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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. So its not lassoing nuns then. I could not explain about the metal, thought you might be weighing in crucifixes to the scrap men. Jim
  2. jimdfish


    Its a nom de guerre, a psuedonym and dependent on which of my personalities is dominant at the time my chosen moniker. Multiple personality disorder is never boring but it can confuse others. JimDfish
  3. I've been told that the birds he flys are Finish birds that are a little bigger than normal, I've never seen a Gos even at a zoo or falconry show so I'm really looking forward to it. A gosshawk has a flat top and the lids of grolsch bottles tied up in their jessies and avery distinctive cry ( when will I, will I be famous). Sorry. very very sorry Jim
  4. Glad to see that you can bore canines to sleep as well as humans. I am happy to hear that hes keeping you on you toes. Jim
  5. RTR As well as the alertness, bright eys coat etc to make sure you are getting a good dog pick it up and look at the back end, underneath. Make sure it has got dangly bits. Dont fall for the old , Oh its only cold Jim, They come down when its a year old Jim or the old chestnut, well send them in the post Jim. Honestly RTR, I cannot emphasise enough that if they are not there walk away. Also while the breeder is not looking just have a count how many legs are on the cur and DO make sure that it only has ONE in each corner. If they tell you it is superfast with an extra limb Jim,. dont believe them. I have no personal experience in this matter as my dogs Tripod and Jaffa were sourced from reliable dealers and I have the papers to prove it as well. Just some bloke I know bought a bit of a lemon. Hope this helps Jim P.S If they constantly smell of fish guts and creosote, Walk away
  6. Also went punting with a Goss brother ( Luke I think but they all look ther same to me). Does THIS count Jim
  7. I once put up some bunting in Gosport. Is this the same? Jim
  8. Surely you jest you big KJ. Whats happened to rebellious youth. Youre at UNI, man. Now get up out of your immaculate living quarters, take some iffy substances and go and listen to bands youve never even heard of. I dont pay my tax only for people like you to go to university and wake up early and catch up on extra course work before lectures. The youth of today. Jim I mean come on, Westlife!!!!
  9. :thumbs: You have to admit, hes got class the lad hahahaa. Mexico hahahaha jim
  10. White Fox where did you get the picture of the missus? Were you in Alcudia last year? Jim
  11. He blew up the chimneys where my sister now lives ( the co-op on bakery bridge), We were given the afternoon off school to watch. Two hero's in as many weeks. Tara Fred, I for one am going to miss you. Jim
  12. YP I will go halves with you on any costs and split the profits 50/50. Tellme where you want me to send my cheque do. Will 100 quid cover the initial costs? Jim
  13. Tramp holding the fish :thumbs: Honestly though Red, who is the scruffy bloke??? Jim
  14. Sheer, pure, unadulterated class. Jim
  15. HH, He was looking for a gun like DAN DARES, you know laser sort of stuff, chewbacca all that malarkey. I suggest instead of buying him a mock shotgun you buy him a high powered laser and a deserted pacific island. With a bit of luck he will grow up to a bond villain. It could happen Jim
  16. jimdfish


    Aled, It would see that over the past few weeks you have taken lessons in punctuation and grammar.Congratulations. Why dont you do one? If you have enquiries concerning this statement. mail me and I shall show you how. Marge
  17. jimdfish


    B) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :<
  18. jimdfish


    he also talks about getting back to the wife
  19. jimdfish


    Eve Gents As a some of you may be aware I am a regular in the PW arms. Tonight a chap calling himself Aled was in the PW arms. He was articulate, and could type like a demon. Aled, i do not believe for a minute this was you( no offence, He actually sent me a mail that almost pre-empted my log off signature. He know info that has not been disclosed. He also did not know about Aleds lack of woodies. Simple mistake,. He is grammatically correct, his punctuation is fine and he types like a bag full of speed laden momkeys. Do not speak to the ***. Jim
  20. V.Nice LB Too good for the likes of you. Jim
  21. jimdfish


    Sorry about reviving this old chestnut again, but it is 21:40 on the 28/10. There are ten members on line and thirteen guests. Join in, if only one of you does you wont have such an unlucky number will you. Hurry now, All Hallows eve draws near, evil is a foot. Hurry , hes behind you Jim
  22. TROUSERS MADE OUT OF MOLES. Whats the matter with you man? Wooly jumpers yes! Leather chaps ok. But trousers made out of moles? You are one sick welshman. Jim p.s have you ever heard the like. mole trousers. Next he will be telling us he has batpants.
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