

Primer - CCI br4 small rifle benchrest

Powder - Vitavouhri - 24.8 grains

Velocity - 3539 fps


The most accurate seating depth is 10 thou off the rifling

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.223 load i use is


Case - Lapua Match

Trim to - 1.750 inches

Bullet - Hornady Vmax 40 grain (2241)

Primer - CCI br4 small rifle benchrest

Powder - Vitavouhri - 24.8 grains

Velocity - 3539 fps


The most accurate seating depth is 10 thou off the rifling

which vihtavouhri powder are you using
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My 22-250 is very simular to yours but with a heavy barrel but i to had it re-beaded re-crowned a new trigger put in and had it converted to magazine fed, i use the factory loaded federal 40 grain balistic tips i think they are written up to be doing 4250 fps at the muzzle and like yours just blows massive holes in what ever get in the way :)

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