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Everything posted by welsh1

  1. Public opinion taken from polls is not that accurate, go to a town that voted mainly to remain and you will get a poll skewered to the answer you want if you support remain. The fact is that any side of the argument is highly unlikely to publish results that are counter to their desired outcome, so you take lots of polls until one that you like pops up, then you publish. But to keep on that the country made a mistake and realise it, is the same old argument rolled out by those who did not get what they wanted in the referendum and now years down the line still cannot accept that things did not go their way.
  2. Got an insta 360 for Christmas, actually had an afternoon where it isn't persistently raining so clamped it to the trike and tested it out,need to figure out other mounting points but the trike is very limited in that area and the editing is a steep learning curve for someone like me who hasn't got a clue what to do. But here's my first video while riding the Spyder.i am very impressed with the camera and the different views and angles you can use when editing, it captures everything.
  3. Son just came back from an exercise in Germany, he knows how to look after his Dad, a very nice Christmas present.
  4. Please note that valuation posts are not allowed on the forum and will be removed.
  5. Ahh Christmas day in the block, don't think the SSM was to impresed when i asked for one cup of tea and one cup of whiskey as i didn't like to mix my drinks, to be fair he did give me the two cups lol.
  6. I did stop for 5 years, then decided to drink again, and have not had a drink for the last 5 months, but the last few days have had sone single malts and a rum or two.
  7. Had it all done ,cortizone injections in Army, left knee was flushed years ago, then a few years later the cartlidge shaved, and finally i snapped the ACL and had to have a couple of tendons from my thigh removed and screwed across my knee to stop it snapping out of place. My advice, leave it alone, once anyone goes in to your knee it is a downward slope, your knee will give up a t some stage then you can have a knee replacement . My right knee is also damaged, a pain specialist told me years ago to live with the pain stating the same as i have said above, it's good advice, and i told the consultant who was going to operate on it that i had changed my mind, that was 8 years ago, i am still walking about lol. Work on building up the muscle around your knee, it will help support it.
  8. welsh1


    Always been a bit of a Wham fan, George was an amazing songwriter and singer.
  9. Love real chips, might dig the fryer out for christmas. These days we do chips in the airfryer, but everyone knows real chips are fried.
  10. Please refrain from derogatory comments about other members.
  11. This site is free speech within the forum rules, if someone wants to be on here representing an association then they should expect to be questioned and probed, this forum is not BASC's mouthpiece, members of this site don't just take statements for granted, and will question and argue their point. As for the rest of your post,you are entitled to your opinion.but the ban button is not yours to use.
  12. welsh1


    My Dad was told he had leukemia and if he didn't start treatment straight away he would be dead in weeks, he took the treatment and lasted 3 years, but the chemo was brutal and affected him, and he got pneumonia a couple of times and ended up in hospital, this affected him due to his body not getting enough oxygen, so he went from a man known for his sharp and quick brain to repeating himself and struggling to get about. He knew he was getting very much worse and was in constant pain, he told my Mum one day no more treatment, she agreed and two weeks later my Dad died in his sleep, no doubt helped by the "small"doses of morphine given by the Marie Curie nurses. My Mum has made it quite clear that she will not hesitate to go if she is suffering, I fully support her. Why do we accept that our pets should not suffer and yet are prepared for those we love to go through so much pain.
  13. Just watched the first 3 episodes, now have to wait for the next one
  14. Do you think my post was directed at you, or could it be the 12 posts that i did remove, you have a think. Oh and apologies for the spelling, i was on the top of a pass in the brecons on the trike pulled over having a cuppa, so the editing was done on the phone with cold hands, sorry i can't always come up to the exacting standards some would like.
  15. Number of posts removed. Please don't start becomiong a valuation expert on someone elses sales thread, it will sell or it won't and the price asked is up to the OP.
  16. He played a great character in emmerdale R.I.P.
  17. £135.7 Million was the cost of enviromental studies ,ground surveys and transport models ,and then he decided not to go ahead, nothing was built.
  18. Because you quoted another comment that had been deleted.
  19. welsh1

    Nord VPN

    It's basically a secure link to remote servers that hide your identity, normally you have an id on line an ip address this lets people know where you are, with a vpn it gives out a randon IP address so you can't (easily) be traced, you can make it very complicated by linking through various servers in different parts of the world. If for example you want to watch a video on youtube but it blocks you as not available in your country, you can connect to a server in say bolivia that would allow access.
  20. Perfect for those winter nights, looks spot on.
  21. welsh1

    Nord VPN

    Lots of explanations out there here's one. https://www.expressvpn.com/go/what-is-vpn-1?category=VPN&subcategory=info&lang=en&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyeWrBhDDARIsAGP1mWTbGBFGZ_lJ6paCrxTiKPuFp9n3DF3YaoEfAQE7pxNkBFuHzvubergaAl2REALw_wcB
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