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Everything posted by Bobba

  1. Hi, in a round about way that is what I was saying. Like you I was of the view that nothing had happened until I saw my Consultant referral which clearly showed that something had. ATB
  2. I'm in Avon and Somerset area. Never had a problem. Always helpful, efficient and up to the mark. Never had to get a GPs letter only agreed that my GP may be contacted. Therefore no idea what happens re medical enquiries until the other day when it was necessary to get a Consultants referral letter from the practice. The third item on the list of lurgies said Shotgun Certificate Renewal. So it would seem that GPs are being contacted by A&S.
  3. Bobba

    The Railway Man

    I came across a similar mindset when diving the wrecks of the Japanese fleet in Truk Lagoon (Chuuk State) Micronesia. The Japanese had occupied / colonised Micronesia since about the 1920's I believe and made it a military base and safe harbour before the war. The Americans gave it a good bashing in Operation Hailstone in 1944 The wrecks are not treated as war graves and local divers have many artefacts and personal effects and remains which could be repatriated but will not be because no apology has ever been made for what took place during the occupation. Conversely Japanese university students and researchers have been there investigating Coral bleaching. Seemingly they were welcommed on the basis that it wasn't them that caused the problems but their predecessors.
  4. Hopefully those affected will report the breach to the appropriate authorities for investigation. Stiff penalties for the data holders if they are proved to have mishandled personal date.
  5. Shooting Egg, we both seem to be lucky enough that it remains an achievable choice for both of us. But the point I was trying to make was the perception that by comparison with average wages it remains a rich mans sport, despite the benefits it brings to local communities. Sadly, given this gap, the anti's will continue to exploit the rich mans sport and, given the comparisons I made, I do not know how this perception can be overcome. ATB
  6. I do recognise the point you are making but it begs the question about how many pub visits you'd skip or other sacrifices you'd make to shoot pheasant / grouse. For example, on Dawney Estates, Yorkshire. There, their 2020 est prices (Aug / Sept) for 125 brace day is £23,250 per day, 8 guns, £2,900 each. It therefore remains the case that for those on the "average" annual salary in the Bristol area of £35k it equates to one month's salary before deductions. For those on the minimum wage of £8.72/hr it equates to about 320 hours or 2 months pay. For those in that position the headline figure £2900 will always make it an exclusive rich mans sport and cloud out the employment and other benefits it brings to those in the rural community, many of whom, likewise, are living on the minimum wage. To my mind the price v income gap comparison can never be bridged.......... Sadly.
  7. Bobba

