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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. Distilled brasso ( must be served cold) or a nice gin and tonic. Although a nice cherry or raspberry beer such as bellevue always hits the spot. Oh yes As for a smoke, anything with the power to take your legs away first thing in the morning. Jim
  2. 'ol cletus is a ******* idiot. sickened me to watch. Matthias made me laugh out loud though. Who said the swiss were boring. Jim(the not stuffed but often pickled)Dfish
  3. If it were hot enough to vaporize the plane, How come the cable drums survived the conflaguration that must have occured once the aircrafts wings sheard off? JimDfish
  4. jimdfish

    diesel do

    I am having some work done on the roads at work and I have just uncovered a diesel tank. It contains over a 1000 gallons of diesel which appears to be uncontaminated. Can i put this in my car? Jim
  5. jimdfish


    I was once bitten by a trouser fly. Blue with elasticated bottoms. I was 11 and luckily my father chased it off. Horse flys sand flys amd midgies do not even compare. Not a jot, not even close. 4inch bruise, i should be so lucky, I was only 11 Jim
  6. I applied to BB for something off the for sale section and blew it. Sorry Fellah. JDF
  7. BB E-Mail me and meet me half way along the 62 and I will have it off you for 180. No probs. I can even make it as far as thirsk or heronbrook fishery( which is in thirsk) JDF
  8. Searge, Just check that your bicycle clips and catching against the chain guard. Had the same problem on my PUCH moped.Only happened uphill. If you turn the clips around so the open part of the circle is facing roadwards it eliminates this problem. Glad to help Jim
  9. HOG CASING?? What the heck NTTF? Jim
  10. Let me know how much you are willing to take. If its resonable I have money waiting. Jim
  11. just got back YP. Won a butty mate. Suprised by how few anti's were there. The usual "coursing scum" sprays around but a bloody good day. One hare came right through the crowds with the dogs behind. Brilliant. As a stone roses fan thought I wanna be adored might win me a few quid. Nowt Jim
  12. I too am expecting a large contingent of farmers, but they havent turned up. Last time i take a booking for a stag do. They are not at your house are they. If so, send 'em round, I got the donkey and everything they asked for. Jim P.S Brick bender ( my job, potty mind
  13. To quote Fisherman mike " they were not jews but soldiers of the first world war". Mutually exclusive then Mike? Jim
  14. Bulldoze it Mike. are you serious? can we bulldoze the senotaph at the same time? can we knock down all of the war memorials in every village in Britain at the same time. Auschwitz is an extremely poignant reminder about mans cruelty onto man. It must be preserved so that if such hatred ever raises its ugly head again we can look to it and remember the inhumanity and evil that created it. As a lad whose grandparents escaped Eastern europe the thought of knocking it down is not an option.. Jim P.S If anyone is going to object that senotaphs and memorials are different, think about it, they are most definetely not. I think you should revise your thinking Mike.
  15. Graham If you give us a lift I will be there. Even if not I will there. trying out my new semi. Will speak to you on gundeals but count me in . Jimdfish
  16. Anyone go to the show this weekend. Just got back with a lovely pair of tumblers. well chuffed. 40 k people there this weekend. Brill
  17. Dear Webber I will tell you exactly how it sounds, While Aled had a voice and was able to retort to the posts i made about his inane posts, He had a voice. While I was able to disagree about his opinions he had a forum in which to repudiate his claims. Now he doesnt. It is the easiest thing thing in the world to pick on those without means of recourse ( if it floats your boat in that way Webber, why not poke a mute with a pointy stick, go on He cant tell anyone you did it) How does that sound Webber, Go on big man. Turn into a gamekeeper. need someone to pick on Webber. inferiority complex Webber. Penile deficiency Webber? pick on me Webber. for the shortime before I am banned Webber, Pick on a bloke with a voice Webber. I fail to see how webber's comment was an insult . Whilst your willingness to stick up and fight for another person is admirable, the fact your post turned from being a well intentioned one, into one where you seemed so keen to "get one over" another member is pathetic. While i wpould be the last person to keep picking at old sores i feel that the drift of the thread has been missed Teal. while undoubtedly Webbers post had absolutely no sarcastic undertones whatsoever ( do you believe that folks? ) and was posted in purely philanthropic and well intentioning meaning, I was making a pint. Unfortunately Webber became the butt of the post and for that i apologise unreservedly. point being, mute people cant speak. Aled was appparently a pain in the backside that only banning could deal with. Why then after ejecting him from the site, did you allow others to post about him and mock him openly on this site when he had made ingress into another site,that as far as i am as aware has nothing whatsoever to do with you,but he felt and obviously the moderators of that site felt that his contribution could be positive. Ban people by all means, after all it is your site and your word is sacrosant and noone can argue with you but dont let people kick someone when he is down. That is pathetic and cowardly. as you are trying to promote a healthier view of the website to onlookers this is not the way to do it. My opinion onlyand I know nowadays it countsfor naught but in all of the despicable actions which I have carried out during my life, and there are a few, I can hold my head high and say that i have never,ever bullied or picked on anyone when they are on the floor. (metaphorically or physically)
  18. Dear Webber I will tell you exactly how it sounds, While Aled had a voice and was able to retort to the posts i made about his inane posts, He had a voice. While I was able to disagree about his opinions he had a forum in which to repudiate his claims. Now he doesnt. It is the easiest thing thing in the world to pick on those without means of recourse ( if it floats your boat in that way Webber, why not poke a mute with a pointy stick, go on He cant tell anyone you did it) How does that sound Webber, Go on big man. Turn into a gamekeeper. need someone to pick on Webber. inferiority complex Webber. Penile deficiency Webber? pick on me Webber. for the shortime before I am banned Webber, Pick on a bloke with a voice Webber.
  19. give the little man a chance. OK, people on this site maybe didnt agree or could not regress enough into the years when were headcases ( teenagers) to get on with Aled but dont put him down when he is trying to get on. Bullying is the epitome of cowardice and the gonk has got on with his own life . You have got rid of him. Let him be. get on with yours.
  20. Advice, get there and enjoy it. The fish will be there. JDF
  21. Hold on YP Im coming with you. Tara fellas Jim
  22. FM Honestly try the VT100 trotting or margin fishing, It is beautiful Jim P.S The bloke who invented the shimano baitrunners has set up Okuma. You are getting shimano build and quality for peanuts. it will not lasat long Buy while you can
  23. Cranners thought so myself Extensive testing with mono and braid and bits tied to my belt loop and scales I have yet to find a difference. jimDfish
  24. Hoy Hoy ***** just spent a bit of time behaving. at least one person thinks this post is about him, dont you, dont you. who are you? jim p.S hpefully I will post mops picture as an avatar soon because she is a good looking dog. I have trowled the internet for a godd looking picture but there is none better than the mop. Even Brad Pitts page has yielded no results. That settles it. A portrait or nothing. Wear incontinence pants because the mop will make you damp, you all should have a ready supply. the recent avatars have made me moist Jim
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