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  1. I'm Just sticking with the 10 Bore for all my Wildfowling now, sold the Extreme 2, so I'm letting the 12 gauge shells go now. A great deal for somebody out there, the 'matrix tungsten' are currently £140 for 50 from 'just cartridges, so somebody will get the rest for nothing. thought about selling them to one of the wash clubs, there's enough to keep all their members going for the next 30 years!! if only I'd just bought a box of 10 when I joined 8 years ago, I would only have 8 left instead of all these !!! ....I thought the pair of 'bird watchers only' 'Harry the cat' & 'Big Mat' would spot the advert!! Ha Ha Ha😄
  2. 270 cartridges for sale; 63 impact tungsten/25 eley vip Bismuth/39 mammoth steel/25 express hunting steel,24 remimgton hi-speed steel/ 21gamebore steel/ 18 remington steel/ 10 eley lightning steel/25express super game lead (3')/ 20 eley grand prix hunting steel, various case lengths & shot sizes. Collection only, Bargain £150. No offers tel. 07874958332. 3 miles from Jn 29A M1. Must show certificate.
  3. That's correct but if you read the topic fully, this had already been 'pointed out' by myself but it is 'still being used' and my friend had it posted to her through another member of the Corvid site only the other week!! this is why I put it up, for wildfowlers to see that their sport is being used as a reason for the song bird decline, obviously its the members policy just to defend the' Crow family 'but it doesn't really matter what year the poster came out, its the fact that its still being used today and its falsely educating the public that, wildfowling is part of the reason why songbirds are in decline and anybody involved in any kind of fieldsports knows that is completely untrue and unfounded but if seen by joe public on a poster, they will believe it!!
  4. Thought this may be of interest to fellow wildfowlers... My Friend is a member of a Corvid enthusiast group on Facebook and brought this to my attention(Please see above the orange line). It seems that we are the target yet again for people who are ill-informed about our sport. "British Trust for Ornithology" are publishing material which has no foundation; How can Wildfowling contribute to the decline of the song bird population? Are their members aware that the air force bomb regularly on various parts of the foreshore around the UK coastline? However, they do not get a mention. It is worth noting that this was published in 2010 but is still being circulated.
  5. Thanks Dave, I will give him a call, I thought the guys on here who were asking for his contact number might know something to save me ringing. best wishes, Dale.
  6. I called at Grahams house last season to have some cases made but he said, that he was going to finish the jobs that he had already taken on, then he was planning on doing some holidaying in a caravan with his wife in 2020 as she wasn't very well, said that he would contact me later in the year but obviously nobody was aware that a pandemic would strike, so that probably stopped what he had got planned, so he might be working again now we're all in lockdown, does anyone know if he is up &running again?
  7. I thought you'd gone into hiding? Brownie said that he saw you with a Damascus barrelled gun, he thought you had got the 'Wildfowling Bug' again and invested in an old 8 Bore but on closer inspection he said it was just your old gun, covered in Rust!! 😁Ha Ha                                                                                                                                                                         ATB Dale.                                                                                               

  8. i've got quite a few gualandi wads and some original Remmington ones too, if theres interest for them.
  9. Read as many books as possible, most trainers will more or less do similar things and you will build up knowledge and a sound training method out of all the combined teachings, just the same way as you, yourself, will teach your dog, "through repetition". some books state how well your dog should be doing at a certain age but they are all different and ones that learn fast, can forget just as fast!! Do not forget to let your pup, be a puppy!! My latest lab pup started retrieving dummies from water at 4 months old and was showing all the signs of being much more mature than he actually was, then he went back to being a pup again and lost interest for a while, so i just left him alone until his interest returned again, as it did and he is as keen as mustard again, now aged a year. You have more time than you think to train him and you don't need to keep throwing countless retrieves for him, they don't really get tired of it but its not necessary, mix your training up because they're very clever dogs and they will anticipate what your going to do next if you stick with a routine. In my opinion, Books are better than videos, as you will be comparing your dog to the one in the video which, behaves perfectly (yours doesn't) for the camera, that's why its being filmed!! Training is the easy part, solving the problems that you face whilst trying to teach each individual dog, is the 'art of training', knowing what to do, when things don't go like the book says!! Most people who have trained dogs for a number of years, will still pick up any new book they come across, which they haven't already read, because there may be just one little thing in it that they didn't know and it will have been worth reading it, just for that. Its not Rocket science but common sense, try and think how you're coming across to the dog and why he cant understand what you want him to do, remember, he doesn't know what your words mean until you show him, then use the same word for that task every time!! all the best, read & re-read until its sunk in, then read another book & another.
  10. why you selling Mat? have you bought Bob's 4Bore?
  11. Dave carrie was about when i was going around the country "clay shooting" he is a naturally talented shot and was always in a position to take home some cash. Maybe not in "George DIgweeds" class but hey, ( who is?) although not very far from it!! He's perhaps on a par with most of the people who have shot for England. Armed with the same cartridges and gun combination, most of us probably still would'nt hit them and i've included myself!! best wishes.
  12. finished the season with not a sausage in the bag!!......had a good chance at pinks on fenlands, down the "middle entrance" one morning flight. a small bunch of pinks (7 or 8) came past me about 30yds away and i missed cleanly with the first shot, pushed further past for a little more lead and thought yes, heres my first pink of the season, pulled the trigger of the Browning semi 10g and nothing happend?.....correct, the cartridge did'nt eject the reciever properly sh%$£*t !!!.....shot a mallard on holbeach out on "winkle run" it came down like a sack of spuds on the other side of the creek, the lab got half way across when the mallard got up and flew off?...mentioned this to a fellow fowler who had the same thing happen to him, steel shot?....anyway, shot a high wigeon on "mallard creek" it steadily fell away from the rest of the pack, finishing up about half a mile out on the mud by which time the dog had averted his gaze to another pack of wigeon coming behind the first lot but way out of gunshot!! nevermind, thats how it goes, unfortunately, i could'nt get all that often this season but i'll be back trying again next season, i still enjoyed it.
  13. Theres nothing wrong with your offer mate, its just that some folk on here love to just pick holes in everything and anybody, with their "holyer than though" attitude, just for the sake of an argument or to try and make a point!!..the same people probably get picked on by their partners and dare'nt say "Boo to a goose" at home, so they come and preach on here instead of GETTING A LIFE!!
  14. i can see a solictors letter going out to someone!!
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