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Everything posted by Hammergun

  1. Anyone going? I shall be there to try my luck on the famous clay layout. Hope to see some PW'ers there!
  2. Depends on what you want it for, and how much you are prepared to spend. I got the Canon S50 as its more or less a direct replacement for my SLR camera. Excellent camera.
  3. A mate of mine has a lurcher, and when we had all that snow the year before last, when the snow melted, there was so much dog **** that he bagged it up and put it in an old box which had contained a new widescreen colour TV, and taped up the box with the intention of taking it to the council tip. He left it outside the house door, and when he came back later that afternoon, some d***head had nicked it, thinking it was a TV!!!
  4. Hammergun


    The meat is tenderised during the hanging process by chemicals known as "enzymes"
  5. Years ago, I used to practice mounting the gun and swinging through inside one of our barns (no cartridges in of course) and I stuffed a maglite into one of the barrels with a bit of rag. This gives a rough indication of target.
  6. Hammergun


    Again we must endure the seemingly never-ending yawn-a-thon on TV
  7. Hammergun

    Mr Pieman Senior

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  8. Eggy bread fried in goose fat for breakfast before the Boxing day shoot!
  9. white spirit - doesn't affect the polish
  10. When you are choosing a hare, you can tell the age by the length of the claws.
  11. Pretty much as follows: Let the hare hang for as long as necessary (in winter I hang 2 weeks), remove the meat from the bones and dice into cubes about an inch square. Place in a basin and cover with milk. Boil the carcass and pound the liver to make the stock. Allow to marinade 24 hours, rinse, roll in flour and lightly brown in butter. Take 3 shallots and cut in half, place in a casserole dish with the hare, a wineglassful of red wine, 1 pint hare or game stock, bay leaf, 4 juniper berries, sliced carrot and celery, and other herbs as desired. You may add redcurrant jelly at this stage. Add a little salt and a **** of butter, cover and place in a slow oven for at least 2 hours.
  12. In that case, your policeman was probably a stand-in cover whilst the firearms officer was away, or possibly just a junior officer. Any firearms officer would not make such a simple mistake. There is no need to make sure, but if you do so, ask for the firearms officer and NOT the clerk!
  13. Pieman. Thank you for sharing that with us. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. God bless
  14. Dieseldave: You have misunderstood what you were told. What they mean is that WITHOUT a certificate you cannot go out on your own with a shotgun. If you have a certificate of your own and are 15 or over, you can legally go out and shoot a shotgun on your own land or land you have permission to shoot over without having to be accompanied by anyone. Anyone who tells you otherwise is incorrect. You can check it up in the Firearms Acts if you wish. (see below under "posess an assembled shotgun) http://www.cleveland.police.uk/crime_preve...ung_persons.htm
  15. I do agree that badgers can be a real problem in some areas, and they can be a risk to cattle stocks due to TB. The reality is that badgers no longer have any natural predators, and I agree that in some areas they need to be controlled. However, it is illegal to shoot, and even to disturb them without a specific license from DEFRA. The government has agreed that control is required, yet have been dragging their heels over it. There are far more badgers about these days than there used to be. Relocating them is a bad idea as they are fiercely territorial. Don't misunderstand me. I like to see badgers about too, just in the same way I like to see a fox, or even a few rabbits about as well. However, all populations of wild animals need to be carefully managed. On the subject of the New Zealand pig hunting (which is what this thread is about after all). The pig is a non-native species over there and does a great deal of damage to the natural environment. It is my belief that all non-native species which upset the natural balance of the ecosystem must be hunted with impunity, and ideally be eradicated.
  16. I bring a cool box with me, the sort you put freezer blocks in. You can use it as a seat. It's useful for keeping the beer cold and you can put the shot pigeons into it.
  17. The old rule of "try before you buy" applies. Once you have your certificate, don't be too eager to rush out and get a gun, but try shooting with different types and makes. Personally, I prefer the look and feel of English side-by-sides, whilst others may prefer o/u's, or semi-autos. It's all a matter of personal prefrence. If a private seller is genuine, they would usually be happy to go to a gun dealers with you so the gun can be checked out before you buy. However, as lurcherboy says, if you don't, you've really got to know what you need to look for.
  18. Hammergun


    or...... Lots of love
  19. Anyone about for a chat? http://www.pigeonwatch.co.uk/chat
  20. May God bless Pieman and his family at this difficult time.
  21. Hmm..... "Chip off the old block", as the expression goes..........
  22. Hmm. I think we have had that one before on here. The story was that it was from a Australilan lonely hearts column. Very funny nonetheless!
  23. He expects us to pay to shoot his scabby barn pigeons?!?! Is this guy for real? Maybe he wonders why Rentokill is still in business? Hmm, if only people were daft enough.................... For sale - An evening's driven rat shooting chez Hammergun, only £25 a brace, and you get to keep all you shoot to boot!!
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