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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. I am turning into a tackle tart. One of the nicest things I bought over Xmas was an Okuma centerpin. 70 quid and it runs true and like a dream. I am using it for carp margin fishing. roll on doubles on a pin. You will not get the quality for half the price anywhere Jim
  2. to be sung to carlys your so vain your so vain, you probably think this post is about you your so vain, you probably think this post is about you, dont you, dont you No more clues. Have you got it yet? Jim( slightly taking the micturate)Dfish
  3. can anyone tell me the difference between a pike rod and a carp rod. bought one of each 2.75 lb and there is nowt between them. nothing jim
  4. Nicky One of the most effective traps i have used is as follows, get yourself one of those blue barrels with two handles and the tight fitting black lids. they usually have a metal clamp to attach the lid to the base. I have found it is quite important to use these as the crays find it dark and shelter in there even if the trap is unbaited. Next drill lots and lots of 1/2 inch holes through the barrel to allow waterflow. you will need more holes than you think. cut a hole in the lid ( to the rim) and fashion a funnel out of chicken wire. you are now nearly to trap crays. wrap any bait up, i prefer mackerel i have left out for at least one day, too fresh and they dont bother as much, and wrap it up in chicken wire, place in barrel along with brick or weight to keep it on bottom. on one of the handles tie an old coke or beercan through the tab and when in the water this acts as a float marker. if you can get in the water to place the trap. Bits of rope tied to the bank can cause nosy **** to pick it up and nick your catch. let the water start flowing through the trap ( told you loads of holes will come in handy0 and leave for at least 24 hours if you want big returns. Jim P.S the barrels can be found on most building sites or industrial estaes etc. It is most important that the bait be wrapped in chicken wire or they will devour the bait quickly when you need it to last 24 hours
  5. should imagine most creatures or people you are sat near wish you would coff.
  6. YPyou are near leeds if you wnat tickrets?? Jim
  7. or a knife :o Aled what do you do with a knife in your hand aled?? Slaughter sheep or terrify hikers? There has to be a reason why you would have a knife inyour hand?? jim Quid pro quo Aled. As the bible says " let those without sin , cast the first stone". I aplogise for all of the racist statements that i may have made,and all of those casing aspersions on yours and mikes parentage. To everyone on the forum I have been foolish and childish and I aplogise,.my own parenting skilss leave a lot to be desired and as such have no ground tro comment on others. jim
  8. the fish had to pull up early but fortunately some material has been used at jongleurs this year. if you have have a jongleuers or a comedy store near you that you can go to, give me a shout and free tickets re yours . you might even meet me. jdf
  9. PP I entirely agree with your sentiment and also believe that the use of swear words is unnecessary. However the " outrageous" posts you speak of, while undoubtedly posted only to provoke a reaction are also some of the best responded to on this forum. Sensible, middle of the road non-confrontational posts are necessary in a forum to which people visit to be educated and listen to the opinions and views of others, but without radical posts which provoke healthy intercourse are surely as necessary as well. How could anyone know that their views are repulsive to others ever find out without the opportunity to discuss them? it is a dangerous practice to only ever listen to the opinions of people with the same mindset as yourself. To take a side in an arguement without knowing the reasoning behind the other persons arguement is not on. By only posting "sensible" posts and foregoing all others is the electric equivalent of sticking your fingers in your hears and chanting" I cant hear you". Jim P.S i dont like the spiteful posts either
  10. Correct. There is a point to it though. How can you censor all posts which may upset people. What I agree with you may not, what I find acceptable you may not, whenever a broad section of society is able to freely express opinions and beliefs there are bound to be conflicts of said opinions. Its called democracy. I never let my sons on this site as there are pictures of dead animals on here which in some cases have been killed for the sole pleasure of the individual. Swear words wont give him nightmares, nor will nonsensical posts. Dead foxes and deer can and occasionally keep him up all night. The occasional juvenile immature or rude post will be ignored. It is not until an issue is raised and becomes a mountain out of a molehill that interest is shown. The pornographic content of your avatar could offend people on here. Do you here complaints? Because quite honestly there are a lot of people whom I drink with who would take offence and quite rightly in their eyes, but not in mine or yours Jim
