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Everything posted by amateur

  1. It all depends on how many house clearances you have had, over what period. If you make a habit of clearing houses, you may be rated as "trading".
  2. Not really surprising, given Covid and Ukraine. Other Western European economies performing even worse. Can you honestly believe that Labour would have delivered even that result.
  3. Just corrected that for you.
  4. There is a straightforward solution. The Palestinians give up the hostages and the Hamas terrorists.
  5. Therefore what support should the US stop?
  6. I wasn't aware that the USA supported Hamas, who committed the act of aggression.
  7. I am sure that nobody has an opinion on it.
  8. I think that the pink tree is his tulip tree, which is in the same family as Magnolia. The white blossom trees are the Callery pears, which have become an invasive species in the US.
  9. My memory is that every post-war Labour government has left the economy in a much worse state than it inherited. And before anybody writes that the current Conservatives aren't making much of a job of it, Covid, Ukraine and unfettered immigration (thanks to Blair) have all increased the problems.
  10. There was a rumour that she provided relief to many of the fleet.
  11. Foe Gawd's sake, don't write about his oddities, otherwise he'll be getting them out.
  12. Thank you. I was half considering watching it.
  13. Can't beat ham, eggs,chips & ketchup.
  14. What power? He can't influence anything.
  15. Our local Co-ops (even the large ones) don't, but apparently, Iceland does.
  16. Yes, I prefer that pickle too, if we can get it.
  17. Only in my Bloody Mary, old boy!
  18. Who? Georgia or Agriv8's mate's daughter?
  19. I'm more astonished that Dyke got through the naughty word filter. ... and it would only take some action by the green lobby to object to medium-sized polluting vehicles for the wretched actor to become totally anonymous to the web.
  20. This was a Tony Blair ploy. After Maggie had got rid of the GLC, so sorting out Ken Livingstone, who then, after he had been elected as an MP, promptly became a thorn in the Labour leadership's side. Blair created the London Assembly and Mayor of London role to get Livingstone out of his hair.
  21. amateur


    In the 1990s my tee-total father-in-law gave me a bottle of Haig that he had kept since before WW2. It went down very well, certainly smoother than the usual Scotch that I drank then.
  22. I wasn't a qualified accountant when I started offsetting expenses against casual income, just an articled clerk. You don't need an accountant to sort out basic tax claims. As the advert goes 'Every little helps'
  23. I trust that you are claiming those expenses against the income! One nice little wheeze that I used to apply, when I was involved in motorcycle sport a long time ago, was to take a supply of odd spares with me, plugs, gasket cement, control cables and the like and sell them to blokes who were in need of them. As this constituted a "business", for tax purposes I was able to offset all my expenses against the meagre sales, and inevitably show a tax loss which then was offset against the tax on my employment that I paid via PAYE. So the taxman paid me back something every year.
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