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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. jimdfish


    Or a Hyena. Depends on which end you are looking at. Jim
  2. Someone would have to point a shotgun at me before I drank old Ruddles. Guns are ingrained into society whether we like it or not. People wanting to typify the country " bumpkin" always do so by painting him with a gun in his hand. If they want to portray a picture of the country "squire" they do so with a gun in his hand. Guns and the countryside go together today as much as they did 100 years ago. The advert in question does not brand all gun owners as senseless killers, nor does it suggest in anyway that we are. It is falling back on an age old stereotype in order to sell its wares. Do sanitary wear adverts make you believe that every time a woman is on the blob she has an overwhelming impulse to hanglide. They dont by the way. Do you think people who buy 4x4's really go off road ( some do but the majority just go to Sainsbury's and back ). Calm down love, its an advert. And if you can prove that it has any detrimental affect on shooting I will eat my own **** with new and improved kingsmill and thick heinz tomato sauce.MMMMMM Jim P.S If it was a mac-10 or an uzi he was pointing you may have a point
  3. Here Here YP Guns making the countryside noisy for the ramblers. Well soon put a stop to that. Happy meals. They dont make us happy. Ban them Fox hunting, Never done it but it sounds a bit iffy. That can definetely go. Angling, people trying to catch fish using hooks, not on your nelly. ID cards, detainment without trial, positive discrimination, CCTV, smoking bans, now thats a bloody good idea. Jim
  4. Did the English man know not not to pick up the Welsh one as it was taking a leek?? jim
  5. jimdfish


    Sorry TLE The competition is only open to residents of the United Kingdom. The prize is still available for a guest who is willing to join and post the first reply to this post. Jim
  6. when you joined up to NPPC and you send the SAE's for maps to the locations when are meant to get anything back. Jim
  7. has someone said to you at any point that unless you work in this bar youre having it. Nope. macdonalds does not allow smoking. Or starbucks, or while I think of it does marks and Spencer or poundstretcher. I do not like going into boots as the smell of perfume overwhelms me and it makes me smell like a poof. The cure, I no longer go into Boots. not ever. All of my personals are bought at poundstretcher. No perfume counter you see. Just out of interest, how many of you backing a ban drive. Benzene is a horrible chemical that will mess you up worse than cigarette smoke. How many of you barbeque in summer. Look at the statistics about what you inhale during an ouitdoor cookout and then complain about smoking. How many of you recycle everything that you purchase or actively look for goods with reduced packaging. Ever seen the statistics about the pollution which oil refineries cause so you can have plastic this and plastic that.. How many of you have agreed to the wifes demands for a new fridge or freezer because the old one looks a bit tatty. Ever seen a fridge mountain or how titanium dioxide is manufactured so your white goods may be white. Look at the bigger picture people. jim
  8. The goverment has just released a white paper that will ban smoking in every workplace, cafe resteraunt and every pub that serves food. Private clubs will vote on the ban and every pub will bar smoking at the bar. I enjoy smoking, I love smoking and if you dont want to inhale my second hand smoke ( which saves you money ) then dont come in. Nanny bloody state Is there any more evocative smell that links the majority of good times in your life than that of a pub in which thousands of fags have been smoked and thousands of pints have been supped. I think not. Think of the laughs with the lads, the girls you met, the rucks that went off. I for one do not want to grow old drinking in pubs where every table has a brass number inset into it and crappy, below par food is the norm and the only regulars are the barstaff. If heaven smells it will smell like the Ploughs carpet Jim
  9. jimdfish


    22.15 17 guests 15 members there is a surprise free gift on offer from the magical world of fish on offer for the lucky claimant. Go on. How can you lose Jim ( the shopkeeper, everything for fish under one roof )
  10. jimdfish


    CS you are right. Lurcherboy is named due to his uncanny resemblance to uncle fester. Jim
  11. jimdfish


    19:00 15/11/04 10 guests 9 members You guests know who you are. First one to join and respond to this post will recieve a free gift from my shop. Jim
  12. I use skin so-soft and the wonders it has worked for my skin. I am now soft smooth and lovely to touch. Whats a midgie?/ jim
  13. weve all done it mate. Cheeky magpies and the excitement. Got away with it once, dont do it again. Jim
  14. jimdfish


    Yes. The joke about an italian with a rubber toe. As I think may have pointed out, but will reiterate, It is one of, if not the, funniest joke EVER. EVER Jim
  15. jimdfish


    What do you call an Italian with a rubber toe?? Roberto ONE OF THE ALL TIME GREATEST FUNNY JOKES EVER. EVER. EVER Jim EVER!!!
  16. I recommend old Dr scratchbottoms cure for piles. A piece of wood and a brillo pad. Bite the piece of wood and scour the affected area. Works a treat. Jim
  17. Have been out this morning, Big flocks of pigeons forming. About a thousand starlings flocking. cannot bring myself to shoot them. One cock pheasant abs a pair of partridges. No pigeons Jim
  18. I dont know, Thats where i'll be In Gallille, with a freedom fighter in the shade, he'll ask us in, Osamma bin, and strap explosives to our chest. jim To be sung to the tune of octopuses garden
  19. Is it only me who has noticed that you never saw Yasser Arafat with Ringo Starr. Have a look at both their mugshots. Spooky
  20. PM If you are serious about getting a gosshawk ask the chap who you flew with today if he knows where its twin is. They are usually born in twos, Brothers or bros for short Jim Sorry again
  21. Berluddey great. Yet more proof if any were needed that northerners are way funnier than big shandy drinking namby pamby no good for nowt sarfeners. Jim
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