  11. Did you know without a shadow of a doubt that these posts could in the future damage our sport? Not everyone will agree with posts submitted to the forum. And quite honestly, The posts made by a few individuals on a website is not going to influence anything on a governmental level. Not a thing. to prove it " Abolish VAT and give us another bank holiday Tony". I agree that some posts are near the knuckle and sometimes closer still but fredom to speak your mind is a prerequisite surely. Jim
  12. Is there a big part of that statement that makes no sense whatsoever. Its a bit like an optical illusion. You keep looking at trying to work it out but in the end it just hurts your head. Jim Righto, lets get down to it. You say twice thta the "gay bloke" in the shop would not sell you six's. This you have posted twice. Yet in thew same post you state that you will be using 50 No6's. Where did you get them from. The sixes. Where. Did you or your dad make them? Were they in a cupboard in the coffee shed, forgotten about until Mum was clearing out the discarded tea bags and rotting fox carcasses? I am Sir, simply stupefied Jim
  13. Cheers SM will do. as giddy as a kipper now though. Come on May Jim
  14. Honestly Aled, what are you on. I have been in the chat room and you are as every bit as bad as anyone else. Pure self rightousness. and to thimk I defended you in there the other day when others were having a dig. You were not in by the way. No more. Oh no. As for this upright stance you are taking, It was you who thought it funny to post a picture of a sheep with "Aled is gay" sprayed upon it. Will this not insult and belittle any homosexual members we might have, and believe me, with 1450 members on this site one or two will almost certainly be of that persuasion. look at you signature you little bigot Jim
  15. Couldnt care either way meself. I am Indifferent towards your boots. I have tried, believe me how I have tried, to drum up even a modicum of enthusiasm for your new footwear and somewhere, deep inside I am sure that there is a faint glimmer, a dull glow that is interest but on the outside i dont care if they leak or stay dry, fall apart or stay together. NOT A MONKIES could I give. Sorry Roadkill jim Not a toss mate
  16. If you are shooting in NewZ the above adress will help alot. JimMy Webpage
  17. Is there a big part of that statement that makes no sense whatsoever. Its a bit like an optical illusion. You keep looking at trying to work it out but in the end it just hurts your head. Jim
  18. Read my post again squinty. Thats what I am saying. Everyday is like christmas for the Fish. Crackers everyday ( women ) silly jokes ( why was the sand wet? Because the seaweed) and drunkeness and overeating ( I look like a cross between Brian Blessed and george best) and silly hats ( porkpie at the mo but will have to change to flatcap in the morning cause its a bit windy). Nicking stuff off underprivelidged children to burn on my fire ( see the stockport express 12/12/04 MINDLESS ARSONIST RUINS DEAF SCHOOLS XMAS). See. its all year round. Wish it could be christmas everyday, well it is for me mate. So there. Anyway the queens on so I must be off jim( the bulb that always blows on your tree and is always at the other end of the lights from which you start)Dfish
  19. I have booked the Fish's and Craigos jolly to whiteacres . The fishing festivities start on the 21st May for a week. If anyone can be ***** there will be a cold one and a lesson on the rudimentary basics of getting your shiny metal butts kicked at the nobler art. A piscine pasting, an angling 'ave over, a fishing free for all, a tackle based trouncing, a rod led rout, Ill reel you in and spit you out, a maggot led mauling, a boilie bashing, a sweetcorn seeing to a caster cart you off in an ambulance type of time. if anyones interseted I will be there. jimDfish
  20. What is it aRS. what make Jim
  21. Bah ******** Hope you all choke on a sixpence. Eating too much, drinking more in a weekend than you do all year, wearing silly hats and pulling crackers Welcome to the world of the fish. All year round I tell you, thats how the fish lives, you pretenders you make me sick. EbenezzerDfish P.S Tiny Tim, Tiny Tim, I would have kicked him off his crutches and used them to heat my house. Spirit of christmas past, drunk him, threw him up and drunk his brother.
  22. Only if im fishing in fosters. Which is a good idea because all the fish will fight well. Jim
  23. Whiteacres, Devon. it is a fishing multiplex with fiftenn lakes and caravans. I have read the press for years and watching the match results there is no doubt as to the calibre of fishing, but I am wondering what the apres fish is like. Is it ready for me and the craigo ( a bloke who loves nothing better than a can of stella to see the dawn in), I dont want to upset people by carrying on in the normal manner. Are there loads of kids or does it share the matchman craic. Jim and how close is the local village/ pub
  24. Why would you want to shoot the fish. What haveI ever done to you!! Jim
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