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My First Roe Buck

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Hi All, just got back from scotland after a succesful foray for my first roe buck.


The order of business is going to be stalking along forest tracks as quietly as possible, visiting cleared fells so am going to be clocking up the miles. These deer are far too switched on to be approached from a vehicle. So off i went, i decided that once i had made sure that a fell contained no deer i would take some pics to share with you.







I stalked the afternoon without success, And after a restorative sandwich and cold orange juice (god bless freezer packs) off i went again. On the second fell i sneaked up on lady luck smiled. As i rounded a corner and raised the bins (Good grief those swarovskis are good) i spotted a buck some 200yds away. He was unaware of me and i had enough cover to get another 50yds closer. Taking half a step at a time i very slowly made up the ground and as my cover ran out the buck looked at me. As i froze and waited for him to run off barking his head off he carried on feeding instead. As my pulse slows to normal i slowly get into position and settle him in the crosshairs. At 150yds i am not going to attempt anything fancy and line up the heart and lung shot. He takes a step forward and as he lowers his head again i am ready. At the shot he takes a few steps and falls over. I reload straight away but after watching him for a few seconds he is quite dead.


I perform the gralloch as the mighty scottish midges descend in their hordes and i am treated to the experience of being bitten in my ears and up my nose before i can get the headnet on but nothing can detract from the exhilaration i feel at the moment, and gralloch complete i reflect on that stalk that i will remember forever.


So home we are and my buck is skinned and i have butchered him ready for this evenings meal, eldest son and i enjoyed the fillet steaks and piece from the haunch that i have cut into joints....... Absolute heaven.


Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the pics

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A very good write up indeed. And congratulations on your first Buck. Everything looks so open and spread out up there, it looks like hard work? Have you shot many Deer? I assume this wasn't your first? How did you find the butchering went? I haven't done that much and it always seems a bit of a struggle to get the cuts looking good! :good:

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Nice write up. Was the trip an escorted stalk? How come you managed to keep the meat?

No i was not escorted, i have been lucky enough to get onto a cull team / syndicate on a forestry lease. Pay your money up front for the year and what you get is yours.


A very good write up indeed. And congratulations on your first Buck. Everything looks so open and spread out up there, it looks like hard work? Have you shot many Deer? I assume this wasn't your first? How did you find the butchering went? I haven't done that much and it always seems a bit of a struggle to get the cuts looking good! :good:


Many thanks for the kind words everyone, I approached the subject of butchering with a little trepidation i can tell you last year when i first started working on deer. There is a very good video link on here that shows a geordie butcher cutting up a roe and i follow his example. After doing a few now following his method things are getting quite tidy and would recommend it to anyone.





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