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my 3 year old daughter was very poorly the other night and after a phone call to the doctors we were advised to ring the flu hotline. after a lengthy call it was decided my daughter had swine flu and we were autherised to give her tamiflu. i collected it from the chemists, they gave me the tablets(for a 3 year old) not the liquid suspension but my little'un seemed a bit better so i held off giving it to her. 2 friends of mine have used tamiflu for their kids and it made them really sick for a week. if the drug makes children vomit how can it be staying in their system. anyway my daughter is getting better so it wasnt swine flu, definately not aggressive swine flu anyway. has anyone used tamiflu and did it help? i am a bit concerned that my daughter was prescribed this without even seeing a doctor! :good:

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Not used it on children but


My wife has just got over swine flu and she used Tamiflu with no side effects. She was still very ill with the flu and tamiflu does not cure it, it is only supposed to ease the symptoms and reduce the time you are infected. As I say, my wife did improve but was it the Tamiflu or just the body beating the flu ?? ........... I can't honestly say but I do know my wife was very poorly and if Tamiflu did reduce the symptoms then I'd have hated to see how ill my wife would have been without it.

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The side effects from tamiflu can be as bad or (in most cases) worse than the symptoms of Flu (be it pig or otherwise) there are much better drugs on the market for the treatment of flu but they are more expensive... hence we get tamiflu.. don't get me wrong it is still an effective treatment just a little, shall we say, underdeveloped? :good:

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I know I might be opening a can of worms here, but tamiflu (Oseltamivir) is a very profitable business. All this avian flu, swine flu, common flu scaremongery is stirred up so the company that manufactures and distributes it (Roche) make a shed loads of money.


Apply your common sense and do not rely on the untrained pencil pushers at the end of a phone line. These people are not medically trained, and only had 2 hours walk-through so they can use a prepared 'indications' list in order to issue you with a code.


If you are not pregnant, suffer from cardiovascular or respiratory diseases, chances are you do not need it. All it will achieve is make you immune to antibiotics for when and if you ever REALLY need them.


But then again, what do I know? The TV said otherwise... :good:

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  • 2 months later...

Haven't heard many people mention having swine flu recently but just been on the swine flu website and completed the step by step self assessment. Cold doesn't normally affect me this badly, I have all the symptoms of swine flu and got antiviral authorization for Tamiflu :lol:

Edited by smiiithy
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We have witnessed three incidents of supposed swine flue infections and the effectiveness of Tamiflu.


The incidents involved seven children in three families between the ages of four and fifteen.

All of the children responded positively to the Tamiflu within thirty six hours of the first dose.

None suffered any side effects at all and all have fully recovered.


Would they have got better anyway ?

Or was it God that made them better and not the Tamiflu ?

Who knows ?

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Haven't heard many people mention having swine flu recently but just been on the swine flu website and completed the step by step self assessment. Cold doesn't normally affect me this badly, I have all the symptoms of swine flu and got antiviral authorization for Tamiflu :good:



i too had the symptoms and took tamiflu but im still convinced i had nothing but a bug of sorts....


but i did feel better after the course but then again it may have also just ran its course,


i have since also had the swine flu jab and normal flu jab because im diabetic....


oh and i now have a man cold...lol....



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