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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Anyone with a copy of either to sell im keen to get them.
  2. I,ve googled "where the red fearn grows" and it looks like the one-a million thanks for your help,guys.
  3. Hi all-hoping someone can help name a film i saw many years back and have wanted to get a copy ever since.Storyline is in the southern states of the US and involves a young boy (father farms a small hometead) who saves all his money to buy a "coonhound".As the crops fail his father needs the money but the following year the boy manages to buy one "mail order" and gets 2 by mistake.Cut a long story short the boy wins the state championship with his dogs but the film ends after one of the dogs is killed protecting the boy from a mountain lion and the remaining dog just lies on the dead dogs grave until is also dies.Any bells ringing out there?
  4. Unlikely to be crows if there was a number of them as crows are pretty solitary birds and only tend to flock in extreme weather-most likely Rooks if a flock was involved.Not to say that you did,nt shoot a crow by any means-Rooks respond in the same manner regardless.Rooks also trend to do little damage to crops as they dont dig for seeds like crows will-they will normally clean up any seeds on the surface of the field -these would not normally have germinated anyway.Over the last few years it has been suggested that Rooks do a good job of removing grubs from the fields (leatherjackets i think) and are usefull in most cases.Not a lecture my friend-just a harmless observation from a local fellow shooter.
  5. My AAS200 lives in the back of my Shogun most of the time and gets banged about quite a bit as well as having all sorts of rubbish thrown on top of it.I dont know how old it is cos i bought it second hand about 2 years ago but apart from charging her once or twice a month i,ve never had to touch her maintanance wise and the zero has only shifted once (by about 1/2") since i originally sighted it in.A quick wipe over with an oily rag and the thing comes up like new-i cant fault these little guns on any score.Without meaning any disrespect i did own a Falcon once but found that it was nothing but trouble and never inspired any confidence (maybe i had a dodgy one) IMHO at the mid to lower end of the price scale you will struggle to beat an Air Arms.
  6. I use boring old Tesco,s PAYG in my phone and have never had any problems whatsoever with the service-i allways seem to get a signal when people around me cant.I put £10 a month in and that gets trebled and so long as i only use mainly my 5 favouirite numbers then i rarely use all the credit+ i get clubcard points which helps pay my RAC membership and the cheapest mobile directory services on the market.
  7. Not a bad rule of thumb but there are many other factors effecting the used value-Is it a sought after model?-Is it a chinese clap gun?-Is it common as muck?-safest bet would be to look on gun sales sites (am i allowed to mention "guntrader"?) and see what price a particular gun is fetching.
  8. Sorry Sean-my mishtake!-i thought that the 822 was an 80,s model?-very similar to the T200 (also called the Telly) and many parts are interchangeable.
  9. Looks like a Relum T200 to me-just thought i,d mention it.
  10. Whilst we seem to be debating which calibre would have been best for the job in hand i must admit to being confused as to why they had to be shot in the fist place.If the road had been closed for ,say, 20 minutes is there anybody on this site who doesn,t think they could have got within darting range? :unsure:
  11. bruno22rf

    Bread maker

    Dunkield-care to share your nan recipe?-but be carefull cos we dont want to start a break away baking circle!!!
  12. bruno22rf

    Bread maker

    I would,nt recommend the Aldi machine because they might be cheap but spares are very hard to get although they do make very good bread and are great value.The panasonic range are best long term because you can get spares on the auction site and they are fairly sturdy.Dont buy one if you think that it will save you a lot of money-decent flour (and you will buy every type you can-like a kid in a sweet shop) is not cheap and cheap flour rarely works.In my experience if you need the bread for sandwiches you will find carving the loaf easier with an electric knife as the bread tends to be taller and softer than your supermarket rubbish.Once you get used to your machine you will learn when the mixing cycle has finished and you can remove the paddle from the dough before baking starts-worth remembering.If you keep the machine outside of the kitchen then make sure you bring it in for a couple of hours b4 you use it as some breads are very sensitive to temperature.Hope this is of some help.
  13. Air Arms all the way-not like me to be patriotic but they really do take some beating.
  14. Ammo for the Brno/cz,s is simple-Eley extra subs or RWS high velocity for that bit extra-some other rounds will match the performance of both these rounds but in my opinion not over a batch of 100. :blink:
  15. Ive got one of these-my daughter won a magazine competition with it taking a macro shot of a beetle-superb bit of kit.
  16. bruno22rf


    Finally got my refund today-contacted my bank and paypal then suddenly the refund appears-the company is "gixxersintheblood" on the well known auction site but gsxrracing1054 to everyone else-please leave this on here cos it might save someone a whole heap of heartache.
  17. Im assuming that the dog is insured-in which case your insurance company should be informed and sort out any legal costs.
  18. I drink a 1/2 litre of merrydown every day-got to be one of the best if price is an issue-morrisons own vintage is also very good for the money (god what a tight wad i,ve become) other than that its got to be old rosie.
  19. bruno22rf


    Thanks for the advice guys-cant visit him cos he,s in Barnham in Kent which is a long walk from me-think a recorded letter followed by small claims court is the way forward for now-once the *** has paid up then i,m gonna have some fun with him-on one of my shoots theres an old building that still has a working phone in it (belongs to BT)-maybe i should ring his number and then just leave the phone live for a day or so-then the ebay trick and a message from my mates dog-i,m almost feeling sorry for him.
  20. bruno22rf


    About a month back i bought a speedo for my motorbike over the phone and paid by debit card.When the speedo arrived it was in KM/H which was useless to me so i rang the company straight away and explained the problem-no problem said the man-our mistake-send it back and we will refund you.Since then i have rang them about 20 times and get some of the most feeble excuses i,ve ever heard and its obvious now that they are having a laugh at my expense.The guy i normally speak to is the owner cos his name is listed as such but for a while he denied it and told me i needed to speak to "dave"-i tried this several times and only caught on when i spoke to a different person who laughed when i asked for dave.Now i,m mighty peed off-how do i get my revenge?-can i open an ebay account and constantly buy all his stock then not pay?-i dont care if my account get closed cos i have a proper one anyway-any suggestions would be welcome.....
  21. Am i right in thinking that this is a new scope recently bought along with your new gun?-if so then your dealer is liable to replace it unless it has clear signs of abuse or neglect.If your dealer is trying to tell you that the damage has been done by the recoil transmitted from the firing cycle ( resting the gun on a hard surface or not) then he has sold you an item not fit for purpose.Unless it is clearly marked on the gun that resting it on such and such a surface could damage optics then i would be banging on his door right now.More details would be usefull......
  22. Normal way this works is-they send you a copy of a genuine cheque for ,say, ten thousand pounds.They then ask you to return the money,minus your whatever percent, as soon as the cheque clears in your account (and it will show as a credit).You send them money using your account (in which you believe there to be 10k) only to find several days later that your bank has declined the cheque as it turns out to have been previously paid.Result-your account is good so you have legitimatly sent them a wad of your cash-the bank will deny any responsibility.Only way around this is to ask the bank to confirm in writing that the funds are in your account when they first appear-doubt that any bank will do this anymore cos they,ve bin had before.
  23. If it says on the ad that its advertised elsewhere then he has a get out of jail free card-most likely scenario is that somebody was watching the item but did,nt want to get involved in a bidding war-he waited till the item ended and then p.m.,ed the seller and offered him a bit more-happens all the time.You should be able to get the sellers name and address thru ebay but i cant remember how you do it-when you,ve got it -let him know you,re on your way and will expect petrol money if the vans not there.
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