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my first one

bobby dazzler

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well folks i am going to be a dad the wife is due in January :lol: that will be my shooting out the window then all them sleepless nites and baby sitting :o


Congratulations to you young man and your beautiful wife :good:

Edited by LeeinVA
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Bobby Dazzler you and your wife needn't have gone to all that trouble, ive got 4 and if you'd asked you could have gladly had a couple,

remember with kids less is more, less kids = more money, more fishing, more shooting, more sex.




mikee :good::lol: :o :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
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me and the wife have been to the hospital today she has had her scan looks like i have a daughter on the way :lol::no::yes:

Always a special moment to see your first scan (i bet you got pictures to show everyone). :yes:

The daughter headaches don't start until about the 8th year, get ready for it. :no:

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One of the best parts of the nine months is having the scans.

With my first one (little sweepy)

I was expecting them to tell me that their was no baby in their.

It was just wind. :yes:

But then i saw this little thing that look like some sort of blob with arms and legs and the beating heart moving around inside of me.

and i thought OMG it true.O **** am going to be a mum. :no:

The second best moment was to feel him moving around.

Sometimes it was nice .

And othertimes it was


Whats he doing in their.

But its still the moment i would not swap with anyone.



Sweepy and myself where told that 16 weeks into the pregancy.

That their was problems with the baby.

So we perpare are selfs for what was to come.

And after four days labour and the lot of panic .

Little Sweepy arrive in this world.





And now as you look forward to the arrival of your little one.

I am now perparing for mine to enter adult world.(He will be 16 on the 23rd)

So my advice is enjoy every moment.

The sleepless nights, teething, dirty nappys and terrible twos.

Because they will come.

But these are the times you will look back on and remember with fondess .

From that first scan picture till this moment in time.

My life has been enrich.



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Well done. These little mites can turn the toughest of us into bubbling wrecks. You will get feelings you never thought possible.( Tiredness and a longing to get back to your hobbies).

Also sorry as you are going to have a Girl. EVERYONE I know has girls,apart from the ones that have boys.

Congratulations,Sir :rolleyes:

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yea got some pictures to show every one :rolleyes: its amazing that scanning machine modern technology a she was having trouble scanning her cus she just would not stay still :blink:


Daughter trouble already...lol...ive got 4 kids....never did work out how i ended up with 4.....theres a bigger age gap between the eldest and youngest,than between the eldest and me...(does that make sense)....girls names for you to chew on......lily,holly,molly,neeve,imogen(my daughters name) megan,poppy,heather and the list goes on....


Congrats anyway....You'll love it....

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