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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. Honest, I do need a bit of advice. I could spend ages surfing, but thought that sensible fellows that you all no doubt are, you may know. I am going through a transition period and my medication whilst adequate could be become superfluous if I were to take in a bit of gods own territory. Also the mop is beginning to look like a suckling pig and could with the exercise. Jim
  2. Methinks he doth protest to much. Its allright VD. We cant all be good shots. We need the bad un's to make us mediocre shots look good. Think of it not as being a bad shot, but doing the rest of us a favour. Jim
  3. jimdfish


    12 guest 9 member offer still stands jim
  4. Who will go away. rub him up and like the proverbial he will just get bigger. Jim
  5. Yes I have. I thought of myself, knapsack upon my back, the thrill of waking to the dawn chorus, Just myself and the mop cooking our food in the presence of the glory of nature, one man and his dog with mother nature smiling down upon us. Does anyone know of any good B&B's that allow dogs? jim
  6. RS BELSEN??? Where do you go to school. Less fishing and shooting and more schoolwork. Admittedly the attrocities at belsen were reall quite bad but since the fall of national socialism we really dont have to worry about that any more. Yure supisions are wright. I think YP may be linning up to spunk youre **** about yure grassp on hustiry. And spelling Jom
  7. Next year the Mop and myself are planning to walk half the length of Hadrians wall ( east to west ) starting halfway and walking to the west coast. I am looking for dog friendly b&b's up there. Has anyone done this and know of good places to stay where you bring your dog without having to keep her in a kennel overnight? Jim
  8. There seems to be a definite lack of support for that language that in the words of John Miller seems to be made up entirely of the tiles you have left at scrabble. You know what I mean Aled. llllllaccropphhyyygoglioglioglioglioch. Means hello in Welk. Jim ( or ophphphpyyccrrmmmmmochioloilioiloiloiiiphpynphyn)
  9. I picked up the mossberg the other day and it felt extremely heavy. If your mate wants a LH semi, tell him to shop around. there are plenty out there. Jim
  10. Is that what people mean by " Grooming" Jim
  11. No one mate until they sort out the phosphorous or whatever it is they use they are no longer being manufactured. Someone will probably prove me wrong. Jim
  12. VD They are very difficult to get hold of as they never got the incediary quite right and many clay grounds were set on fire during the drier months. Other than that they are very very cool Jim
  13. What shot size do you use for nuggets and a slurpy? Jim
  14. Cranfield I used the term "a bunch of privelidged yahoos" not as a statement of my personal belief, but of an example of a stereotype of which most anti-hunters are guilty of. A stereotype of which the genereal populus is guilty of. Jim
  15. jimdfish


    The post digga received was from me and I was passing on the concerns of a member who sent me an E mail. seeing as its you i will let you off. My point still stands though. if he can get on to pigeon watch he can access a world of filth. It is the last thing he has to worry about. Jim
  16. Ban people who cant spell. People who read tabloids and believe them people who when driving down a road slow down and let people turn left out of minor junctions as the above but turning right people who think its smart to pull into your lane of traffic in order to turn right welsh people who when you walk into their shop make up that guttural language and think we dont know they are making it up scallies who tuck their socks into their tracksuit bottoms ********* at the clay club who turn up and lecture you on the safety aspects of shooting with a semi, when it was you who did the risk assessments and shooting safety rules. people who ask you which choke you have in and then nod and say " i suppose thats adequate" Retired squaddies who think that 18 months of PT makes them the hardest creatures on gods earth. Women who stand in a shopping queue for ten minutes only to look for their credit cards or cash only after putting all of their goods into a shopping bag and spending an eon looking for it. programmes such as pop idol and X factor home improvement, relocation and moving abroad programmes jim
  17. Again I may annoy some people with this post. before I start I don t agree witht the hunting ban. I really dont. In three months time it will be a law of the land. You may feel that it is a stupid law. Why should they interfere with your way of life. If you break the law you could and probably will go to prison. You will go to prison and will meet criminals. They think that to have burglary as a criminal offence ( from large companies anyway is stupid ). You will aslo meet drugdealers who do not see that what they are doing is wrong. If you break the law you are wrong. The representatives of the populus have voted for a total ban on fox hunting. There is nothing you can do. Go out fox hunting, carry on as if the law of the land applies to everyone but you, that is all they need to ban fishing and shooting. They will argue that a bunch of privelidged yahoos can run roughshod over the British legal system and when they argue a ban over other fieldsports we will not have a leg to stand on. On a seperate point one of the most vehemently contested points about the right to keep hunting with hounds going was that shooting was cruel as it did not always kill the fox. So does that mean that hunters would have surrendered the right to shoot over the right to hunt?? All the people on here who shoot foxes may have to change their opinions as it seems the fox hunters were willing to sacrifice your sport for theirs jim ( devils advocat, thats all)
  18. jimdfish


    Digga Who sent you the post? Iwould be happier if he were banned. There are threads and posts on this site that if they were certificated would be rated 15. If his son, with the internet at his disposal chooses to get his jollies off your avatar and not the numerous hard core sites then he has nothing to worry about. Anonymous sender, put up or shut up. Jim P.S I love the way the jiggle
  19. This is going to be contentious but here we go. You say smokers do not have any right to endanger anyone elses life. Antis say hunters do not have any right to endanger or kill animals. That is where the link comes in. We all should have the right to excercise our rights without interference from the goverment. Most right minded people know when and when not to do something. I never smoke in restaraunts. If I was in a no-smoking pub ( of which there are many in Stockport ) I would not sit and huff and moan about not being allowed to smoke. I would not hunt, even if I were allowed, in an area where if people were likely to be upset by the sight of me doing so. The objection to this ban is that we are adults and as such make descisions for ourselves. Havent you ever been annoyed when for instance, The film censor judges for you that a particular piece of film is just too graphic and upsetting for you. We are having our sensibilities taken away from us more and more. Where does it stop? When will the day come that the government feels that you are longer capable of making your own mind up and makes it up for you on every subject. No longer need to vote, youre too stupid. No longer need wages. we will look after you. you will work for us. Everyday this goverment erodes a little more of our civil rights and legislates against everything which we hold dear. It is not an issue about smoking anymore, It has become an issue about the fundamental rights of every Britain, be they anti, be they pro, be they cant be *****. Jim
  20. I have had the map list but he also asks you to send 5 SAEs and he sends you back amap of each of the places you request. Do you get this in the second lot of maps or have I just not recieved mine? Jim
  21. jimdfish


    A cat walks onto a plane and holds a gun to the pilots head, " what do you want" asks the frightened aviator to which the cat replies " take me to the canaries" A heavily pregnant irish girl calls her mum on the phone sobbing her heart out " Mum my waters have broken" " where are you ringing from" replies her worried mum "From my fanny to my ankles" says the girl. Jim I do not believe they can be trumped. I win
  22. jimdfish


    Im scottish and it is a bit of a national sport rejecting and humiliating Englishmen. Anyway the rules clearly state newbies only. Now if you want to act like an Englishmen you can moan about the unfairness and how you waz robbed. Besides the prize is much too big to send all the way to Alberta. Plus they may not survive in the cold for that long. Jim
  23. I came back with £50.50p the other day. My pimp ( LB ) said to me " which tight sod give you 50P" to which I replied " they all did" Gloria
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