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A Hunt from the Past

new to the flock

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Was going through some books in the den tonight when I came across a hunt journal written on the back of a map. Dug some pictures out and thought I would share this with you.


Sept.25/01 8 degrees c


After leaving Hamilton airport at 8:30 am this morning, and meeting a ride in Thunderbay, we managed to meet up with our air taxi for the hunt in Armstrong. We then flew into Auger lake .


Flew into camp at 5:30 pm and decided we might as well check out the East Arm of the lake past the narrows. Threw the rods in the boat and fished our way there . This provided tonights supper in the way of 1 pike and 1 pickeral.


Went outside the cabin around 10:30 tonight and the Northern Lights were dancing across the sky. Wish Quinn was here to see it.


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Sept 26/01 8C


Boated around the lake this morning looking for moose sign, and good habitat. Checked the portage trail into Secret Lake. Sat on a good feeding bay on Secret Lake this evening, however no moose.


Devon realized he forgot to bring socks, so now I only have 4 pair. Saw the Northern Lights again tonight. Had fresh pike tonight for dinner.




Sept 27/01 4C


I sat on the Secret Lake Portage, this morning and then walked the Poplar ridge to the S/E while Devon Sat on the Island @ the N/W end of the Lake. Once again No moose.


This evening we walked the portage trail into Quartz Lake. Lots of wolf scats and tracks along the trail. The trail ends at an excellant feeding bay, so we sat and called, once again No moose.


Fished around the island on our way back across the main lake, I caught 3 pike and 1 walleye Devon caught 4 walleye and 4 pike. Had fresh fish for dinner tonight, colder than a witches *** tonight.





Sept 28/01 2C


Colder than 2 withces tits this morning.


Devon and I both hunted the island at the N/W end of the lake this morning. No moose by 11:30 so we walked the short poplar ridge down to the river.


Warmed to about 8C I hunted the island this evening while Devon canoed the upper S/W arm. 1 Call back from the poplar ridge, but he would notshow himself.


Fished on the way back to the cabin, we each caught 1 pike.


Having a hard time getting to sleep tonight, missing Trix and the boys.






Sept.29/01 18C


We hunted the island this morning. Then Devon sat below the first set of rapids on Petawa Creek, while I pushed the the long poplar ridge running N/E. Lots of moose sign but NO moose. ( about a 2 hour push through some pretty thick bush...glad I carry a map and compass with me) Had fresh walleye for lunch.


No Hunting tonight as the wind is blowing at about 70 km/hr from the S/w. Went fishing this afternoon on the lee shore....I caught5 pike 1 walleye, and devon caught 6 pike and 1 walleye. Did some laundry, bathed, and tormented the wiskey jacks.


Evening fishing consisted of 4 pike and 4 walleye for me and 4 pike and 4 walleye for Devon.






Sept 30/01 12C


Rain started about 3 am stopped about 9:30 am started 10:30 am stopped about 1 pm. Spent this morning doing dishes and chopping wood, draining the boat and missing Trix and the Boys. Wish they were with me.


I hunted up at the island this evening, cold, windy, and no call backs...No moose. Devon hunted the portage to Secret Lake...No moose but had fun watching 3 otters play.


While I read this afternoon, Devon went fishing 2 pike 8 walleye.


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Oct.1/01 10C


Devon hunted the island this morning with no luck while I hunted the ridge across the lake. No moose but I saw 2 more spruce grouse. I wish I had packed a little .22/.410 combo with me . Thats 6 spruce and 4 ruffed grouse that I have seen.


Don flew in to do some work on the new cabin this afternoon about 150 mile trip, so I helped him and his son build a walk way to the new cabin from the dock. Apparently apparently there have only been 4 moose shot this week over all the camps, and those have been up on the ridges in the bush. No one is having any luck calling....no kidding. Before Don left I called Trix on his satalite phone and wished here Happy Anniversary for tommorrow. Was good to hear her voice and to know the Boys are fine.


Devon went fishing this afternoon while I helped Don 3 walleye. No moose hunting tonight, the wind is blowing about 70 km an hour. Went fishing instead...Devon 4 pike, 6 walleye, and I caught 4 pike and 6 walleye.


