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London Bombings

old rooster

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Saw a pakistani youth with soldier of islam on his t-shirt the other day,bold as brass he was .I wonder how far i would have got in a soldier of the BNP SHIRT WALKING DOWN THE SAME STREET ? :lol:




PS I don't support the BNP but the way things are going who knows B)

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Lets route out the individuals and hold them to account




that,s what got us in this mess

in what way?


And should we resort to blanket tacticks because of a few rotten apples?


Dont get me wrong I am not saying do nothing far from it. Personaly I have been playing my part Practicaly in the war against terrorism for over 11 years and see no benifit persecuting the inocent.



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Im probably wrong ,and no dout will be told so by a few ,but since the bombing of London ,the towel headed nut balls here are driving in convoys celebrating the deaths of the inocent victims and the solidarity of their movement :< :< :< .


Me, I personaly would kick their sorry butts out of the country and back to the one they left for the "new start ,in the new country" , having left England in 93



Im sorry , i understand and respect your position Dave ,but your comment


"Dont get me wrong I am not saying do nothing far from it. Personaly I have been playing my part Practicaly in the war against terrorism for over 11 years and see no benifit persecuting the inocent."


Were they not inocent people sencelesly "MURRDERED " BY THOSE SCUMBAGS


what was the benefit :lol:???


if the answer is to ship them all out ,then so be it ,if not catch and put down the sons of bitches ,put it this way, if your/a dog got out and attacked a your/a kid neighbour it would be lights out ,would it not ??



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has anyone else heard the story that is doing the rounds in overseas newspapers ? predominantly in the southern hemisphere.

they report the shooting/early detonation of a suicide bomber outside canary wharf.three seperate eye witnesses say that one man was killed running towards the building and was decapitated,wether he was shot or the bomb took his head off is unclear.i am not one for the wild speculation that follows such attacks but it is suggested the press over here have been asked to keep a lid on this.

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Lets not lower to their level.


Dont worry the Human rights activists, ie the self biggoted so PC correct brigade have already seen to that?


WE are now seeing true hatred and biggotry but dont worry its not coming from civilised people its coming from those "groups" who call themselves martyrs to the muslim cause, and we aint got a clue how to deal with it because we dont as yet understand it? this is not a "country" seeking some bloody revenge? this is a fanatical BELIEF spearheaded by a group of individuals who's sole (now) purpose in life is to erradicate the infidel ie purge the evil westerner/

This is not about overthrowing governments its not about installing their wills its about detroying the westerners way of life?and us the western devil.


Our government regardless of effectiveness is trying to deal with it so much so it jumped in to bed with the yanks and tried to kill an at "scource" control of this? but to me they themselves dont fully understand whats happening,now every time they try to initiate some sort of knee jerk "policing" we cry racist,freedom of speech , human rights etc etc we kick up against ID cards quoting every liberal excuse under the sun for a reason not to have one, we allow free movement of "unknowns" playing our racist card so often that the bobbies turn a blind eye to wagon loads of "refugees" bailing out at motorway service stations? we prevent deportation of "bad influences" bet HOOK! is still getting his **** wiped for him daily in bellmarsh and preaching his hatered to all that can be influenced,


WE will get knowhere till we, sad as it is to say, have our own quantanamo were we can profile individuals process them using as fair a means as possible then either top them our kick them out depending on who and what they are to us. oh and before as has already been posted we say WE asked for it by invading other countries, read a book by simon reeve titled the new jackal? written long before al queda, and bin laden became household names, and you will see this little scenario starting to unfold way back, loved a bit earlier where someone quopted "muslim" countries? can someone tell me what or where a muslim country is? they aint on any map they aint on any birth certificate thay aint a life culture that you are born with? they are a schooled belief, you I anyone, could become a "muslim" today tommorow the day after etc etc, we have "cells of fanatical activists in every country on the globe (apart from those) who have yet to step inside the civilised - make that liberal societies? plotting against us and I for one dont have a clue how to stop it without an "iron fist" or becoming "a racist" as it seems each and every time one tries to stand their own corner ? ie defend theirs and protect a way of life you are condemmed as a racist.

cheers Keith

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Saw a pakistani youth with soldier of islam on his t-shirt the other day,bold as brass he was .I wonder how far i would have got in a soldier of the BNP SHIRT WALKING DOWN THE SAME STREET ? B)




PS I don't support the BNP  but the way things are going who knows :D

Well spoken if anything like this happens again soon i think their membership may increase quite a lot :lol:

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Hitler was a nationalist!!


