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Energy Drinks


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Thank you chaps. I might try bananas. I do have a sweet tooth, but I still find some of these drinks too sickly. I was given a can of that Relentless stuff once. I thought it was obscene, I couldn't even finish it :hmm:

try the rockstar juiced it just juice with a kick..


Just interested Sparkie, why aren't you a Lucozade fan?

its cack dont have the hit of caffeine/sugar others have. once i did 2 cans of redbull before going to work was on nights by 12pm i had wicked shakes and asweat on now i just have 1 it helps me stay awake when ive been up 24hours.

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Energy drinks work in a few different ways:


Caffeine - has a similar effect on the body to cocaine. It blocks the activity of adenosine, which is the chemical that tells the body it is tired and needs to sleep. If the body is producing adenosine but the message isn't getting through, it assumes that there is some sort of crisis and switches to producing adrenaline. This partly explains the headaches and racing heart you sometimes get after too much coffee. The problem comes when you stop taking caffeine and the adenosine kicks in again, with a vengance, causing the 'crash' So it is a good short term stimulant for the central nervous system, but the body needs a break from it every now and then. The mechanisms are much more complex than this but the last time I wrote on the subject was a long time ago and it was very extensive and boring essay :good:


Sugar - a quick energy source that the body breaks down into glucose (dextrose) - basic body fuel - and fructose. The Lucosade tablets are made with dextrose which is even quicker as there is no conversion needed, but used up quickly so no 'long lasting energy' like you get with more complex starches that are slowly converted in the gut & stomach.


Salts - Lucosade sport for example is a very efficient rehydration drink as the different salts in it not only replace those lost in sweat but also facilitate the transport of the water from the stomach to the rest of the body where it is needed. I attended a lecture once given by the bloke who originally developed it, and you simply would not believe the science and clinical trials behind the formulation. Without doubt the best 'sports' drink but no caffeine rush I'm afraid!


Herbal extracts - eg guarana, yerba mate and no end of others. Some add a bit of flavour but mostly what we call "Label-Active" ie of no benefit to anyone but the marketing team. To be fair some are sources of caffeine, but almost always supplemented by a spoonful of the real thing from some chemical plant in China.


So if you want a quick buzz, anything with caffeine is fine but don't overdo it. If you've really been working hard then Lucosade Sport or similar. For shooting - I'd say a decent breakfast, a couple of bananas on the way round and plenty of water.

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there's not an obscene amount of caffeine in the Lucozade drink :good:

I once read that there is more caffeine in Lucozade that a lot of the colas.

It's the caffeine that is the stimulant, not the sugar.

Cola and tea first thing in the morning both have the same affect.


And if you get into the caffeine habit, you will have terrible headaches when you give it up.


I was advised that drinking decaff tea was good for Tinitus, but I couldn't stick the headaches. I have to have one cup of normal tea every day to avoid them.

If I have 1 can of cola today and none tomorrow, I will have a migraine the day after.

I've heard that there are cola-clinics in the US for cola-hollics.

Edited by rjimmer
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I drink shed loads of Sugar Free Redbull, i don't drink tea or coffee and find on a night shift or an early morning that a bit of a caffeine boost is useful. I am overweight already so i steer clear of the fourstar and stick to unleaded.


one can of redbull has the same amount of caffeine as a single shot of espresso. lots of people think it is a ridiculous amount but it is perfectly acceptable but like coffee don't over do it. I also found when drinking the fourstar (sugared) version that I would get a good pick me up but then later suffer a but of a sugar slump.

I also drink about 2 litres of water on an 8 hour shift and that helps probably more than the redbull (but i do like the taste, and am probably addicted to caffeine)

Apparently an Apple is better at waking you up in the morning than a coffee (and thus i suppose a redbull also)


Sorry if some of this has already been mentioned I scanned the posts and didn't read the entire thread.

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Sugar Free Redbull contains some Aspartame, however it isn't lots since the sweetening effect of Aspartame is vastly greater than that of sugar, It is only bad for you if you have a rare problem digesting Phenylalanine.

excerpt from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame

In 1999, FDA officials described the safety of aspartame as "clear cut" and stated that the product is "one of the most thoroughly tested and studied food additives the agency has ever approved."


Like most things in this day and age you would be better off only drinking water and fruit and veg grown by yourself in your own hermatically sealed garden to make sure that no one elses herbicides and pesticides effect your own perfectly grown produce, and only eat meat that you have reared yourself fed on these vegetables that you have grown................


You can't avoid everything that is bad for you, but like everything else in moderation it isn't going to cause you any damage. Otherwise it wouldn't be allowed to be sold.

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and that is based on a 1995 document about peoples complaints that they beleive are related to one ingredient.

If you want to find bad press you will find it, if you want to find good press you will find it.

