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old man

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Everything posted by old man

  1. Just a thought. According to the consensus from our shooting organisations it would be unwise legally to proceed as you say you wish to? Regarding your thought on someone proving you had not done enough, maybe it would be you required to prove that you had? A bit difficult when nothing actually specified?
  2. But for the sake of fair play, other deities may be considered? 😀
  3. I think that given the resounding success of the first legal challenge that they WJ, due to their agenda will pick and choose till the money runs out (if ever) Farmed Salmon, Grouse, Woodcock, Pheasant, Sheep, Cows. Whatever they desire to meddle in, wherever the legal invulnerability lies? Their clever manipulation of status, having legal invulnerability, all funded by others and general ignorance gives them the perfect endless playground? It seemed at the time very strange to me how quickly NE caved in, Ineptitude? Undue Influence? Ignorance? Arrogance? Lack of care for cruelty to livestock? Whatever can be surmised, the truth will never be known? Shame on all involved, just another sorry state that we have come to expect from those in charge. Mediocrity being their gold standard. Clearly from experience it seems that wherever things are not specific/specified, challenges can be made so change must be made to the legal status to prevent this? Simple really? Maybe not while subsidies can be withheld?
  4. Don't underestimate the Gun Control Network, the Marshall-Andrews' have all of the contacts and clout required, just look them up?
  5. Has anyone tried yet? Have ordered some for trial, seem a bit expensive?
  6. That's quite polite?
  7. Seem very complicated to me? Expensive for repair?
  8. PCC's and Lord Mayors, just another irrelevant waste of money to give the poor populace the dim hope that they have some influence?
  9. Far too kind to 'silly old ****' IMHO. Certainly needing new relevant new leaders to all parties, frightening to think of the green impact?
  10. Not only is it stupid it's unquantifiable. Whilst the muppets in charge continue down this blind alley nothing can be solved due to the ease of another challenge?
  11. Do you have a slot on ticket for one?
  12. Can they be electronic calls? What a sorry bunch of clowns. The way it's progressing WJ will have won on every score.
  13. Lotsa good fights innit? Innit?
  14. And that according to Flyboy1950 should be an optional box on all ballots.
  15. A .308 RUM sounds quite sweet from behind.
  16. You might not receive a second invitation due to the impact on shooters alongside?
  17. Yes, rely on Section 4 defence at your own peril!
  18. Packham and Srrachan can share my portion. Doesn't she live in South Africa and presumably helps destroy the planet by flying in?
  19. Maybe best used as toilet paper?
  20. Sadly you can have all of the ammunition in the world but if you can't hit the target? ? ?
  21. Interesting thank you. I may have to consider this as I wondered if its of any value to someone? My reason for asking is that this week the tree rats that expired first outing 4 were sub adult non lactating females, and 1 old buck, second outing 4 sub adult males and 1 old lactating doe. This lactating doe is the 1st seen. Previously not taken an interest in sexes or breeding condition till the start of April. Difficult to age the tree rats but the older ones seem to have much more body density. Up until the start of April was lucky to average 3 per week now recording 10 per week at present from April the 1st. Thanks Steve.
  22. With vermin dispatched does anyone record sexes etc? Any scientific worth?
  23. Being a bit pessimistic which is one of my major traits, I am of the personal opinion that NE have finally realised the damage caused by their negligence. Suspecting that the airs of rotting fish pervades the corridors of Mr Goves department. The damage is done and Packham knows it. WJ are not concerned in the slightest about damage to crops and livestock cruelty caused by their challenge as they have the moral high ground, NE being the negligent culprits, nature being red in tooth and claw will be WJ defence. Not being a legal eagle even I can see the raft of likely successive challenges lined up by WJ. My personal opinion being that the only way out of this mess is to alter the legal status of all pest species not try to fudge around trying to grant licences of exemption to creatures on the protected schedule? Simple maybe? Being constantly amazed the the levels of ignorance, ineptitude and arrogance accepted as the normal from central government departments, industry pushed to operate to ISO standards as they struggle in La La land?
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