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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Someone's having a laugh with you - why would any trigger parts need replacing because of rust? soak them on oil then clean off and refit - as for the barrel - polish the metal down (fit it into an electric drill) and reblue it yourself or get a smith to do it for you ( give barrelblacker on this forum a pm and ask how much to do an airgun barrel - not much I'm sure).
  2. I would have thought that the importer would be your best bet - even if they only direct you to a spares source - Range Right , I seem to recall, import them (01423 881919)
  3. Some body has had it apart by the looks of it - thread protruding above the top strap could indicate a little over tightening? Also looks in really good ( little used?) condition yet the position of the top lever suggests that she has seen some use and is worn in ( not out!!) so has she been restored? None of my remarks are a criticism - just like trying to read a guns story by simply looking at it - great guns that will out live us all.
  4. winnie&bezza is just about spot on in my humble opinion - 2.5 thousand lbs/sq" sorts out a piece metal softer than a soft thing. I would also suggest that you don't worry too much about size - the difference between ,say, a 5.5 and a 5.52 in lead is a bridge too far for manufacturers to even attempt - simply breathing on a pellet will see it expand from the smaller size to over the larger and lead pellet skirt sizes will go up and down like a whores drawers depending upon temperature. Buy a well known brand and try them - if all is well then go back to the shop and buy a whole heap more - consistency breeds confidence and confidence is the very best colour that you can wear.
  5. Might help if you narrowed your area down a bit - although I doubt it cos Bucks is pretty heavily shot over it's 720 sq.miles
  6. No it isn't....the first thread has been altered - the original post read as the highlighted box in chris's post.
  7. Pellet on Pellet at 80 (ish) yards? - Daystate, Air Arms etc are gonna be out of business then - never heard of a standard Airgun doing this
  8. No comparison twixt a 95 and the TX - the AA is in a different league altogether.
  9. Next time try Douglas Burton just outside Aylesbury - same day would be out of the question as he is normally snowed under but well worth the wait.
  10. No anger on my part . As for a dealer sending an item back to the importer that may well be the case - but time also has an effect on this situation, for example if your £2k gun failed to work after a month and the dealer has to send it away for a repair that could take another month, then you are within your rights to demand a replacement. There are no sliding scales or hard and fast rules - it all depends on what would be deemed "reasonable" should the case end up in court but the vast majority of people in this country simply do not know their rights nor how to fight for them. BTW - had my Samsung washing machine repaired back in the spring - 4 years old this August but was repaired "as a good will gesture" free of charge when I threatened legal action, we have strong consumer rights - what we lack is the desire to use them.
  11. While others cherry pick sentences from posts and then apply their own understanding of what is being said? I certainly have made no mention to a full refund but no matter, the fact remains that a gun of such quality and of such price should not experience the same problem in 4 years of light use so whether you are an RFD or not the Consumer act protects you . Biggest problem is that people simply assume that a Manufacturers warranty is all they have.
  12. Cars are a different kettle of worms but you would be amazed at the power of your rights as a consumer - it's peoples lack of knowledge that causes the majority of problems. As for the usual 12 months warranty - this is over and above your statutory rights and has little importance in the real world. Your Gun has NOT lasted a reasonable amount of time considering the purchase price and the amount of use that you have had from it, therefore you are covered under the Consumer rights act ( they may have changed it's name over the last 3 years) and can demand that your dealer does something about it. Contact citizens advice and they will help you out or if you don't want the hassle try Douglas Burton in Westcott if you want a top notch gunsmith. If you are feeling feisty you could ring the JVS Show on 3 counties Radio and they will sort you out.
  13. They wind me up something chronic when they ride like they own the road and, 4 or 5 abreast, they block the road and can slow traffic down to a walking pace. But I think also that some drivers are just as stupid - I have lost count of the times I have got stuck behind a car driven by some moron that doesn't seem to be able to judge the width of Larry Lycra on his bone shaker and waits for both lanes to be clear before over taking - you can easily pass a cycle, with a car, using one lane and with traffic coming the other way. Cyclist also don't seem to help the situation, surely , if you have needed to slow down or take evasive action to allow them on their way safely, then a simple nod or some sign of thanks would not go amiss?
