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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. a laser boresighter wouldnt work so well, a £20 green laser (when they were legal) off ebay does the trick. its the only true 1 shot zero method ive found, also has a few other uses. as i usually rifle shoot with a friend one of us shoots and the other spots, theres been plenty of times the shooter hasnt been able to spot the rabbit, so shine the laser on a hedge, etc, and let the spotter talk you onto the target (left 10m, down, etc). also the spotter usually picks up the rabbit for the shooter, easy enough to lose them in long grass, esp if the spotter hasnt seen the shot, so the laser can be used to direct them to the rabbit finally, and one of the best, if the laser and the scope are zeroed to match at 100 yards (or whatever range) its a quick and simple way to check zero when you go out - line up on a hedge, etc, at the desired range and flick the laser on and make sure its dead centre of the crosshairs. more accurate than a laser bore sighter, and saves having to find out the hard way that your zero's been knocked off id say thats worth more than £20
  2. simpler one shot method, stick a red or green laser on youre scope, aim and fire at a target, keep crosshairs on the aim point and move the laser dot to where the round hit, then adjust the scope so it lines up with the laser dot. seemples
  3. i hate bank holidays too, i was so bored today i went shooting with the hmr
  4. a rapid fire repeater, one shot every pull?? :good:
  5. was he using a hmr? fair play to the lad, good shooting
  6. trying to explain simply here at 100 yards on 10* magnification, one mildot = 3.6", so if you know the size of whatever youre looking at then you can work it out from that, on no magnification the average person would be about 2 mildots high at 100 yards (ie 1 mildot would be 36", so 2 would be 6ft) - dont point your gun at a human to check it, im just going by the sniper manual i read ages ago to explain mildots
  7. the gf told me not to answer the door cos canvassers (political) were about, so i opened it (i love winding them up). wish i hadnt now, when he said that i was sniggering like an 8yr old, then after he left i got slapped, not my fault
  8. AND they even offer to look after the kids so you can go vote, in newry anyway... have to say im very disappointed i didnt have any cavassers round the door this year, all i had was 2 guys trying to collect money for deaf kids. when i open the door they said "hi were collecting for the national society for deaf kids, have you heard of us?" now, i DARE any of you to keep a straight face in that situation, even if the gf is behind you ready to give ya a slap :good: (edit - this is not an insult or a joke, it is honest to god 100% truth, they were wearing suits abd purple vests/bibs and had clipboards)
  9. me? im not crazy, my doctors even gave me a certificate to prove it anyway, back on topic, can someone who's sober enough to work goolge tell me if im just imagining parties over here can find out how uvoted?
  10. you dont tell the ones im talking about to **** off well, not unless you have a small arsenal in the house :good:
  11. nope, well, i dont think so, but i was talking about northern ireland, and our voting system is ****** up anyway but i have had people tell me several times about people crossing names off on lists at polling stations and calling at the house to get you to go vote
  12. something makes me think i heard somewhere that it wasnt, that parties could check up and see who voted for them i know that over here parties are given a list of the local electorate, and its not unheard of () for them to call at your doorand "encourage" you to go out and vote...
  13. my 10/22 doesnt like any subs, remington targets are the lowest power it likes
  14. depends, do you want to be able to eat it afterwards?
  15. :LOL :good: nearly choked on vodka!! put up warning signs, spilled oil onr oad, drive slow
  16. not going to get too complicated in this response (half cut heh heh!) but couple of simple tips for zeroing; get a ballistics calculator and get the rough figures, first zero at 30 yards, once zeroed at 30 yards then move out to 100, this means you should be at least hitting the target and wont be chasing rounds all over the place, just need to do the fine tuning at 100 yards then also good tip for getting used to a new gun, lift it out of the cabinet every chance you get no, seriousley, i always say this and always do it. take the gun out while your watching tv, etc, practice loading and unloading the mag into the gun (EMPTY MAG!!), operate the bolt, push safety on+off, etc, pull it up to your eye as if taking a shot, etc. main thing is though this helps you get used to the layout of the gun, even just walking around the house with it on your shoulder gets you used to the weight and feel of it
  17. time to start practicing lads! http://www.jokeroo.com/games/shooting/bunny-invasion2.html
  18. lads, i feel for you, i really really do, ive got an awful weekend planned too :yp: after my shock last night i was forced to get drunk, so drunk that i made some very silly propositions to some very good looking women, and they seem to be expecting me to back up my advances then i had to go spend money in the gunshop on ammo and new trousers if that wasnt bad enough i had to walk for 15 mins out to one of my permissions, carrying my 10/22 AND the ammo for it so i could make sure its sighted in for a bit of lamping. after the first 30 rounds i got that bored constantly hitting the bullseye at 60 yards that i started sniping the dandelions growing on the bank behind the target, it was awful, out of 17 shots i only hit with 16 then i was dragged kicking and screaming to another gunshop by a friend where he FORCED me to drool over a steyr aug in .223. now im sitting here waiting for the girlfriend to arrive, im so bored that i've had to crack open the drink already. i dont know how im going to stick another 2 days of this, please someone save me...
  19. i know where my money goes, i saved up a bit of money to go get more hmr rounds rounds this morning, just walked out of the shop with 200 hmr (less than i wanted) but with a new pair of black cargo trousers and a pair of new waterproof trousers as well
  20. if they thought that they would have needed more vodka!
  21. how much longer? will they fit in the torch?
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