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About Whitebridges

  • Birthday 04/02/1961

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  • Interests
    Shooting and Fishing

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  1. Fanny has a touch. Look how she tenders the skin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nhs_33zWEoQ
  2. Ban this. Ban that. Ban Immigrants. Ban wokes. Ban diesel fuel.Ban benders in the church. Ban farming. Ban Europe. Ban water companies. Ban King Charles. etc. etc. etc. Banning lead shot is ludicrous , stupid old bull****. Lead kiils humanly and is ballistically superior to steel. There are so many bigger matters than banning lead shot but the BASC will not step away from "old goals" . Personally I stopped paying a subscription because at £80 they were not fighing the right fights.
  3. George delivered a few slabs my way and then i could never get hold of the bloke. His 30g no6 "Ultimate" load was seriously good.
  4. All you say is fair and accurate. Europe is on it's knees. Our problem curently is the lack of a statesman , a true leader. I agree , pro Europe UK based "losers" are only interested in fast track flights from UK airports and their own bottoms , rather than the strength of the British economy. I'm glad we left the " cosy club" and can't wait to see the European Union fall.
  5. Very nice Ditchy, I love a good shake of Lee and Perrins Worcestershire sauce on mine.
  6. Mine is really nice and shiny. I've fished since i was 6 years of age. I'm 63 now. Frankly the ******* who own our waterways are profiteers, pollution and vile selfish mandates have ruined things. The Norfolk Broads should be an angling haven but the Broads Authourity are clueless and are only interested in keeping the rivers open for navigation and are blind to the benefits of angling.
  7. She is the next generation of Super Bitch. Harder than a pick axe. Classless cow who hates the people of this country.
  8. Morocco.... what the hell are you doing boi? As Nelson once said " Desperate affairs require desperate measures ", i suppose. I reckon this comun' week I gorta clear winda so as t' head nor 'west and knock yew yup partner .. Be ready..
  9. I've used A G Meale & Sons Ltd at Wayford ever since I lived at Barton Turf in the late 80's. Fantastic produce .
  10. Ditch how did you conjure up brussel sprouts this time of year? Nice job I bet eating that will give you a nice gleaming coat.
  11. Excellent ! Well done for refusing the 70+ yard pigeon on a windy day with a sub 12 ft lb gun.
  12. Looks great Ditchy. I'm scum class, use white pepper loads as black pepper makes some sauces go a mucky looking grey colour. Local butcher I use is selling a lot of dry cured salted beef. It's nice.... very nice. If you like this i'll bring a parcel.
  13. bruno22rf I quote " ..last ditch attempts ...." made me smile as i bought an old Mercury "S" from a lovely fella in Ipswich for not a lot of money but she was in a very average state. The stock was rough, the barrel wasn't aligned and the guts were unloved. Simon our beloved Ditchman sorted her out and I still love her , she shoots fantastic to this day after ditchy fettled her.
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