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Everything posted by Bobba

  1. Bobba


    in case you don’t know. Cannot find this before on PW . Apologies if a repeat WhatsApp has changed its group settings to include “everyone” by default so people you don’t know can add you to a group without your knowing. These people may include scam messages, loan Sharks, etc. You can change its default settings as follows: 1. Go to WhatsApp: 2. Go into Settings 3. Go to Account 4. Go to Privacy 5. Go to Groups 6. Change from (Everyone) to (My Contacts)
  2. Very small black cable ties work well
  3. I too, in general, am a supporter of the police. That said, I do feel, however, that from time to time some lose sight of The Peeler (or, Pelian) principles.
  4. Bobba

    Security scam ?

    I do not recall having to provide a mobile No when I joined. Mind you, I am forgetful! If that remains the case then it begs the questions how did someone get your No and, at the same time, know you’re a member of PW?
  5. On the same tack, it’s getting iffy as a pedestrian here in Bristol with e-scooters. No e-scooters should ride the pavements, but they do. When challenged the Police spokesperson said they do spot checks when on patrol. What patrols? We’ve not seen police patrols in our area for decades. E-scooter riders are aware of this and carry on regardless.
  6. Bristol is a trial city for e-scooters but only the pink coloured hire company ones are legal. However there are plenty of private black coloured private ones which are illegal on public highways. if you think cyclists are a problem wait until you’re confronted by e-scooters. They come at you from all angles, ride on pavements, sometimes two / three abreast chatting away. Some riders look like kids not old enough to have a provisional or full licence. It’s thought that in some cases the parents hire them. And yes, they do need a licence as stated on the .gov website. I’m in the process of changing cars. Like my old car the new one will have a dash cam for my own peace of mind and e scooters
  7. Bobba


    I bought my Mk 60 20 bore Gd1 in 2009. It was 1/4 and 3/4 fixed choke and came in a cardboard box!! I immediately had it multi choked and it was reproofed.by Nigel Teague. On inspection there are no "fleur de lis" stamps. Like Scully, I've shot HP steel through it over the years with no detrimental effect. It's my gun of choice. Always has been. Buy it and enjoy it.
  8. No, No, No. People may be prepared to pay the extra few quid but those charities would become government departments. They would be reliant on Treasury funding. But the Treasury is full of suits whose only aim in life is to cut funding under the guise of “efficiency gains” Ha Ha. The end result would be ex-charities having to do more and more with less and less until they become ineffective and the public dissatisfied with their service. Let charities be free of control of the Whitehall despots
  9. Brian Rix Whitehall Farces. On stage, careering in and out of doors. A bit like politics. As for decorations it goes with the job. Didn’t John Bercow spend silly amounts on the Speakers appartment?
  10. Inconsiderate joggers who believe they have right of way on pavements and footpaths and refuse to detour around pedestrians forcing the pedestrians to step aside. Jogging on pavements and public footpaths should be banned. Joggers should train at the gym.
  11. Bobba

    Dead Fox

    Did any of the autopsies ever identify any badgers shot first then flattened afterwards?
  12. Almost as good as the Cottingley Fairies 😭
  13. On BBC S West news this morning it was reported that one part of the proposed Bill to which the protesters objected was making Trespass a criminal offence. The view of the protesters is that it is their legal right to Trespass !!!
  14. One of my permissions was suffering this problem and also installed locks. Portable angle grinders destroyed them on a regular basis. Heavy duty drop bars ( that drop into the ground) had to be installed. There was one unsuccessful attempt to grind off the locks. No troubles since then.
  15. As I understand it, Only the Executors to the estate can decide what is going to happen to the guns. They should inform the licensing authority that issued the SGC and apply for a temporary permit Sn 7 Firearms Act 1968. Poss 6 mth cert to give time for decisions on what to do with shotguns
  16. Bobba


    Yup. Sit down for a tinny and a sandwich and then having to turn the telly off to avoid feeling depressed.
  17. Bobba


    There are ones I really dislike. At certain times of the day we're inundated with Funeral plans, Funeral Insurance, Equity Release. At the times of day when the silver surfer wrinkley brigade are watching and at the coronavirus peak when people are dying. Talk about playing on peoples fears.
  18. As I have little knowledge on cartridge construction so could somebody help me out please on the above? My limited understanding suggests to me that if you have a 28gram 6 shot cartridge then it contains 28 grams of lead shot sized 6. It seems to me therefore that if a 20 bore cartridge and 12 bore cartridge are each described as 28 gram 6 shot then they will both have the same amount of lead shot i.e 28 grams of size 6 lead pellets. So, how can an equivalent 12 bore cartridge have more pellets than the 20 bore? Thanks.
  19. I have had a Miroku 20 bore for many many years and it's my gun of choice (I also have Beretta SP 12 bore and a .410). When I bought the Miroku and a slab of cartridges I commented then on the fact that the cartridges were yellow. I was told that this is to make them stand out against 12 bore cartridges (which, presumably, are not yellow) so that you do not inadvertently drop a 20 bore down the barrel of a 12 bore where it will disappear out of sight and then put a 12 bore behind it and fire. Whether this is an urban myth or not I really wouldn't know. But I certainly wouldn't like to try it out. That said, only this week I was speaking with a mate in the gun club. He said that between lock downs he was on a pheasant shoot and somebody actually did slot a 20 bore cartridge in a 12 bore followed by a 12 bore cartridge with major consequences. A visit to Bath RUH and the loss of a number of fingers. Fortunately no facial damage. The gun was wrecked. I have reason to doubt his word. If there's a moral here it's not to carry both cartridges when using the 12 bore. Since being given that explanation many moons ago I can genuinely say that I only shoot one gun an outing. No mix and match.
  20. Thanks. Agreed, as to the hearing aid itself. But the additional digital functions I am looking for are the wire / mini speakers to the ears as opposed to tubes, and, the bluetooth pairing to the TV. Sadly, neither are seemingly available on the NHS aids. Hence my original query. At least we have an audiology service on the NHS. I was told by the NHS audiologist that in the ROI those who are acutely deaf - which significantly / adversely effects their way of life / work - they are dealt with by the state. For those with just hearing impairment they are given a voucher to cash in at a commercial supplier as a contribution towards the cost of their hearing aids. He was of the view that there are "those" (whoever "those" are?) who are looking at NHS cost / staff savings and are looking at a similar system here. Privatisation by the back door?
  21. A quick google search looked promising. Download and print off?
  22. Thanks Westley, What Loop system do you have please? Not so silly at all. I think I will also explore Bluetooth headphones. The added advantage is that with headphones on I wouldn't be able to hear Mrs B when she speaks to me......... :-)
  23. Advice welcomed please from those with any experience of digital hearing aids and streaming TV programme audio from TV to hearing aids Via Bluetooth. Currently I have two NHS supplied aids with telecoil loop. NHS will not retune them for another 18 mths as it is a three year interval between consultations. This also affects my TV enjoyment as volume control has to balance the needs of both Mr and Mrs B. I’ve tried one of those neck loop digital devices plugged in to the TV optical output but it was pants. The NHS does not provide digital hearing aids and so I am considering purchase. I understand that using an appropriate App you can stream TV sound and adjust volume to personal needs. In addition you can get wired mini speaker type things into the ear, as opposed to conventional tubes, and this eliminates the “echo” sound from the tube system. In addition to Bluetooth, the TV does support sound out from both TV speakers and optical output simultaneously. So, before I let some sales person posing as an audiologist try to sell me something I may not need I thought I would consult PW colleagues for their views. Thanks in advance. Bob
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