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old man

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Everything posted by old man

  1. You missed the joyful situation of being well acquainted to those with regulatory powers?
  2. Colies850 Perhaps introduce yourself? Sorry but never had an 850, Mm, 2 up the spout now, not sure your ability matches your ambition buddy?
  3. No thanks, each to his own. Aim and shoot wins the day for me.
  4. I too struggle to comprehend why people seem so readily agreeable to surrender their freedoms. Sadly, again IMHO the next tiny step towards a rogue state where only freedom relates to a position of power. The powers that be, should, maybe realise that they only govern because the majority enable them to by conforming to law. This could be enhanced if the powers robustly addressed the real individuals and their crimes instead of rolling out the usual rafts of meaningless twaddle that uselessly inconvenience the majority to no effect on the problem? The Stasi of old seemed to excel with just a pencil and paper?
  5. Just a thought. Why introduce another element into accuracy, a loopy .25 trajectory, why? A correctly placed missile from a flat shooting gun is easier, quicker and more effective to my way of thinking as shock power not needed in precision placement? Keep it simple? Need to shoot at 60 yds with sub 12, think again maybe?
  6. Merely propaganda which when misused does no one any good, people with sense just switch off?
  7. Well, I would donate £50 to fuel the pump.😀
  8. Seems like the RAC are in process of starting to create a fleet of fast charge support vehicles to rescue the hybrid and electric vehicles that run out of charge mid journey? The way forward?
  9. In answer to the OP, simply because they can?
  10. Does it really matter, the end result is the mess we find ourselves in now? Either path implies corruption and duplicity surely?
  11. Don't think they from the States. Vicky Mcclure and Martin Compston?
  12. Mm, me neither bud. Have you broken anything lately? Usual place 11 till 3 on Wednesday 15th if you want to try again?
  13. I wasn't aware of this quote, but if true it makes the sanity of our politicians who led us in to this debacle even more questionable? A crime of Treason barely covers it? What on earth could be a sane reason for that? Mind numbing?
  14. How do you construe from my simple question asking for clarification of your view that i consider you to be of lower intelligence? I am of the personal opinion that we should have left on the date specified to restore the democracy that that people voted for. It is plain to me that the reform from within that you propose is clearly impossible, they do not negotiate just aim to subjugate.
  15. Doe be daft mate. Must have dozed off and missed that.
  16. Still waiting for your reforms Raja, are you still all at sea?😰
  17. Take your point, but.....it's a good illustration of what happens when laws are tinkered with. Make one exception and all is lost?
  18. Interesting point here, we have to shoo away crows etc but could maybe prosecuted for persecuting all other species, as they are all protected? Mesh is my way too.
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