  14. "Don't use an Air rifle" Glenlivet? I can see your point after having problems killing them cleanly at first but that , I think, was caused by over penetration when baited Squirrels were being shot at a close range (max 15 yards) using a lightweight .177 pellet bang on the legal limit - switching to a heavier pellet solved the problem and the 126 that we shot in the local Parks don't appear to be any less dead than if we had used a .410....which would not be allowed because of the safety/cost issues.
  15. Is it safe to assume that they are coming into the garden for a particular reason i.e. to raid a bird table or take fruit from a tree? You should set up within comfortable range of their favourite place and ensure that you have a good backstop where you intend to shoot them - you should not need any camo gear if they are used to humans being nearby and if you shoot one you should find that the other one stays in range and will soon return after the initial shock of seeing it pal's demise - I find early morning to be most productive cos the little blighters are driven by hunger - find/build a comfortable place to wait with a rest for the rifle and do not move once you shoot the first one.
  16. TX200 - very little comes close - and, by the way, once you have shot a handful of Magpies off the Muck the rest will disappear like a **** in the wind.
  17. Cannot believe that people still do not understand their statutory rights - 3 years for an item as expensive as a 725 is about as relative as my inside leg measurement in these cases and the fact that the fault has occurred once before adds fuel to the fire and gives you more oomph to your argument. Take it back to the dealer that you bought it from-it has NOTHING to do with Browning - your contract is with the seller of the item. 3 years is NOT a reasonable amount of time for your gun to have lasted - for your own sake read the Law's regarding your rights and act accordingly - don't let the seller get away with costing you money when you are protected by the strongest consumer rights in Europe.
  18. Heard one about a month ago here in Bucks but nothing since.
  19. Wilts#Dave...because (and I have done this several times already) you get all naked then as you step into the shower you remember that the beast is turned off - with 6 people in the house at any one time opening the door to reach a switch could be embarrassing
  20. Stunning gun - would you consider taking my wife and my right arm as a deposit?
  21. Oh Dear - I was even worse with a .410 SxS Hammergun that I bought from an elderly lady for £3 - she knew I did not have a licence but was happy to sell it me once she had removed the firing pins. 20 minutes with a pair of pliers, a Hacksaw and a file and I was up and running. A mate of mine used to "borrow" 12g cartridges from his Dad and we would strip them down and reload the handful of .410 shells that we had - we used toilet paper as a Wad and Copydex glue to hold the shot in. We roamed freely for miles with that little gun and it accounted for many Rabbits over the months until one day we tried shooting Ducks with it on a river several miles away. After our very first shot (one Mallard dead) a Police car appeared from nowhere and the game was up. At the tender age of 13 I was charged with no licence, purchasing ammunition under age and 13 separate charges of armed trespass - my Dad was not a happy chap I can tell you but every cloud as they say - as the Police car took us home I found a £5 note on the floor in the back and popped it in my pocket and a couple of weeks later I bought a BSA Snipe single 12
  22. And there was me thinking I had the "oldest springer in town",oldypigeonpopper . I'm 54 and my first was a Relum at the tender age of 13, we were not a rich family and most of my mates had new Mercurys - one had an Original 35 and he was a God to us. My gun was a source of much amusement however as parts frequently detached themselves but were replaced by nails or self tapping screws and in this state she served me well. We were shooting at pigeons in a Layby next to a main road early one morning (imagine trying that nowadays) when the very first car to come round the corner was a Police car who saw us and promptly pulled over. My gun was the only one out at the time so I was centre of attention. I explained, in a shaky voice, that I was not actually shooting but had heard something fall out of my gun case and upon looking I had noticed that the pin on the cocking arm had fallen off and that we were all searching for it - after showing the officer the ,now useless, gun he ,in turn, spent the next 10 minutes helping us look for it. After a while he left and my mates all agreed that it was a shame that I could not go with them for the rest of the shoot...."poppycock" (or a similar word) I said and reached into my pocket to fetch the pin that I had quickly removed and put in there as soon as I had seen the Police car ....sometimes it's handy to have a gun that falls apart .
  23. Funny how the word "classic" creeps into the equation when people try to sell older guns. I would suggest that the FWB 124/7, the HW35 export and the B55 (BSF) would wear the classic crown of that era ? Guns like the Hawk were simply out classed by most things Germanic and were little more than a shot of Morphine to our dying Gun trade.
  24. Walker570...."slinky keeny meeny" - are you sure that wasn't your "Yellow Polka Dot Bikini"?
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