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Oct2/01 7C







Started to hunt around 7:30 / 8:00am today. I went up on the Ridge across the lake. A fair bit of moose sigmn up there but still No moose. I stand hunted the first couple of hours with no luck, so then went for a 2 hour walk about. Thank goodness for a good map and compass...God is it thick down off the ridges. I came in around 1pm, the rain had started around 11:30. Devon was hunting the portage into Secret Lake dont know how hes made out.


Devon came in around 3:30. He got turned around up on one of the ridges and was misplaced for 2 to 3 hours. Now he knows why I carry a good map and compass...he had forgotton to put his from his travel pack over to his day pack.


The rain stopped around 4 pm, but we didn't hunt as everything is soaked. Had a bear in camp tonight but didn't shoot him as we are trying to to avoid excess noise just incase there is a moose around here somewhere.


Good night Trix , Good night Boys ....I Love You and I miss You





Oct3/01 7C


I hunted the North ridge today while Devon hunted the river meadow, below the rapids.....Once again No moose. Fished on the way back for lunch and caught 1 pike and 1 walleye. Had walleye potatoes and beans with bacon for lunch.


Had some extra groceries dropped in by float plane today, just to be on the safe side. Hunted the N/W arm of the lake this evening by canoe, down to the marsh....excellant moose area with signs of recent feeding but once again....No moose. This is getting frustrating.


Fished on the way up to the N/W arm tonight. I caught another pike and lost one, and Devon caught a pike and 2 walleye.





Oct. 4/01 3C


The rain started about 3 am this morning and has been coming down in buckets all day , its now 8:30 pm. There were 2 little 45 to 90 minute windows where it quit. We managed to go fishing during one of them. Devon caught 4 pike and 2 walleye and I caught 4 pike...saw No moose in the feeding bays. The winds were blowing between 70 and 80 km/hr so we have been held up in the cabin most of the day. I am board and I miss Trix and the Boys. Only 3 hunting days left and I am running out of ideas.





Oct.5/01 1C


Got up around 6:30 am this morning, the wind is blowing from the North around 70km/hr hoping it will settle down for the evening hunt, as we cant move the boats around in the waves. Went fishing on the lee shore for a couple hours this afternoon....me 4 pike , 2 walleye....Devon 4 pike, 1 walleye. It snowed while we were fishing and I am hoping that this weather change will get the bulls moving . I dont think I have ever had to work this hard to kill a moose.


I am going to hunt the Quartz lake area tonight, while Devon hunts from the otter rock in the N/W arm...we will see what happens.


Nothing at Quartz Lake , but I did get to watch a pine martin for awile. Devon saw no moose tonight either. It is becoming harder and harder to stay focused as there has been virtually no fresh moose sign in the past 5 days. Only 2 more hunt days left. On the up side I will see Trix and the Boys in 3 days.


The temperature is dropping....the snow geese have been flying over us in a continuous flock for the past hour and a half. We will see what tommorrow brings.

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We decided to hunt the poplar ridge north of the Secret Lake portage this morning, as this area has the best sign, and call it a gut feeling. Okay its the last idea I can come up with. 9am while we are alternating between stalking and still hunting, a bull walks past Devon and then Lays down behind some rocks and a pine tree. 30 yards away and no shot. I am about 40 yards of to the right with no shot, with a spruce grouse at my feet 12 inches away ...all I need is for him to fly up. 45 minutes later my legs are on fire, Devon and I sign out a plan for him to stand up ...when the moose stands if he has a shot take it...if not we will see what happens. Devon stands the moose stands ...Devon has no shot...I stand take 3 steps to the right and pull the trigger. One bull harvested at10:50 am.


Went back to the boat to get the processing equiptment and the cameras, and for a coffee. Came back into the moose...took pictures and and started to butcher at 12 noon. Finnished quartering and transporting the quarters and the head back to the boat and then to the cabin around 8pm. Finnished cleaning meat and hanging quarters, as well as any cut meat into the salt water at 12:45 am.


Gone to bed Love You Trix.





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Oct7/01 0C


GOD DO I HURT!!!! I hate to say it but I think my *** is getting old. Cant sleep anymore as my body hurts too much. Its 7 am will spend most of today cutting the meat we are flying home with us. The rest we will ship down by refriggerator truck. We still need to put a walleye and a pike in the ice box to take home aswell.


Will be flying out and Home tommorrow...will be good to be home with Trix and the Boys again....10 days till we leave for a bear hunt in Sudbury.

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