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Everything posted by Hammergun

  1. Reminds me of a friend of mine who was foul-mouthed by an anti as he rode past. He replied something like: "If tha knew oot at all aboot 'untin, tha'd not be wheer tha is noo, an tha'd be deain sumat usefull insteead"
  2. .............and also the amount of times we see "of" used in "could of" when the writer really means "could have "
  3. Anyone on for the PW arms?
  4. Belgian or maybe Spanish. Probably dates from between 1910 and 1940. Approximate value if in good condition, £60. A photo may tell me more. Originally sold by agricultural merchants. Popular with farm boys (and as you say, poachers) as they could be folded and carried in a shoulder bag, or stashed on a tractor. Fairly inexpensive when new.
  5. Hint: only add part of the sugar when you make the sloe gin. Add the rest when you are ready to bottle it until it is sweet enough. You can always add more sugar, but once in you can never take it out! Also, try adding 4 bruised almonds per bottle of gin when making it. You can add spices such as cinnamon and cloves. Also try making bullace gin. Bullaces are like tiny plums which grow in hedgerows, and the fruit and the bushes are similar to sloes in appearance, only the leaves and fruit are slightly bigger. I think the bushes don't have thorns..
  6. From a home brewing and winemaking shop (see Brewing Supplies in the Yellow Pages)
  7. Whosever uses such terrorist tactics is beneath contempt, as is anyone who sympathises with them. Remember those who do this to innocent people who have no involvement with them are terrorists. They are truly evil people and must be treated as such. Such actions can only strengthen the resolve of those who are fighting terrorism. I am sure that many of those who once supported the Chechen separatists will also be disgusted with these actions and try to distance themselves from this.
  8. Anyone wants to meet up: 2pm outside the BASC tent on Saturday. I will have a green canvas gunslip and a Panama hat! See you there!
  9. Happy birthday! Go easy on the cider!
  10. Hammergun


    Cheers guys. Just finished harvesting, so I am too tired to do much tonight. Probably make up for it at the weekend! Maybe see one or two of you at Chatsworth.
  11. Theyre usually about £10 Provided we're not still bailing, how about meeting outside the BASC tent at say 2pm Saturday?
  12. Hammergun


    A mate of mine makes cider and it's pretty good. He uses any type of apple available. He gets all the windfall and bruised apples for free and uses a Kenwood juice extractor to get the juice out.
  13. Hammergun


    Or when you are invited to go and see the "golden rivet", don't The "golden rivet", always located at the bottom of the ship, in one of those seldom frequented areas!!
  14. My comments weren't aimed at anyone specifically, but now and again, there are some posts which are gobbledygook and nobody can understand (ern will vouch for me I'm sure). Spelling isnt that important, just making sure we write what we want to say. No offence intended. PS Lurcherboy - lighten up - my comments about music were purely tongue-in-cheek!!
  15. Errmmmm..... What are the antis going to think if any read these posts?
  16. Seem to remember something about bolting the door and closing the sashes one minute to midnight, casting a handful of salt, a lamb's tail and spitting three times into the fire at midnight
  17. What about incomprehensible posts? Some posts are a constant stream of jibberish ramblings which force you to stand back and work out what the person is trying to say. Please can everyone just spend a few moments to include punctuation, and at least form posts into legible sentences, with capital letters at the start, and stops at the end. And........ read what you have written before you click on "add reply".
  18. Set up a dial-up connection on windows for AOL, and open using the standard Internet Explorer window instead of going through AOL's browser. Problem solved!
  19. In our nearest town, a local bloke had his shed emptied in a break in. Later, we heard that all his stuff had been returned, and a local scumbag was going round with a broken arm which he said he had done when he "fell over".
  20. I guess you must have deep pockets!!! Cheapest English .410 (hammer s/s) I ever saw that was any good was £350. A decent English .410 or 28 bore DB will set you back at least £300+ for a non-ejector or hammer action. Sidelock ejectors - well its anyone's guess
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