    The Railway Man

    My fathers first cousin was in the army and captured at the fall of Singapore. He was forced to work on "the railway" (as he put it). He never discussed it only but to refer to "cruelty" in a general way. When my mother died we found in her paperwork photos and letters he sent to her following his release. Some very moving words about how kind the nurses were: the strange comfort of pyjamas and sleeping in a bed: tea with milk and sugar and his surprise when the hardened skin on the soles of his feet finally fell off. A few years back my wife traced his son and we sent the the docs to him where we felt they should be. One of our sons lives and works in Singapore and we have visited Changi Chapel and Museum a number of times. Extremely moving. There's a moving citation in one of the visitors books from a veteran along the lines that"when a soldier is shot and is dying the two things he calls for are his mother and God" Like AVB we too have attended Remembrance Day service at Kranji War Cemetary in Singapore and Commonwealth War Graves in the region. The CWG Cemetary in Yangon (Rangoon) has an astonishing amount of headstones with bravery awards. Was it coincidence that the film was shown in the week of VJ Day? That aside, I did find the BBC coverage of the remembrance ceremony this morning very moving with the veterans there with ages ranging from 92 yrs to over 100 yrs. Still proud to be there. And so they should be.
  8. Great offer. PM sent. Really appreciated. Bob Thank you one and all for the advice. At least we were on the right track. I will have to get my son to invest in cool coats.
  9. It's that time of year again when we babysit our grandchildrens border terrier. She's 10 yrs old. No known health problems and groomed / sheared in the last 2 wks. Yeasterday the heat was unbearable for all. All day we had all back doors open into an enclosed back garden and she wandered around as in previous years. Suddenly, last night about 2030, she pointed her nose upwards, started panting like a steam train, rapid trembling, and in a very agitated fashion jumped up on the sofa and started to scratch at the cushions as if burying a bone. Mrs B suspected possible heat problems so we soaked a towel in cold water and enveloped her in the towel, gently reassuring her. After about 20 mins or so she calmed and was gently panting. After about another 10 mins all was calm. At about 2300 a minor repeat of the symptoms. Again wet towel and matters stabilised. To keep an eye on her we put a sheet on our bed and, exceptionally let her sleep there. Today it's a lot cooler and she's fine. So, advice from the dog community please. From my description were we right to suspect heat problems? Did we take the right corrective action? And, heaven forbid, should this recur is there anything else we should/could have done? Many thanks.
  10. Those who fought on the beaches of France in yesteryear today have to pay for their TV licence. Those who arrive from France today get their licence for free and get a house to watch it in.
  11. Like you, my sporting future looks ltd. 77yrs in Sept, 2nd hip about to be done. Keep soldiering on until common sense says stop. We seem to agree on a number of things. Not least of which is disagreeing with the last few posts. There are statements like "read GL comply, carry on" but no attempt has been made by the authors of such statements to explain how, in their view, having read the GL, that taking a pot shot at a solo bird in the example you quoted (i.e. not decoying over standing crops or stubble) they comply with the conditions of the GL. In particular the condition "when this licence can be used". Sadly, it seems to be the case that there are none so blind as those who will not see.
  12. Just watched the candidate speak absolute common sense on BBC Breakfast just now. Diane Abbot 😂😂😂 Boy, what carp.
  13. Hi Terry. I agree absolutely with what you say. However, in the hypothetical example quoted by Wymberley I was giving an opinion on my reading of the GLs. Neither of us is unsure. We are both confident in our respective opinions. So, you will take the shot. I will not. Good luck ATB. Bob.
  14. The 50% is up to a maximum of £10 and it came as a pleasant surprise when this week we ventured out for the first time and it came off of our bill. We were glad we chose the early seating option because despite good distances between tables we didn't feel too comfortable as the restaurant started to fill up. A personal thing I suspect.
  15. Interesting. Thank you. In cases of differing points of view I am always reminded of a meeting I once attended armed with an opinion paper prepared by an eminent QC. I drew this to the attention of the Chairman. The wise old goat said Mr B, we could put one question to ten lawyers and lock them in a room for an hour after which they would come out with ten different answers! It about sums it up really.
  16. Hi Terry, to my mind these words are the crux of the matter because, in my view, the example proposed by Wymberley is different, I guesse we'll agree to disagree. Good shooting. V quiet my way. Too much being cut all at once. Too much choice. ATB Bob
  17. With respect Terry I think you've applied my response to the wrong Question. I was not responding to the opening Q raised by "Tigger got stitches" in 2019 which you have quoted. I was responding to the Q posed by Wymberley last Tues(who I mistakenly confused with Charlie T) where Wymberley posed the Q that if you're out shooting squirrels / rabbits and a pigeon / crow flies by and you take a pot shot at it and drop it are you committing an offence?. For the reasons I have stated we share the view that there is the risk of being charged with an offence. I would be interested in your view on Wymberley's Question. As to the original 2019 Q " can we or can we not shoot over stubble under GL36" I am of the same view as most on here that the answer is yes.
  18. Many thanks. Yes, as you say, we do need to be careful on this one. I do hope the new GLs will not be too prescriptive, probably wishful thinking. Grockle !!!! I lived in a Cornish village for three years and when I left they said "for an emmet you're not bad" An honour. It didn't spoil me. I still have my cream on first.
  19. enfieldspares - understood, many thanks.
  20. Hi. Many thanks. Your post I was responding to was the one I copied, which was a response to my post. I did indeed note the Smiley. But I couldn't fathom out from that whether you were in agreement or otherwise with my interpretation. Hence my request for enlightenment. So, what is your view on my interpretation? Incidentally, having raised the Q Charlie T is rather quiet. Perhaps he's waiting quietly in the wings to see how people respond.
  21. Hi, not sure what to make of your cryptic comment. Are you able to enlighten me further? Thanks.
  22. I am not an engineer so would you explain to me please the difference between alteration of a fixed choke and converting fixed chokes to multi chokes. I ask because when Nigel Teague (pre retirement) converted by fixed choke Miroku 20 bore to multi choke it was certainly reproofed. Many thanks.
  23. Do you have a link please which could show why the case was dropped. Thanks.
  24. Thought I was recording it only to find that my recorder had gone tits up and locked frozen. Switch on/off at mains. Ok now but no recording. Thank goodness for smart TVs and BBC iPlayer
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