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About Bluebarrels

  • Birthday 09/11/1966

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  • From
    Lincolnshire ( But live in Hampshire)
  • Interests
    Hide,rough,roost,corvid and pigeon decoying/shooting,and the odd day on the clays.

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  1. Right chaps you know how I tipped you all off about Packham getting dropped from Dogsival last night,and then it happened. πŸ‘ Well just got of the phone with a mate who has connections in Defra and they are considering only issuing shooting licences to people who have submitted feedback to the survey.πŸ‘ Dont know how true it is,but if your a lazy ****** who can't be *****,can I have first dibs on your shooting kit when you sell up.πŸ‘πŸ˜‚cheers muckers,BB
  2. I'm near Odiham so the woka wokas flush plenty of pigeons.πŸ‘
  3. Well if we all buy a couple of ropes of magnum bangers let the police chopper investigate the reports of gun shots after a week they will have blown the budget ,then its business as usual.πŸ‘πŸš Helicopters are great for flushing pigeons out the trees.
  4. Yep this event was live on FB.πŸ‘ Do a FB or YT search it's on there.
  5. And no ones said anything of the sort,but maybe just maybe people are starting to see through his one sided views.
  6. The word on the street is Packham is going to be dropped from hosting this event,hence the title "Packhams dominoes are starting to fall" Stick to pigeon shooting chaps,some of you will never make detectives.πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸ˜‚ You have been promoted to PW detective.πŸ‘ Comments are tongue in cheek gents, it's called banter,so double away and scratch your heads.πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
  7. Is anyone actually interested about the future of shooting on this forum? Pw is one of the largest shooting forums on the net,it seems it has the least amount of enthusiasm and fight! For Gods sake if you do nothing,dont be whinging when it all goes tits up.
  8. Seen this last weekπŸ‘Seems Packham sticks his beak into anything.
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