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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Looks like he needs "doing"....pop him to your local vet.
  2. Congratulations on your choice Sir, you now own one of the finest Airguns in history......Enjoy.
  3. I would use steel pellets - the mk3 is renowned for dropping pellets down into the action thus requiring a strip down of the breach area, at least with steel you might be able to use a magnet to get the blighters out.
  4. Lloyd90.....looks like your prayers have been answered...get it bought quick.
  5. Been thru this before - do not automatically assume that your neck is on the block. Decent companies employ the services of medical professionals to judge your possible needs at work i.e. If you suffer from back problems the Doctor will recommend, for example, that you no longer lift any weight over 25kg until further notice - they may also suggest a different chair if you sit for prolonged hours. Pretty sure that its the law now that a company must help you if it can.
  6. My local dealer is a member of some sort of dealership agreement where he can sell guns from any other dealer in the scheme. The way it works is simple....decide what you want and what flavour you want it in (Prosport would be my choice)......find one for sale in the UK at a dealer then ask your local dealer if he can get the gun delivered to him.....if the gun is good and you are happy with the advertised price then you buy the gun from your local chappy, he, in turn, makes a few quid via what he pays for the gun and what you pay for it (my dealer reckons to make about £30 - not much but more than he would if you had bought the gun from elsewhere). If you don't like/want the gun then there is no charge....it simply gets posted back. One other thing worth remembering is the distance selling regs....if you order a gun without seeing it (pay with a credit card for even more security) then don't like it for any reason whatsoever then you can simply return it....you are in a much better position than if you go and view the gun.
  7. Have the same gun, and for about the same amount of time. Superb Rifles , never had a single fault and stupidly accurate with the right ammo.
  8. I would strongly advise you to try the SP with heavy loads on the range before committing to buying one - some people simply cannot get on with these guns and the seemingly different way that recoil is felt as opposed to ,say, a similar Browning. Nothing against the SP just think you might be wise to try before you buy
  9. The jury that heard the evidence found the case so disturbing that they have been excused from any such duties for 10 years. As for Social Services all I can say (and with personal experience of them) is what a total crock of **** you are - one of you, at least, has this child's blood on your hands and you should be charged with negligence at the very least.
  10. Been found guilty of murdering Liam, your Son and helpless child that you saw fit to torture then murder in the most horrible and cowardly way possible. I sincerely hope that you bitches rot in eternal hell for your crime and never feel the touch of human kindness for as long as your sorry souls last - would pay to see you both swing from a rope. Rant Over - but anger might take a lot longer.
  11. Great pics - but ,next time, ask her indoors for some advice before choosing your face cream.
  12. Fenboy...is **** short for 4 stars?
  13. Flame off a candle?...TX200. If you had said hitting the flame on a bonfire then most likely the HW
  14. Check that you have PTFE tape around the thread on whatever screws into the female pump connector.
  15. Small loading port? Christ on a bike you only need to get a pellet and 2 fingers in there - pretty sure I could put my face in the TX that I had and spit the pellet into the breach (and I have an enormous proboscis).....best thing to do is try them both then buy whichever you find is best - then put the HW back in the rack and pay for your new AA.
  16. No comparison IMHO the AA is in a different league.
  17. Our local dealer gave me 50 to try - not good at all. Both my son and myself found them to have a more harsh kick than Power Reds yet they are slower and more expensive.
  18. Low Tack masking tape and an Edging brush. Brush can be quite hard to find in your average DIY shop but ebay ( item no 201484862623) has em cheap enough.
  19. Just another form of tax - it's unbelievable that your charges increase with the duration of your stay when Hospital rarely run on time - only the English would stand for it. When I had my Shogun I never once paid to park - I would simply drive around the barrier or over the nearest curb onto the road..
  20. Parcel Force - normally around £15 - if it's a PCP then you should bleed the air out first.
  21. SteveieP - looks nice and I'm glad that you have spent time and money on your gun - there are a lot of doubters out there where Chinese guns are concerned ( and I was among them) but I think you need to actually try one before expressing any opinion - many of the reviews of the Express waxed lyrical about it being superb value at £160 - the fact that mine, new and boxed, was £60 less makes it unbelievable value. Even stranger is that my Express sits in a rack next to a S410, A S200 and a Mercury S but it's still the one I keep picking up. Mole - first of all we need to tread carefully here - with my recent discovery of the value of the Chinese guns there is a real danger that we might actually agree on something . BTW - doubt that I would recommend a HW95 as I had one for a while and, despite pulling off my longest shot ever, I never actually gelled with the thing - on NewsNow last week there was a TX200HC in Walnut going for £200 - I would opt for that.
  22. Get on with it - we can all recall horror stories about people trying a new shampoo and their balls falling off but it's as near safe as you're likely to get - I hear it's practically painless apart from on your wallet.
  23. Get a quote from a local Gunsmith before spending money - forends can usually be tightened very easily and you can find videos on YouTube showing you how if you fancy a go yourself - ejectors are another matter but could be a simple fix.
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