If that is what the democratic majority want I hope it is after I am gone as I for one would not want to be implacated in it. As for being a liberal leftie; most of the lads at work think I am slightly to the right of Gingis Khan with my views.


One thing I do know a lot about is racial and religouse hatred and what exacerbates the situation and that is blaming a whole part of society for the actions of a few of its members.


Hearts and minds is the only way to stop this turning in to an all out jihad within a decade; remember that. We ave to be able to infiltrate the muslim society in order to get the int to catch these people. If we treat them all as guilty the support for the murderers will grow.



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We ave to be able to infiltrate the muslim society in order to get the int to catch these people. If we treat them all as guilty the support for the murderers will grow.


Whilst I understand where you are coming from, the problem is they have had decades to infiltrate ours to the point that in some locations ours is the minority view and they are like it our not at this minute plotting against us? NO amount of offering the hand of friendship or trying to understand their beliefs or culture (not that they actually have one) will help? the goal for them is total domination,

an old addage was always beware the sleeping beast at your feet! it may now just be starting to wake with a sore head.


I also dont understand why we constantly are demeaned for being nationalist? is it so wrong to support your country is it wrong to stand your corner is it wrong to try to hold down the values my father and his father fought for? if so sorry we are different beasts I have a few coloured friends and they ARE nationalist they ARE racist against others and will tell you that bluntly? but it seems if you are white slightly zenophobic, hetrosexual and LOVE your country you are not the "CHIC" thing ie you are a biggoted racist? well if thats the case I plead GUILTY as charged

cheers Keith

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DD I agree wholeheartedly as for you Deadeye you should be ashamed.I imagine if you were tarred with the same brush as Thomas Hamilton etc you`d be outraged,wouldn`t you?Extremists using Islam as an excuse were responsible for this outrage not those Muslims who abide by the Koran.Shame on you.

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Dave, Henry…This very same argument is being tossed around on several forums, with the very same arguments for and against.

What we all must realise is that people are very angry, and as such will say many things in their anger.

Sometimes it’s best to let those people get the anger out of their system rather than trying to stifle that anger with your own counter-arguments.

What you say is right of course; just too soon to be taken on board as yet.

I am very angry because I live in Brum and saw the scenes that followed the WTC outrage, with many, many Muslims dancing for joy in the streets of Birmingham.

Not all Muslims are guilty, just as we were not guilty for what happened at Dunblane. The main difference is that we never danced with joy at what had happened; we, as shooters and gun owners, were horrified.

Unfortunately there are a great many Muslims in this country who will support these bombings, and that is the frightening thing about it all.


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Gemini, very well put post, and as to the dancing baboons ,relishing in the glory of their fellow sickheaded zelots , i still say they should be exported, extredited,or even exterminated (sorry cant say that ,cant go round killing people because of what i beleive can i ,that would be so wrong ,what would people think of me )


How can the English people turn the other cheek to blatant disregard and disrespect that has been shown to them by these immigrants, im sorry guys, i still say boot them out now before it gets worse .


take a look at the animal kingdom,how is the rebel delt with, muscled out ,ejected from the herd ,ran off , maybe a lesson learned.




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If you look at the problems in NI in depth you will see that in the early years catholics as a whole were persecuted whether guilty or not. All this acheived was to give the IRA more support. Lets not make the same mistake again. Lets not lower to their level.



The biggest recruitment aid ever for the republicans was internment. Lets not start that again.




LB :rolleyes:

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If you look at the problems in NI in depth you will see that in the early years catholics as a whole were persecuted whether guilty or not. All this acheived was to give the IRA more support. Lets not make the same mistake again. Lets not lower to their level.



The biggest recruitment aid ever for the republicans was internment. Lets not start that again.




LB :rolleyes:

My point exactly my friend.


I hear what others are saying referance venting anger so I will leave it at that. I have been sum what numbet to terrorist activitys over the years and can still see the wood for the trees.



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DD I agree wholeheartedly as for you Deadeye you should be ashamed.I imagine if you were tarred with the same brush as Thomas Hamilton etc you`d be outraged,wouldn`t you?Extremists using Islam as an excuse were responsible for this outrage not those Muslims who abide by the Koran.Shame on you.

:rolleyes: Dave,best of luck with your up and coming tours abroad

henry d, i was refering to muslim fanatics who to them are abiding by the KORAN as it can have several interpretations.





With no further comments to make on this subject DEADEYE signing off! :rolleyes:<_<

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