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Everything posted by jojusa

  1. Yep, full camo for me. Any skin showing is very visible to your quarry, get a friend to stand 40yds away in a field with no gloves on and see how much the hands stand out.
  2. jojusa


    These two are always fighting and splitting up, they'll be back together next week. (I also agree with J@mes)
  3. Yep, i think you've got it zeroed ok. Good shooting.
  4. Well I would have thought if his dog was on a lead he wouldn't have let it go near the staffy. I also have nothing against the breed, I think all dogs should be on a lead.
  5. I agree with what your saying, but if his dog was on a lead it wouldn't have been bitten.
  6. This happened to my nephew & niece while I had them out in the park playing with a football. Now I didn't report anyone for this but I did have a word with the owner and got the usual "the dog won't hurt anyone, it was just saying hello". Well try telling a 7yo & 4yo this when a dog is running at them and they only think the dog is coming to attack them. That happened around 13 years ago and now those kids are 20 & 17 and still very nervous when a dog is off the lead. I agree with those saying that your dog should have been on a lead and I understand your dog might be very friendly and wouldn't harm anyone or another dog, but please understand other peoples feelings and realise that your actions could have a very long lasting effect. 13 years (and counting) in the case of the owner I had dealings with.
  7. You might pick up some tips here. http://bushcraft-educational-society.co.uk/forum/index.php
  8. Here is a couple of pics of another Escort barrel, this one was bought from the same shop as the Escort I witnessed and the owner is a friend of Si-Bore on here.
  9. Here you go m8ie, http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...c=86320&hl=
  10. Good shooting Dave, just getting out for a walk with the dog/gun is good and anything else is a bonus.
  11. Fill yer boots here. http://www.targetz.com/
  12. Went to my permission on saturday and the farmer said that the fields were getting hit by pigeons so off I went to see if I could get any. Weather not really in my favour and not that many pigeons around so decided to try and shelter under some trees and to my suprise a pigeon lands in the next tree to me. I was trying to get a good aim on the pigeon through the branches and got into position to fire when another pigeon landed right next to the first one, bang and 2 dropped! Now that is how to save money on cartridges. This is just how they landed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ended the day with 7 pigeons and 2 rooks but could only retrieve 5 pigeons
  13. I use the Motorola TLKR T7 radios and they work very well and are great fun for taking the ****, but don't believe all the hype about the range of the radio's. *How far can I expect my radios to communicate? The communication range quoted is calculated based on an unobstructed line of sight test under optimum conditions. Actual range will vary depending on terrain and conditions, and is often less than the maximum possible. Your actual range will be limited by several factors including, but not limited to: terrain, weather conditions, electromagnetic interference, and obstructions. The T7's are stated as up to 10km range but to be honest and in real world conditions, you can probably expect around 4km which is good enough for me and ideal for the size of my permission.
  14. Had a quick look and you should be able to catch it at these times. British Eurosport 2 Tue, 28 Jul 13:55 British Eurosport 2 Tue, 28 Jul 19:00
  15. Would it be Petes Airgun Farm (Essex) your looking for. http://www.airgunfarm.co.uk/
  16. I bet he had to invest in new pants also as that must have been a brown trouser moment when that thing hit him.
  17. So sorry to hear this. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
  18. All I can say about the Escort semi auto is, make sure you check the choke is tight before every outing with the gun. :( Check my previous topics to see why. http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...c=86320&hl=
  19. Welcome to PW. Look here for your questions on BSA's http://bsaog.co.uk/forum/index.php?PHPSESS...2b981b67b5&
  20. STOP ........ Suffolk & Essex ....... I'm outta here
  21. How many toes do you have on each feet?
  22. to PW. Fire away with the questions as there a very helpful bunch on here.
  23. jojusa

    a honda win!!!

    It was a very close win for Honda because if it was one more lap Rossi would of had him. Good race though.
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