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St Georges Day


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Here's one to get my mate Old Rooster going...taken from a forum on a Golfing Site..




Friend of ours and member at our Golf Club is a publican and he put a big sign outside advertising a St George's Day Celebration.


His pub is close to a mixed race area and he's since had a visit from police requesting that the sign be taken down for fear of offending local ethnic groups.


It amazes me how St Paddy's day can be emblazened everywhere in England but for some reason St George's Day is frowned upon.


Anyone know of any similar experiences or laws that prevent celebrating St George's Day.


I think it should replace May Day which means nothing to me.

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too damn right we should celebrate it.on st patricks day everywhere that sells booze hangs out shamrocks and why not ? im english,not racist.i want to celebrate the fact that i am and that St George is the patron saint of my country.

the welsh have the leek ( not even remotely dangerous) the irish the shamrock (?) the scottish a thistle and english a rose.lets wear a rose on the 23rd and see how many people ask why :<

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im english,not racist.i want to celebrate the fact that i am and that St George is the patron saint of my country.

the welsh have the leek ( not even remotely dangerous) the irish the shamrock (?) the scottish a thistle and english a rose.lets wear a rose on the 23rd and see how many people ask why :<

Spot on chap !!! That's where it's all gone tits up, we're considered racist if we call ourselves English. I'm bl**dy well English and proud of it. I'm not however proud of what B Liar and Co have done to our country.

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im english,not racist.i want to celebrate the fact that i am and that St George is the patron saint of my country.

the welsh have the leek ( not even remotely dangerous) the irish the shamrock (?) the scottish a thistle and english a rose.lets wear a rose on the 23rd and see how many people ask why  :<

Spot on chap !!! That's where it's all gone tits up, we're considered racist if we call ourselves English. I'm bl**dy well English and proud of it. I'm not however proud of what B Liar and Co have done to our country.

Im with you there Old Rooster, even living here ,IM ENGLISH NOT BRITISH ,if the welsh and the scotts can call it so can i. :lol:

sorry :*) edit forgot the irish ,how could that happen :*)



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Why does this happen, I mean, you go abroad to an ethnic country you have to abide by the law, traditions and religion. So why the hell cant we follow our own tradition without some pathetic ethnic minority kicking up a stink.


I dont bother them so why do they bother me! I'm proud to be English and its my born right to be able to celebrate the fact.


Just my thoughts.






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Why does this happen, I mean, you go abroad to an ethnic country you have to abide by the law, traditions and religion. So why the hell cant we follow our own tradition without some pathetic ethnic minority kicking up a stink.

Because we pander to these mouthy minorities. I'm not making a racist comment but the lack of backbone shown to all the minority groups, regarding their behaviour, by our "government" encourages racism.


English people living in England are now second class citizens with less rights and opportunities than ethnic minority groups and thieving ***** scumbags.


I've always had very liberal views on life and great tolerance but it's gradually being beaten out of me !!!!


It is all down to a general apathy among the tolerant English public. We need to get up and vote these bas*ards out !!!!!

Edited by old rooster
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CELEBRATE!!!!!! at the mo I`m in the middle of a harassment case against me and it`s political correctness gone mad :< Apparentely Front magazine is inappropriate material for a Fire Station even though these"lads mags"have been read since their 1st publication :< and just looking at it and saying "seen it" is against policy!!! CELEBRATE ST.GEORGES DAY (this has nothing to do with me being an English man living in Scotland......Honest :lol: )

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I think st Georges day is offensive only if you are a dragon, to be honest i think most people living in England, whatever their ethnic background have no problem with it. The whole think has been blown out of proportion by the so called 'do gooders' trying to fix things that are not broken,and everyone listens to theese crackpots because they are scared of being labeled a racist.



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