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old man

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Everything posted by old man

  1. Being a bit pessimistic which is one of my major traits, I am of the personal opinion that NE have finally realised the damage caused by their negligence. Suspecting that the airs of rotting fish pervades the corridors of Mr Goves department. The damage is done and Packham knows it. WJ are not concerned in the slightest about damage to crops and livestock cruelty caused by their challenge as they have the moral high ground, NE being the negligent culprits, nature being red in tooth and claw will be WJ defence. Not being a legal eagle even I can see the raft of likely successive challenges lined up by WJ. My personal opinion being that the only way out of this mess is to alter the legal status of all pest species not try to fudge around trying to grant licences of exemption to creatures on the protected schedule? Simple maybe? Being constantly amazed the the levels of ignorance, ineptitude and arrogance accepted as the normal from central government departments, industry pushed to operate to ISO standards as they struggle in La La land?
  2. Teflon Tony Bliar is who John.
  3. Possibly a fair candidate for copious social handouts? Poor thing.
  4. Mm, took them long enough for her to vacuum up a nice wad of wages and expenses though before exit? Maybe need to get her expenses scrutinised between her conviction and exit?
  5. Well, I see that Brexiteers are 'Profoundly Ignorant' according to this illustrious being? Personally happy to be classed as that compared to my opinion of him, I can't be jailed for ignorance?
  6. We have to face facts, it's an absolute fiasco and legal minefield, with NE terrified of the next challenge and clueless how to dig themselves out of the hole they have made? They need clearing out from top to bottom starting with Gove, but the correct thing never happens at their level?
  7. Mm, not sure of that, looking around the neighbours here 95% would, I think stop us going out? Alcohol, day time TV, visiting the doctors, feeding squirrels and crows, holiday and eating out seem to be the order of life?
  8. Probably not a good call as "all birds are protected" by law.
  9. I think the advice from NGO is that it would be unwise to proceed at the moment due to legal advice obtained?
  10. Carry on I''ll hold your coat, be sure to take a change of underwear maybe?
  11. Respectfully, you may never have been spotlighted by people who do not think as we do, It's not very nice and doesn't aid restful sleep. It's the same scenario with thieves while you look elsewhere they watch you?
  12. With Scully here. How does compromise help here, it's not possible to give ground over the protection of livestock or the need to protect people or animal foodstuff from contamination.
  13. Not disputing any action taken here to try to comply with the conditions, just pointing out that it's a potential minefield IMHO. With no definitive conditions stated, no definitive action to comply able to be proved? Thinking here more of the ease of multiple challenges from WJ against NE not on a personal level. Not over yet by a long way?
  14. Being mildly questioning without confrontation, if no specific deterrents are listed and specified how could you defend only having 3 scarecrows and firing the occasional shot as warning? Maybe deemed not enough deterrent by someone else as self satisfaction may not be enough? Maybe impossible to pre-empt the unknown
  15. Possibly the delay results from the fact that NE now realise the full extent of their faux pas? Anything other than watertight will not suffice and result in another challenge?
  16. And that maybe is the way to go, be specific in the statemented fact that lethal control is legal under certain circumstances? No different than the way people are liable to sanction where the law is broken?
  17. Why? you presumably have no proof as to what did this, as Scully says, just nature being red in tooth and claw. As for trying to get empathy from him, maybe a waste of your time? A clever, vexatious little chap is he, finding a real blunder, using it to further his own agenda legally separating himself from repercussions while allowing others to fund his dream puts him apart from most? He hasn't finished yet either, will make an ideal replacement for Dave on the BBC to push their agenda to the unknowing and uncaring? Poor Dave seems to have gone off piste lately, more anthromorphism in every programme?
  18. IMHO, while NE mess about trying to be clever by being non specific with regard to the specific conditions required to be complied with, they only leave everyone open to a challenge of non compliance in the courts? This idea is maybe stupid and a two edged sword. If a specific condition of action required prior to shooting is given, then surely if that condition is carried out and recorded no one can be easily challenged? I just despair at their ineptitude, or is it just me? ISO 9001 does not apply? More like The Beano!
  19. What a continuing dogs breakfast, and we are classed as ill educated and inept? Just what are the conditions that we need to abide by to be legal? Or is it just me being myopic?
  20. Does my memory serve, the Met Police recently sent out details of hundreds of Fire arm licence holders to the company selling Smartwater as an aid to increase security?
  21. For balance, it may be as well to say that we are all on a range of spectrums relating to all aspects of our existence? It's really not his fault that Natural England were inept enough to allow such loose interpretation of the GL, he was just astute enough to exploit this debacle for his own agenda. When mediocrity such as seem to be the usual level of performance in all public institutions these days, is it surprising that it's so easy for some to unravel it? The blame lies solely with NE for ineptitude? Anything with a beating heart deserves respect and humanity? Tin Hat in place.
  22. I am of the personal opinion that maybe a few here are running on way too fast. The crux of the challenge from my understanding will be the proof in effectiveness of the failure of non lethal controls? What are they, how many have to fail before a proven case for lethal controls to be approved? I bet the "Wild ones" have thought this through? If this loophole is not closed the challenge may well go ahead and win? Just hoping I am wrong?
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