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Local Police caught gassing handcuffed man


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any videos yet? :hmm:


The video was on the local news earlier.


The guy was handcuffed behind his back, bent over the bonnet of a car with two officers holding him when another walks up and gasses

him and the other two officers. <play laurel and hardy theme tune here>

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Thugs in uniforms. Actually stupid thugs in uniforms; the clever ones might have waited until they got back to the car park at the station.


As per the comment on the news webby, there's no excuse for gasing a bloke over the bonnet of a cop car with his hands cuffed behind his back.


Anyone know what happened to the geezer from up North who got tasered and pounded on the floor?


Can't wait till Essex get their full quota of tasers :hmm:

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saw it on the news , i was totally outraged at the media attention it has got .

its about time the law got stronger in there tactics in dealing with drunk violent people.

it was also fine by me the way they dealt with the females .im guessing the people moaning have never had long nails in there face of a stilleto round the head.

if the do gooders like cival liberties group and such like , were to get a life and stop making this country so pathetic we wouldnt be in the mess we are today .

and before anyone acuses me of not knowing what im talking about , im no fan of the police , over my adult life ive had many run ins with them but im a twelve year in doorman who has given it up because of the pathetic rules and regs . and no , i dont consider myself to be a thug , hence ive got my sgc.

im sorry if the man on the news is some ones mate but , there aint smoke with out fire but dont pick a fight with the bigger boys if you dont want to come home crying.

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I missed his trial and conviction; I just saw a man in custody and cuffed being gassed. Not sure what danger a handcuffed man over the bonnet of cop car poses - I didn't see if he had long nails or stilettos on.


If you are ok with this then brilliant, see if you can get in on your local Hitler Youth.


I hope if I get rowdy one night I don't get that treatment.


What about a rowdy pensioneer getting narkey in a post office queue or a spat over a car parking space in a supermarket - lets just get straight to the gas and tasers eh?

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The guy maybe the biggest thug on the planet or he may have just lost his kids in a car crash and gone for a drink which got out of hand.


It doesn't matter either way; the police are not above the law and they can't just go gassing handcuffed people because they fancy it.


Bit of speeding? Just get the gas out. Parked on a double yellow and getting lippy? That's taser time. Dropping litter? That's a quick beating.

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looks bad but he was still gobbing off at the police and struggling which was inciting problems with that mouthy essex lady behind him so I'm a bit unsure which side to go on, It won't happen to most of us as we won't get in the situation and in the situation most do what they're told to. One things for sure I wouldn't want to be clearing up the drunks on Brentwood high street and taking the flack and potential injuries that come with it.

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Blimey Alex, you could gather all of that and the man's guilt and what other people were doing from the one clip?


I just saw a fella covered in blood, cuffed from behind, face down over the bonnet of the cop car, being lent on by two policeman and then getting gassed in the face at point blank contrary to the operational guidelines issued to the police for using CS gas.




Oh yes, he had his legs zip tied as well.

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Blimey Alex, you could gather all of that and the man's guilt and what other people were doing from the one clip?


I just saw a fella covered in blood, cuffed from behind, face down over the bonnet of the cop car, being lent on by two policeman and then getting gassed in the face at point blank contrary to the operational guidelines issued to the police for using CS gas.




Oh yes, he had his legs zip tied as well.



I think this was over the top however, the officer sprayed the CS near to his face and not directly in it, as you suggest.

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It would be novel for a copper to pipe up and say "yeah that's actually out of order" instead of going all out at trying to defend the indefensible.


But oh no, of course, he wasn't actually spraying into the blokes face and clearly had no intention of spraying into the blokes face? No, it was just around it and "near it".


Funny though, because whilst Officer Laurel sprayed handcuffed chummy, his mate Officer Hardy who was 2 to 3 feet away got a faceful and didn't like it. No doubt the bloke who was on the bonnet and who was nearer, well, none of it went anywhere near him and besides we can overlook the whole handcuffed bit and the police guidelines for using CS gas eh?

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Just because someone is handcuffed it does not mean they are not a danger or that you can not use force on them.

I have been punched, kicked, headbutted, stamped on, spat on and bitted by handcuffed people.

As a result of the spitting I had to have 12 months of blood tests for Hep C.

A friend of mine recently had his nose broken by a handcuffed person and someone else I know was kicked in the face by someone who was handcuffed and being put in the van. Another mate lost his front teeth from a handcuffed person headbutting him.


The lady from Liberty is talking C R A P.

She says that CS spray should only be used in the last resort........WRONG.

Shooting him would have been the last resort.

Setting a dog on him, punching him, battoning him would all have been worse and had lasting effects.

20 minutes after being sprayed the effects would have worn off and and he would have no lasting injuries....from that at least.


In my opinion the bloke looks like he was struggling and resisting. If the CS spray stopped him and the officers getting hurt then it was the right choice.


Mungler...how often do you deal with people like that and what approach do you take when dealing with them?



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In my opinion the bloke looks like he was struggling and resisting. If the CS spray stopped him and the officers getting hurt then it was the right choice.


He was a skinny little runt. How badly could he "resist" being that wimpy, having his hands cuffed, legs zippy tied and with two officers on top of him ?


He might have previously put up a struggle but at the point of gassing it looks under control to me.


The gas looks like it was just used to shut him up..

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Two 'skinny little runts' I dealt with put up a hell of a fight. One was a scaffolder and was strong as an ox but about 5'4'' short. Another was on steroids and ecstasy and alcohol and felt NO PAIN. Nothing we could do seemed to have an effect.


The truth is we were not there. The video only shows a part of the incident and unless you were the officer involved you will never know how he felt and why he chose to spray him.


At the end of the day I will do whatever I need to do to make sure I don't get hurt, the public don't get hurt and last of all the violent arrested criminal I am dealing with.



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