Look up how many people die from Paracetomol, Look up simmilar reactions to drinking coffee.

Just look at the side effects possible on almost any medication you get from a doctor.


But when all said and done if it was dangerous it wouldn't be allowed to be used. The fact that some of those complaints against Aspartame are headaches, and from engergy drinks which contain caffiene you are more likely to get a headache from the caffiene than a sugar substitute.

I never get headaches, saying that i don't get colds or coughs. But I have grown up being allowed to get dirty and messy and developed an immune system which doesn't happen as kids are no wrapped in cotton wool and not allowed to develope the skills to use thier brains, bodies and immune systems.

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Hi there heres my tuppence worth, sports drinks are expensive sugary drinks, I do I lot of cycling or did a lot of cycling before I knackerd my back, the amount of hype and bs that does the rounds in the cycling or any sport enviroment is unbelievable, red bull your just overloading on caffine so yes it works, but so would two or three cups of strong coffee, with or without sugar, you can get isotonic this that and the other, When I did 100km ride all I'd take was 2litres of dilute orange juice diluted 60/40 and if you can stomach it quater of a teaspoon of salt heypresto one Isotonic sports drink. same with sports bars etc it's all hype you can buy eqivilant fruit bars for less than half the price you just need to know what your looking for.

If you watched the tour de france you would have seen the riders taking cans of coke from the fans at the tops of the longer hill sections, why easy cans are sealed so can't be docterd and they contain caffine and sugar so that equals instant hit

one of the big things to avoide is aspartime it's listed on the chemical warfare list but it also gets put into most fizzy drinks along with other food stuff, can do nasty things to your body cells etc

hope this helps

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"the first of those sites is one for abcolute fruitcakes from what I can make out. As Dan says you'll get side effects from pretty much every substance known to Man"


So don't let me stop you keep taking your aspartame if you like it. :good:

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"and that is based on a 1995 document about peoples complaints that they beleive are related to one ingredient.

If you want to find bad press you will find it, if you want to find good press you will find it.

Look up how many people die from Paracetomol, Look up simmilar reactions to drinking coffee.

Just look at the side effects possible on almost any medication you get from a doctor. "


Most medicine produced pharmaceutically is not safe and hasn't been tested properly, you're not telling me anything new here, that is why I am never taking any of Big Pharma's drugs ever again.


That is just one document I referenced there are numerous about these additives such as aspartame and various either E-numbers many which have been banned in modern food production but aspartame hasn't yet.

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"and that is based on a 1995 document about peoples complaints that they beleive are related to one ingredient.

If you want to find bad press you will find it, if you want to find good press you will find it.

Look up how many people die from Paracetomol, Look up simmilar reactions to drinking coffee.

Just look at the side effects possible on almost any medication you get from a doctor. "


Most medicine produced pharmaceutically is not safe and hasn't been tested properly, you're not telling me anything new here, that is why I am never taking any of Big Pharma's drugs ever again.


That is just one document I referenced there are numerous about these additives such as aspartame and various either E-numbers many which have been banned in modern food production but aspartame hasn't yet.

i wanted to type something constructive here, something witty but intellectual but sadly the overiding thought I have after reading your posts for the last few days is. Are you enjoying the summer holidays? How long until you go back to school?


So you are saying you will never take a Prescribed medication again?? Now I have to agree with you on one fact, which pains me, I don't like taking medication and generally don't but if it wasn't for medication my father would have been dead a long time ago.


You are right it is one document, but as i said before if you want to find bad press you will find it, if you want to find good press equally you will find it.

clearly you like to argue and troll the forum, Someone asked a question people responded with sensible arguments and points, yet you say "it won't pass your lips, it's dangerous... Oh well if i was tired maybe." Which is it Koz? Is it too dangerous to go near or is it ok IF you are tired, when surely your immune system will be even further weakened, and thus this killer will rip through your body doing untold things?


Why cause and argument for arguments sake, have all your friends gone out without you and left you at home?

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these replies get better and better, just when you've read one bit of drivel another exceeds it in quality. I just hope Kos once you're past puberty that you don't get any life threatening illness that requires medication to save you as by the sounds of it you'll be a gonner. I know I wouldn't be here without anti biotics and I'm sure theres plenty on here that have been helped with modern drugs

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Energy drinks consist of sugar and caffeine. Simple as that. Why not just take a flask of hot sweet coffee with you ( the banana is a good idea also ). A can of full sugar coke would do the same and cost a lot less. :D


All that we put in our bodies has the potential to harm. Ask any alcoholic. The trick is moderation in all things, and avoid 98 year olds with a liking for pump guns ( 98 !!!! is that a joke ? or do you find maths hard ? Perhaps the Aspartame that has built up in your system over all these years has caused early onset dementia ) :D

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