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About Gemma

  • Birthday 30/04/1981

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  1. You look like some scary Austin Powers mutant! You made me chuckle there tho matey!
  2. I drank far too much wine and fell asleep for midnight. Never mind, it was a good crack up until then! :*)
  3. Happy new year (in advance) everyone!
  4. No snow here, just a bit of a freeze. I'm very gllad I got a new coat for christmas!
  5. Gemma


    Bah, nonsense. What a poor excuse!
  6. I'd bet my last £ it won't and I really hope it doesn't. Taking my nag on a XC charity ride on boxing day and if it does snow then that idea goes straight down the crapper. Although if not too icy it would be really pretty out. It seems to be getting milder here anyway.
  7. At the moment I'm temping as an admin assistant for Cosmic Fireworks. They're really busy at the moment (time of year) supplying fireworks to Tescos, Morrisons, Sainsburys, Lidls, Woolworths and many others. I really like it! My colleagues are great. But unfortunately, they shut down over the winter, and the job doesn't have great prospects. So I start as a dental nurse at a local dentist on Monday. Can't wait!
  8. Not true, they stink! I'm not completely anti cigars tho, I've smoked them on the odd occasion, but only the little ones.
  9. Of course its a hoax, if it were the real thing there'd be a bit more movement involved me thinks. The dust would be a little more unsettled surely.
  10. Gemma

    Woman needed!

    Hmm, well I guess my chap must be that 0.2%
  11. Gemma

    Woman needed!

    Fair enough I do have astigmatism but I have perfect sight through my right eye. Why am I 'blind as a bat' to be going out with a member? Explain please!
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