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About peck

  • Birthday 30/07/1949

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  • Gender
  • From
    North Shropshire
  • Interests
    Shooting; game, vermin and small bore target. woodwork. bird keeping (Fischers lovebirds and black headed). E Bay.

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  1. peck


    thanks for the best wishes everyone.
  2. peck


    Update, it turns out i have AML,(Acute myeloid leukaemia) start treatment tomorrow, wish me luck.
  3. Second hand Kity Bandsaw is the way to go. You should be able to get one off ebay for about your budget maybe a little more but well worth the money. You are not going to get anything as good as a Kity new for your budget.
  4. What would happen if someone said they could not understand her https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-64980687
  5. Does anyone deal with a reliable online supplies of drugs for dogs, My Patterdale is due for worming and i am fed up of being charged an arm and a leg at the local vets and don't trust the generic remedies they sell in the pet shops.
  6. peck

    Claim culture

    These people will walk through fire to get on these talent shows and when the going gets a bit tough they are prepared to sue the company for the hardship they say they endured.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-64569794
  7. peck


    Doc does not think its Pancreas related but sending me for ultrasound on gall bladder which will also show up any problems with pancreas.
  8. peck


    Thanks for all the replies, am booked in at the doctors tomorrow.
  9. peck


    Done a bit of self diagnosis and think i may have problems with my pancreas, has anyone else had problems with theirs and what were the symptoms.
  10. peck

    Sky HD

    they phoned us up a couple of times about going with sky q, the last sentence was you can have netflix free for 18 months, my immediate reaction was how much after 18 months they said about 5-99 a month, i said no thanks .Anyway someone said you can cancel the netflix when the 18 months is so to cut a long story short next time they phoned i went through how much it was going to be and in the end i got sky q with an extra box that works off wifi for £10 less than i was paying at the time. Had no problems with it and got a free wi fi booster box thrown in. For me it was the best deal and it works just fine.
  11. Try SKY Q, i was against it for ages but then finally decided to go with it, as long as you have internet and smart tv's you should be able to get sky on the main tv and you can have a second remote to connect your smart tv in the bedroom to it. sounds complicated but its really not.
  12. Just look how many local councillors especially the bigger cities are from families who originate from outside the uk.
  13. We are slowly losing control of this country.
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