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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. best it was someone with only one post selling some used carts on the sale section :good:
  2. generally? think you meant to say "optimistically" ???
  3. messing about with quotes is fun
  4. you honestly think there was 1,000 useful posts on here?! ??? anyway, it was only edited when i confirmed id made the post...
  5. seemples, it was mine, i claimed it first though im sure the mods will be able to tell us somehow anyway, breaks down like this i reckon - 100,000 first time selling something posts 100,000 snap cap posts 100,000 "can i use my friends gun" posts 200,000 hatsan escort posts 100,000 beretta/benelli posts in reply to hatsan escorts and 100,000 made up of all the fun threads, including ladyboys, zombies and sweetcorn...
  6. LADY BOYS!! yep that did it, im claiming 1,000,000th post
  7. Ozzy Fudd

    The Big Day!

    want what exactly popped up his bum> glad you made it through mate, just sit back and relax and think of all the shooting you can get done while "recovering"
  8. shoot myself with and airgun? im confused. firstly i dont use them, and secondly in northern ireland theyre rated as firearms
  9. cheers mate, thats all i need to know, one hunting related (non firearm) accident coming up
  10. a friends trying to talk me into going to the cinema to see it tomorrow night. she keeps saying its supposed to be really good, etc, but going by the adverts it looks a bit **** to me, seems to be more of a psyhological/crime horror than the usual blood/guts/mad killer/zombie/alien type i normally prefer so has anyone seen it? and if so, do you reckon i should bite the bullet and go along, or claim ive twisted my ankle when out shooting tomorrow and cry off?
  11. oh god, not another one if you got a problem with that sort of stuff go to slugger o'tooles or somewhere mate, this isnt the place for those kinda rows
  12. take your pick 1 - our licencing system is daft, every gun (even an airgun) is treated as being on an fac = more processing time 2 - lishnasharragh (firearms dept) is staffed by civil servants who know nothing about guns and, as someone else said here once "have to go lie in a dark room every half hour due to stress" 3 - lishnasharragh is short staffed and have a back log (with the amount we pay in fees - £50 new application, £26 variation) youd think they could afford to take on more staff 4 - there is supposedly a top level government/psni policy not to issue as many guns here, as they believe A that theres too high a ratio of guns per capita in the place, and B with the underlying tensions (which are simmering now) they dont want too many people with guns, incase they get used on each other
  13. Ozzy Fudd

    Ch4 now

    its nothing new, i have to deal with this sort of thing on a daily basis. the one that sticks in my mind is two people who managed to claim £14,000 for personal injury and stress after a car accident. sounds like a bad accident doesnt it? nope, they were parked in a car park and someone reversing out of a parking space accidentally nudged them the words of the claims assessor always stick in my mind - "damage? the dirt on the ******* bumper wasnt even smudged!!" still, all they needed was a doctor to say they had whiplash and it couldnt be disputed
  14. dont be silly, i dont have a zombie costume though i do have a zombie hunter one
  15. would have defo intervened, one thing in this world i hate is ******* rapists
  16. possibly a bit further (if the case doesnt blow out with not being in a chamber), but when it comes down to it i wouldnt like either of them going off in my trouser pocket
  17. sorry meant glensman, was rushing out to work
  18. least they were only hoaxes :wacko: let us know how you get on ollie, good luck getting sorted
  19. mc, i think this is the first time weve ever agreed on a topic :wacko: the word sport has two many possible uses as for being an anti, im referring to that newspaper article that does the round every so often (someone here has it in their signature) saying that hunters are evil for killing animals, just buy your meat from the supermarket i agree no-one HAS to shoot to eat, but around here if you want to eat game/pigeon etc then its either go hungry or grab a shotgun
  20. but thats the thing mc, the whole problem with this is the definition of sport. to you sport means relaxation, recreation, enjoyment. fair enough. but to me (and to some shooters ive met), sport means competition, a game, a bit of fun, which when considering that at the end of all this were killing animals, its not something i want any part of. you see what i mean? and what do you expect me to call you when you start spouting stuff like an anti? :wacko:
  21. nope. im not deluding myself. i dont shoot for sport, and the day i start i will hand my guns in. where i used to live there was a large shooting estate 1/2 mile from our land, which was full of pheasants and ducks. in the 4 years i lived there i shot only 1 pheasant and 3 ducks. why? because they were for the pot. northern ireland may be different from england, but not many places sell shot game here, the local game dealer refuses to even sell rabbits. so what choice do i have? either shoot them myself or dont eat them. oh and you sound like one of those anti's "hunteres youre evil for killing animals, just buy your meat from a supermarket" - wise the head up!! yes, if the farmer didnt need pigeons, crows, etc, shot i would only be out shooting live targets 2 or 3 times a year, only for the pot. the rest would be made up of clays and targets. dont judge me by your own standards mate
  22. have to disagree. i dont shoot for sport, i hate that term when it comes to shooting. i shoot for the pot, and i shoot for pest control. if im shooting for the pot i take one or two and leave the rest. if its pest control i keep shooting til theres nothing left that needs to be shot. why do i shoot? because i sit in an office all week and love getting outside in my spare time. i also love guns, i freely admit it. i've been shooting since i was 8, but only shot my first animal when i was about 20. in the first year of owning a .22lr i put about 4000 rounds through it, of which about 8 of those accounted for rabbits, the rest was into targets. only two of my permissions are of the type where ive gone and asked to be allowed to shoot, the rest has come through family/friends asking me to sort a problem out - crows, rabbits, etc. thats why i shoot. now, do i get a bit of a buzz when a shot i take hits a rabbit/crow/pigeon? yes, i do, for the fact that ive taken a shot and its hit the intended target, just the same as with clays or targets for the rifle, its that ive done the job right. but the difference is i dont shoot live targets to get that feeling, because its immediately cancelled out by a feeling of regret. the day i start shooting for a bit of sport will be the day i hand in my guns. thats my personal opinion, i'm sure im in a minority when it comes to this, and im happy to be. just please dont lumpeveryone together
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