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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. :blink: never considered commando rolls, could be useful if the traps every go psychotic and start hurling clays at you. not something that id ever have to worry about mind, the traps would be too scared to put a foot out of line when they see me cocking my mossy one handed... :o
  3. was too young to vote then, but the union flag is still the flag of my country, no gardai strolling the streets, and we still use sterling, so... your point?? whatever the problems here, and whatever term we use for ourselves (be it irish/british/northern irish) one thing is for certain, were not american and neither are we "european", were are a couple of islands beside europe with our own history's and customs, morals, and laws. and going by your thinking that a small country cant stand on its own, what about japan, has it been swallowed into being ruled by china?
  4. course it is, its less loading to do - on top of that imagine the grin youd have after emptying a full drum mag at a clay :blink:
  5. neither of those are options thanks. my allegiance is sworn to the union flag, and anyone who tries to tell me differently will find out what happens when you try to enforce foreign allegiance on an ulsterman. im all for free trade, but the way i see it just because i shop at sainsbury's doesnt mean they should be allowed to dictate to me how i live my life. the eu was set up as a trade agreement with countries and has morphed into an unlelected dictatorship. the only difference between it and most other dictatorships that have been seen around the world is that the eu hide their proclaimations behind health and safety, human rights, anti terror bills and other mumbo jumbo.
  6. nice, most memorable thing i ever found was an old stripper clip of .303 ammo :blink:
  7. has anyone explained to pigeons that the flight ban has been lifted?
  8. you seem to be missing the point, that would mean we'd be surrounded with americans why do we have to join anywhere? why cant we stand on our own?!
  9. i know i looked into getting one a while back and they were out of stock/not being imported, but good luck
  10. spotted the bear hanging on the fence at the range after that, ive now decided that im going to take up a career in photography
  11. nice one the last two nights ive been out lamping ive nearly had a fox, first night i couldnt get a positive id, just had the eyes in the crosshairs, last night i ID'd him ok, had him in the crosshairs for a split second and my mate moved the lamp, followed by lots of swearing and "no you muppet i said left! NO! your other ******* left!!" before we totally lost him :lol:
  12. thank **** for that, ive got items sitting in hong kong waiting to be shipped to me, i'll finally be able to take the rubber strips and duct tape of the hmr :lol:
  13. its a no drive zone, choppers only :D im just thinking, there must be some way to wrangle a few days off work, all this volcanic ash about, me having a bit of asthma...
  14. lets make ownership and practice with .17hmrs mandatory for every citizen of the uk, then just invade europe and take it over, renaming it the Brittas Empire... :lol: ps yes sod them all, get out of the eu
  15. chuck norris would make the rest of them look like wimps :(
  16. take them home to do them. cut the skin in the belly and peel the skin back, up to the neck, halfway down each leg and at the tail, easy to chop the legs, head and tail with a heavy knife then and get it all off. then i slit the stomach, pull everything out anc lungs, etc
  17. van damme refused a part as a mercernary/priest
  18. http://www.theexpendablesmovie.net/
  19. whatever time its out in the cinema i think a lads weekend will be planned around it - shooting, drinking, eh, drinking some more
  20. the expendables now at first this sounds like the usual mush action film, but heres the cast list sylvester stallone jason statham (transporter, crank) steve austin (ex wrestler) mickey rourke arnold schwarzenegger bruce willis jet li dolph lundgren and more... it seems to me like all the old tough guys are in it for one final shoot out, take a look at the trailer ... name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="385">
  21. cheers, im waiting on a few bits and pieces for the 17hmr
  22. just a quick question for those who might know. obviousley the ash will be affecting international post, but what about post between northern ireland and mainland uk? or is it all taken by boat?
  23. thats far from what i was getting at. as i said i speak german (although very rusty), learnt spanish and latin to a lesser degree as well, and have dabbled with russian and irish too, i am far from lazy when it comes to languages. its great saying that we should make an effort to learn another language, but two points. firstly, with the state our education system is supposedly in, would it not be better raising standards across the board with maths/science/english before worrying about foreign languaues. but secondly, and mainly really as someone else has already pointed out, china looks to be the next big economic power so - apart from choosing which european language to teach kids, bearing in mind that the eu has ALOT of different languages and i doubt they could learn every single one - in reality what use is spanish/portuguese unless youre going on holiday, or russian unless you want to buy a few ak's, or german if you want to understand what the nazi's are saying in old ww2 films?? if we had to pick a language, id go for mandarin
  24. i learnt german at school, did a bit of latin and spanish as well. but i think you answered your own question when you said The Germans learn English as a second and quite often leave school fluent in French also. The French learn English,as do the Portugese,Swedes,Dutch and many other European countries if they all learn english then theres no dire need for us to learn french, etc. bearing in mind a lot of the main developed/financial leading countries speak mainly english as a first language (australia, usa, canada, uk) then it makes more sense for the rest to learn english
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