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Everything posted by p@cman

  1. p@cman

    A Bit Harsh?

    Any bets on how many pages this thread will run..?
  2. p@cman

    A Bit Harsh?

    It would be interesting to hear their version of what happened
  3. p@cman

    A Bit Harsh?

    There's two sides to every story, but it doesn't sound like good customer service at all. I had been considering buying from them, but not quite so sure now...
  4. p@cman


    I suggest that the arguments about whether the "my reactions are better than yours" or it "works ok on the autobahns" or "modern cars are better than they were years ago" are perhaps irrelevant in respect that everyone knows what the speed limits are. If you decide to break them then accept the consequences when they occur. There are large signs at the side of the road telling you what the legal speed limit is If you break the limit and get caught, you accept your fate and your penalty; be it a knock with another car, a cop with a speed camera who nicks you for speeding, or a fatal road accident. I spent several years working at the sharp end of an A&E dept and have seen the results of traffic accidents. I have also been caught speeding and accepted the penalty as a result of my actions. As an aside, I got knocked off my pushbike this afternoon by a driver who "didn't see me" Had he been speeding, I might not be here typing this but lying in a resus room or mortury slab in my local hospital
  5. I shoot at Happy Valley clays, just south of Reading and occasionally at Prestwood, near High Wycombe. I've been meaning to try the Flightline clayshoot just off the A4 that stuartp mentioned earlier.
  6. Napier Super VP90 sachets £6.25 each inc. p&p. Protect your hardware from corrosion and stick a packet of this inside your box! £5.50 per sachet + 75p p&p First Class Napier claim that a single sachet of VP90 will offer corrosion protection inside a typical sized gunsafe for over 12 months.
  7. and of course not forgetting the world stickiest bogey!!!
  8. Indeed he would. Who else would have known who held the World record for the most marshmallows stuffed up one nostril..?
  9. From what I gather, the HID lamps are about three times brighter and last around ten times longer than halogen lamps.
  10. If you've not had the job done yet, it may be worth talking to these guys: > LINK < They may be able to offer advice on how to get the job done cheaper. I used them two or three years ago and they were extremely helpful.
  11. p@cman

    Daggers !

    Nice one. You won and the weather stayed nice.
  12. Nevermind a second mortgage to buy the gun, you'd need a third motgage for the ammunition!
  13. p@cman


    Nice result martin. Enjoy your reward!
  14. p@cman

    James Edwards

    Ummm, a quick question your honour about this "without prejudice" bit, does that really mean I can write what the hell I like and as long as I put "without prejudice" alongside it that it can't get used against me in court?? Just wondering
  15. Yes, sorry to hear of his passing. Solid Air and One World are top class albums to boot. Saw him play on couple of occasions, he was a class act.
  16. "Geert Wilders trys to come to the UK, But is banned becasue he offends islam!" Silly ***. He went about it the wrong way didn't he? Now if he'd paid some people smugglers to get him entered into the country hidden inside a bin in the back of an articulated lorry he wouldn't have had a problem. If the Customs had found him all he had to say was "I'm here seeking benefits" and all would be good. No problem. Daft.
  17. No need mate, there was no offense taken at all. I was indeed a most cheating *** All the best
  18. Enjoy the game. Got to be better than shmoozing it in a corporate box at Upton Park. Hope the weather stays kind for you. My first football match was in ?1973 Reading v Swindon at Elm Park. It poured with rain, I got completely soaked and Reading lost... Still go to watch Reading play now
  19. .. | .... .- ...- . | - --- | -.-. --- -. ..-. . ... ... | .. | ..- ... . -.. | .- -. | --- -. .-.. .. -. . | -- --- .-. ... . | -.-. --- -.. . | - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - --- .-. | ..--.. | | .- .-.. .-.. | --. --- --- -.. | ..-. ..- -. | ..--.. | | -.-. .... . . .-. ... | -- .- - . | ..--.. | | .- .-.. .-.. | - .... . | -... . ... - | ..--.. |
  20. -. --- | -. --- - | -- . | ..--.. | | - --- --- | -... ..- ... -.-- | ... .... --- --- - .. -. --. |
  21. Try taking a look at Silverline Tools Have used them on several occasions and been happy with prices and service.
  22. Bad form to leave them littering the countryside. It's a shame to think that there are shooters who think that it's acceptable to leave their empties lying around wherever. Take em home and bin them properly.
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